Reviews from

Return To Concorde Valley

Viewing comments for Chapter 34 "Journey to Nyx"
Fantasy based on the intersection of two worlds.

14 total reviews 
Comment from rspoet
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Rhonda,
This an informative chapter in many ways. We learn of the strength
and weakness of the gods, and where power lies. And we learn much about Hermes too. A Sunday school teacher? I think all on Mount Olympus (Olympia) will be surprised to learn that, including Hermes himself.
Theo has much to learn also, even about his half brother.

I guess Hermes, the messenger, has absorbed a great deal over the centuries.
We'll see how clever he is when they meet the Nyx twins. Theo will need a desirable gift to win their cooperation.

You even got the internet in there. Hopefully not Tic Toc, X and the other wastelands of misinformation.

Excellent chapter, my friend. I look forward to meeting the Nyx Brothers.


PS You spelled Nyx in the story, but Nix in the notes.

 Comment Written 16-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for the six stars, my friend. I do tend to mess with mythology, and kind of did the Sunday School teacher thing as a nod to my father, who was my first muse. He loved throwing in contrasts and would have loved that line.
    I also wanted to add in the, don?t judge a book by its cover, aspect.

    Couldn?t resist the jab at the Internet. This chapter was all about changing the tone for a bit as it was pretty intense in the tunnels, and will get that way again. I also wanted to dump some info I?ll use later.

    Thanks, again, for the comments and six stellar stars! Oh, and thanks for catching Nix.

    Take care,
Comment from Daylily
This work has reached the exceptional level

I love how well you knit everything together so well. The tapestry being woven is spectacular. I always look forward to your next posting in this wonderful story. :-)

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Lily, you are precious!!! Thank you for the stars and commentary. I'm so glad it's working for you,
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"We've been traipsing through these rocks" Thanks for teaching me a new word--traipsing.
Geez, gods that are scared/skeptical of the internet--how backward. Wonder what they'll think of AI. LOL
And Greek gods that can quote the Bible?? Wouldn't Jehovah and Jesus be, like, rivals to them?
Another humorously interesting episode, well-crafted, as usual.

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Hi, my friend. Yes, these gods, or some of them, have changed with the times, and were as touched by the life of Jesus as many of the Romans and Pharisees. I'm trying to add a bit of that flavor in as I weave the story. It's like, where are those gods now? How have they progressed? Also, remember Hermes is the Messenger god. Sort of out of business with the internet, lol. That's his rival.

    Thank you so much. I love messing with Greek Mythology and go for thinking outside the box.
    Take care,
Comment from Pam (respa)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Great artwork and story to go with it, Rhonda. I liked the slower pace of this one since there has been a lot of action going on. It was nice to see Theo sharing with his Hermes. The dialogue between the two is very good, and we learn about each of their characters and how they approach things. It is also a time for Theo to try and get answers about those things that are new to him in the way of leadership and what he is up against with Hades. But primary in his mind is Echo, and others might not see that as a priority, but he does.

I also like their discussion about the internet, showing that Theo is more up to date in that area, and Hermes not so much. We also learn that Hermes teaches Sunday School, and Theo is surprised by that. The story Hermes tells about Heracles and the twin brothers is very good, as well as the concluding section about who is left to try and rescue Echo. It is like stories within a story. Very well done, my friend.

 Comment Written 15-May-2024

reply by the author on 15-May-2024
    Pam, thank you so much for the six stars and the detailed response. You nailed the purposes behind this chapter. I needed an emotion break from the seriousness of the last few chapters. Also needed some background information for Theo, and so we could see multiple dimensions of Hermes. I may do one more chapter in this setting before returning to the catacombs.

    I threw in the internet just because it's part of the current society, and Theo would have explored it when a part of the outside world.

    Thanks again,
reply by Pam (respa) on 15-May-2024
    You are very welcome and deserving of the stars and review, Rhonda. I appreciate your reply. I agree about Theo and the internet.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Theo and Hermes are riding to the rescue by asking help from Thanatos and Hypnos, but they don't seem in a hurry. They need to have a plan how to get help, but they don't seem to have figured out one yet.

 Comment Written 14-May-2024

reply by the author on 15-May-2024
    Hi Carol,
    Thank you for your review. The next chapter will focus in on the mission more than the background as they make contact.
    Take care,
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so embarrassed, Rhonda, again I've used all my sixes without realising it. I'm not sure if my brain is going to the dogs! This really does deserve the exceptional rating, you've given us so much in this chapter. Next week, I won't give out any sixes until after you've posted!!!!

I loved the light-hearted banter between Theo and Hermes, and learning that Hermes teaches Sunday School!! Wow, that was a surprise. There is so much to mention, like Hermes challaging Hercules to an arm wrestle! Lol. I can't believe he thought he might win. I loved the outcome too. He must stop flirting with other mens/god's women! LOL. Brilliant chapter, my friend, amazing writing, and a treat to read. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 14-May-2024

reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    Oh Sandra, you are too sweet! I run out of stars all the time, and I so appreciate hearing from you at all!!
    You really captured where I was going with this chapter. Hermes ends up being a very complex character, which is good for Theo who, as a future king, must handle a broad range of people. Added to that is that the least of people shall lead?
    Also, I will try to post sooner, lol. I was struggling with the poem and it put me behind.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 14-May-2024
    I can understand that, Rhonda, without our mums, who were always there for us, we feel a tremendous hole in our lives. Just remember, every time you mention her name, every time you you think of her, she is right there beside you. xxx
reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    Awww, that is so sweet. Thank you so much!!
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story is moving along at a good pace. Each chapter proves more interesting than the previous one. I look forward to the next addition to your story.

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    Thank you so much for the review and comments! I?m glad the chapters are getting more interesting. While I wrote it as a bit of emotional relief after the intensity with Hades, there was also lots of background needed for future chapters.
Comment from lyenochka
This work has reached the exceptional level

Now that's a mindboggling concept to have Hermes teach Sunday School. I liked his Scripture quote and I also liked the jab at the unreliability of internet sources. But my favorite part of this scene is how Hermes, of all people, was able to open Theo's eyes about the unknown depths of people he thought he knew. Hermes was more than what he seems to be superficially and Georgios is also much more that he knew of him. Maybe Georgios should be made king of Concord Valley?

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Hi Helen,
    Thank you so much for the six stars, my friend. They were most welcomed!!
    I was trying to show with Hermes, that people can be redeemed from their checkered past, and that some people have more depth than they seem on the surface. I'm glad you picked up on that part.
    There will be more about him later.

    Georgios will resurface soon, and will explain why he doesn't want to be king, leaving that, instead to his younger brother. Once more, I'm glad you noticed his larger part in the story than seemed at first.
    I added the part about the internet because it often leads people down awful paths if they aren't careful.

    Thanks again,
reply by lyenochka on 13-May-2024
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine Chapter, Rhonda----and Hermes ain't kidding about the Internet, some people believe everything the read on the net and a lot of it is delusion of the writer. Look at where society is, thanks to a tool that should help us, but it's divided us fatally

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Hi Mike, thank you for reviewing this chapter. Also, I'm glad you caught the part about the internet and how people can use it to manipulate. I started to go more into it, but figured you could read into it. You did. Yay!!
    Take care,
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Rhonda, I loved this chapter and with all its historical facts. Now, as I see it, we are in between chapters here. I hope the next challenge will be to find Echo. A big hug , Ulla xcx

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Hi Ulla,
    Thank you for the six stars and for the comments!! Yes, it's an in between chapter for building suspense and for giving some background for what is coming in the next chapter or 2.