Reviews from

Adult Education

How Christian bookworms learn about the birds and the bees

19 total reviews 
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't know if I really buy the fact that this is your way of showing faith or finding the Bible exciting. Yes, what you say is true but the way you expressed it with some of your words are degrading as your acrostic comes acrostic as not very sensitive to what the Israel people are going through. I just don't get why anyone would use the terms and phrases and the picture is obviously not biblical. When it is all said and done, if that is how you would get someone to come read the Bible because that shows it's not boring, then obviously you find the part that matters not worth reading. Either way, it is not for me to say, but I doubt this is one Jesus would be proud of and approve of.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    Debi! Thanks first off for separating your rating from your opinion. Two other people (not here) told me they found it objectionable; props for speaking up and it's good we are having this discussion. I'm not supposed to defend my piece but, why not? I wrote it.

    I do find these stories in the Bible exciting and crazy. Don't you? The contest really didn't clarify whether this piece was about the Bible or about faith, and I embraced that ambiguity.

    Arguments I challenge:
    -the Jews are going through a hard time is this #toosoon? I don't take a strong partisan position on the current conflict. Israel will always be in conflict and it's in the US interest to support stability in the region by supporting them. Jews reportedly did exactly to Palestinians (in the 50s under Menachem Begin) what Palestinians did last October, and then they ELECTED THAT SAME GUY to be their prime minister for quite a few years. That's kind of like voting for Saddam Hussein. I get it that Begin and Netanyahu have lost family members, but let's not pretend they or the Israel nation are saints. Accountability is good. Punish all the rapists. Israel seems to be doing alright with their revenge so far, though not so well with controlling the narrative.

    -the picture isn't Biblical? It's a cartoon depiction of Jael with a hammer, which is how she saved the day. Did she have a t-shirt in English with her name on it, warning the commander what would happen if he Netflixed and chilled with her? I'll defer to the Bible historians on that. She was probably older than Mary. My point is, she used her feminine powers to disarm the enemy of her nation and whack him. She's as much of a badass as Ehud, and she is not a victim. What would be distasteful I think would be to have a picture of Dinah or the OTHER Tamar (David's daughter) who were both victims of rape. They definitely got their revenge though, through their brothers.

    -Jesus wouldn't approve of X? Jesus was (according to text) descended from Leah (a blind date rapist, no pun intended), Tamar (a prostitute), Rahab (a prostitute), and Ruth (not a prostitute, but pretty sexually aggressive if you read the text carefully). Jesus hanged out with prostitutes and prevented one from being stoned. What does he say to the woman at the well? If this piece shows up in my judgement day VHS though, I will admit "yeah, Debi warned me".

    -if you like this, then obviously you don't find that other part worth reading. Alright, THIS part of what you wrote I have to take on full force. Is this scripture, or is it not scripture? Are you prepared to see teenage males leave your church because they were fed a castrated version of the Bible? Do you accept 2 Tim 3:16? (Which is referring to the Old Testament, which this is)

    Arguments I can consider:
    We're not in the Old Testament any more, and you're over promoting certain passages

    Yes. I decided to bring some variety. This one piece is not here as an alter call to recruit foreigners to the faith, and I mainly wrote it to entertain myself, so guilty as charged. But it is here in part also to teach something. Faith is about a lot more than what one says, and encompasses a historical contest and tradition, which I tried to provide here. Writing a lecture or using an acrostic to talk about Jesus holding my hand just isn't my style. I'm gonna poke fun of Mohammed next and I want to play fair and even : )

    Thanks again for your comments,

reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 18-Mar-2024
    I only care about one thing. And that is my words always honor my God and Jesus Christ. I am not perfect, but I don't purposely belittle or use blasphemy to impress others. Be careful because the disrespect you show today could come back to bite you tomorrow.
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    Re: blasphemy: you just referred to "God and Jesus Christ" as separate, which is counter to most Christian creeds. Can you clarify?
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 18-Mar-2024
    Yes, I know they are part of the holy trio, but. I do pray to them separately.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 18-Mar-2024
    Harambe, I mean no disrespect to you. I just know what is expected of us as Christian's and it scares me how so many reinvent it as time goes by. You are a friend, and like I said it isn't personal. Actually it is me worrying about my friends.
    Why don't we just agree to disagree.
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    Got it! I appreciate that you care enough to speak up. 🦍
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! This is quite different from the others i've read....very creative! I'm not someone who studies the bible, so your notes really help in that respect. Very best of luck in the contest. :)

 Comment Written 17-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    Thank you! Yeah that Ezekiel passage is about as graphic as it gets in the Bible, though there's plenty more where that came from!
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This bible acrostic, Adult Education, using BIBLICAL SEXUAL EDUCATION as a proper formatting and reminds the readers that there was a lot of "begatting" going on between the sheets of the Bible.

 Comment Written 17-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    😂 you got that right! Thanks a bunch Bill.
Comment from Christina Kinney
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a very interesting take on faith and belief.

It was very well written and created visual and written imagery.

Very intriguing piece of writing and one of my new favourites

 Comment Written 17-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2024
    Thank you very much Christina for the kind remarks and killer rating! Much appreciated.
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not really sure how to review this... I'm only going to say that the photo peaked my interest while scanning the front page, then I was able to get a chuckle from your acrostic.

Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Thank you very much, John! Yeah this piece is pretty out there.
Comment from teafor2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Unknown bard, with the Biblical references in your notes front and center
and with respect to your personal discernment for/of education, I can't in
clear conscious find any criticism of your conformity to the writing prompt and this viable contest entry...Reader(s) warned...Good luck. teafor2

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Thank you very much for the fair comments and fine rating, teafor2!
reply by teafor2 on 17-Mar-2024
    You are welcome. teafor2
Comment from Monica Chaddick
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very interesting take on the contest. I found it to be a very well written piece. I liked the artwork, as well as the font and colors that you chose. I wish you the best of luck in this and all future endeavors.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Thank you very much Monica!
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I'll say this is NOT the sort of entry I normally see in "Bible" contests, but you've exercised your poetic license and explained your intent well.
I suppose body shaming was always a "thing" and thus "ugly" would pertain.

Ezekiel 23:49 continues:

"You will suffer the penalty for your lewdness and bear the consequences of your sins of idolatry. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord."

Sins are not without consequences.


 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Thanks Karenina! If there's an adjective that fits better than "ugly", which is just the first working U word that popped into my head, I'm all ears. Underage or ulcerated sounded worse.

    Yeah, what happens to the two sisters isn't pretty (I linked to the entire chapter so interested folks can see). Jezebel got off way better. Of course these two sisters are merely an allegory. Jesus' actual descendants Tamar, Rahab and Ruth did some pretty crazy stuff which they were rewarded for. It helps to be on the right side of God's chosen people!

    So yeah this piece mixes the good, bad and ugly into a moral hodgepodge which it already is, and commends the go-get-em attitude of these women in the same spirit in which their stories are told, rather than being a modern indictment based on Christian ethics, which are totally different. Ultimately I had an acrostic to fill out so I picked the words that fit easiest over being theologically consistent, in service of a theme. I hope I didn't disappoint too many of my loyal fans : )

    Thanks again for the comments and for adding to the discussion.
reply by karenina on 16-Mar-2024
    No disappointment at all. A rather tongue in cheek reference to the consantcy of body shaming...

    But, since you asked, I'd offer: unabashed, unapologetic, undaunted,
    undeterred, unchaste, unrelenting,

    Picking the easiest word in an acrostic is fine.

    I was interested in your theme and wanted to engage...
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Unchaste is good; Unbridled is even better! Thank you; that's a killer suggestion. I just changed it.
reply by karenina on 16-Mar-2024
    Woo Hoo!

    That does seem to work!

Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A good entry for the Bible Acrostic poetry writing prompt. This brought an unexpected twist to the challenge. We often forget just how saucy the Bible can be. This was a good reminder and fun to read. Good luck.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Thanks very much Marilyn for the kind words!
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The Bible is filled with examples of sexual politics used to either further the needs of certain characters or get them out of harm's way. The original Hebrew scriptures are especially rife with examples of this. It is my belief that before Jesus' arrival things were a little more loose and less restrictive sexually speaking.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2024
    Wisely spoken. In a lot of the early more salacious stories, there was no law governing how things worked, though there was likely a fair bit of tradition and expectation. Thank you Nomi.