Reviews from


2D Acrostic on Flowers

13 total reviews 
Comment from Saki the Artist
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amazing. This is a great example of constrained poetry that simply checks all the boxes.

Tiny correction suggestion: you may want to capitalize "lithe" and "outlooks" just for consistency.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Saki, Only capitalized the first downward line, first horizontal line and the first letter of the last word in the lines to spell out Flowers for the Acrostic. :o) I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and felt I did a good job! Thanks for the great review! :o)
Comment from bob cullen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry, I don't have a six. This really is as good as anything I've ever seen on this site. In one word, it is sheer brilliance. It must have taken forever to come up with the idea and a thousand times longer to establish and then maintain that pattern. I salute your creativity and I thank the Lord you weren't teaching my class when I was at school.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2024
    Hi Bob, I can' take credit for creating the 2D Acrostic, it was done by the contest creator. When I saw the contest I wanted to try it out. I've done Acrostics before but never like this. I'm glad you felt I did a good job. Thank you so much for the awesome review!
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautifully written poetry: each letter of flower spread on top of the poem, then the letters of flower displayed on the sides. It takes creativity to think of drafting a poem like this~

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2024
    Hi Rosemary, It wasn' easy but I was determined to get it! Thank you so much for the lovely review!
Comment from Lisasview
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just love love love how you did this 2D Acrostic Challenge... I really do need to try day..
I wish you the very best of luck in the contest...
Lisasview, now in Spain and loving it.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2024
    Hi Lisa, I've done regular Acrostics but this was the first time I came across one like this! LOL Glad that you thought the work I put into it paid off! Thank you for the great review and contest wishes!
reply by Lisasview on 28-Feb-2024
    You are always welcome,
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This This 2D acrostic, FLOWERS, has the proper formatting and even more than was asked, as you display the many ways we may consider flowers in our experiences.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2024
    Hi Bill, I read and re-read the instructions so I could format the poem right. I know some people in the contest didn't get that and wrote a regular Acrostic. I'm thrilled you felt I got it right and enjoyed the poem. Thank you so much!
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

wow. You really put some work into this one. Very nicely done. I might have been able to get the letters in order but my poem wouldn't make any sense lol. This must've been a challenge. Good luck in the contest

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2024
    Hi Marilyn, It wasn't easy to find the right words so I had my dictionary right by my side. I was determined to make this poem as pretty as I could. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the great review! :o)
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A clever and beautiful 2D acrostic, and the thought and care you put into your entry is clear. It was a pleasure to read. Best wishes for your entry.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2024
    Hi Wendy, I so wanted the beauty of flowers to be plainly shown within the poem. I had to have a dictionary by my side to find the right words! Thank you for the great review and contest wishes!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This looks like a very complicated form to write in and I am amazed how you have achieved it here for the contest. I wish you luck with this fine poem of personification of flowers, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2024
    Hi Dolly, It was complicated so I kept my dictionary by my side! LOL When you're restricted by the words you can write you need all the help you can get! Thank you for the wonderful review! :o)
Comment from teafor2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Unknown bard, without your detailed explanatory notes, this would have been nearly impossible "for me" to decipher...And I love acrostics of all kinds, but this one is new to me, so kudos for introducing yours truly to another poetic experience. There were some tongue twisting phrases had by me as I navigated thru this intricate maze. Thank for an entertaining
read. Good luck in the contest. teafor2

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2024
    Hi teafor2, I only followed the instructions of the creator. I wanted to put the instructions in to make sure I understood how to create the Acrostic. I wanted to get it right. The creator felt I did, so I was very pleased. I'm glad the instructions guided you thru the reading of the poem. Thank you for the wonderful review! :o)
reply by teafor2 on 26-Feb-2024
    And Thanks to the "creator" as well:)
Comment from Harambe is ur Daddy
This work has reached the exceptional level

A 7x7! This plants (no pun intended) your entry in the top tier of difficulty in this contest. I think the most creative thing you did here was "Sensational Fragrances Leviatate Olfactories".

I like your first line best simply because it is the most accessible, and provides a clear and welcoming introduction to the piece.

Some points of style:

-The word "observations" appears twice. It would look better I think if you changed the second instance to "observers", which might be what you actually intended

-leviatate => levitate, unless it is spelled differently in another version of English with which I am unaware

-be careful not to overuse modified verbs as nouns (enchantment resonates, revelations seduce) simply because they project as passive voice and might confuse or intimidate the casual reader

Waxing Enthralling <= I'm sure you would have liked to use "with" instead but had already used it. Perhaps find a way to use the word "when", either here or in that other spot; this might make your conclusion a little smoother.

Now that you have demonstrated an exceptional ability to operate with this format, the next level of challenge - should you choose to accept it - is to tell entire stories with it. This can sometimes actually be easier. When I started these I used a thesaurus very heavily. That reliance pushed me towards larger, more esoteric words, which at times are needed. Stories often require more use of smaller words, and can elevate the writing beyond its strict form. In the next 2D contest we will raise the level of challenge, and I very much hope you will join in!

Thanks for your exceptional effort in this difficult contest,

Harambe (for President)

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2024
    Hi Harambe, Thank you so much for the six star review! I am deeply honored because you were the creator of this contest! I so appreciate your helpful notes. I do plan to enter more 2D Acrostic contests but not sure about entering a story. I'm more of a poet. :o) The fact that you thought that I did an exceptional job with the acrostic means a lot! :o)