Always hopeful.19 total reviews
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Very nice image and presentation.
-Your notes are appreciated.
-You wrote a good poem with a good topic
and do a good job with your descriptions.
-You allow the reader to visualize the each scene.
-It is organized like a story would be, setting the
scene with the rain and gulls; having some tea
or chowder because it is cold from the rain.
-Of course, you will wait for Catherine!
-Well done and creative.
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
-Very nice image and presentation.
-Your notes are appreciated.
-You wrote a good poem with a good topic
and do a good job with your descriptions.
-You allow the reader to visualize the each scene.
-It is organized like a story would be, setting the
scene with the rain and gulls; having some tea
or chowder because it is cold from the rain.
-Of course, you will wait for Catherine!
-Well done and creative.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
Thank you, Pam, for your insight and time. It's much appreciated.
You are very welcome.
Comment from Navada
I like the way you've interpreted the visual image with a series of short, sharp observations creating an overall backstory. It also captures the sadness of a tourist destination affected by bad weather - something we've probably all experienced.
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
I like the way you've interpreted the visual image with a series of short, sharp observations creating an overall backstory. It also captures the sadness of a tourist destination affected by bad weather - something we've probably all experienced.
Comment Written 10-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
Thank you, Navada, for your insight and time. It is much appreciated.
Comment from LateBloomer
Hello Yardier, I enjoyed reading your poem, and I could relate as i live in Ocean County, NJ--a beach tourist area. Of special note:
(Sounds like a smart decision)
Well done. This poem made me smile. Margaret ~ LateBLoomer
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
Hello Yardier, I enjoyed reading your poem, and I could relate as i live in Ocean County, NJ--a beach tourist area. Of special note:
(Sounds like a smart decision)
Well done. This poem made me smile. Margaret ~ LateBLoomer
Comment Written 09-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2024
Thank you very much, Margaret. I'm pleased you enjoyed the theme.
Yes, it was a smart decision to wait for Catherine, she took the photo!
Comment from Karen Cherry
An interesting concept. The picture is a work of art in the framing and colors. Your writing is spare but paints a visual all on it's own. Together, I was capitated. Have a good year. Karen
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
An interesting concept. The picture is a work of art in the framing and colors. Your writing is spare but paints a visual all on it's own. Together, I was capitated. Have a good year. Karen
Comment Written 09-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thank you, Karen. I'm pleased the work touched you. I'm having a good year so far, I hope you do as well. Yard
With just about everyone on here suffering some health crisis in either them or their family, I am wishing good health to all.:-) Karen
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
I'm Spanish and I like the name 'Catalina'
I would connect lines to improve the flow... something like this....
watching me drinking HOT TEA with CREAM, or
Well done!
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
I'm Spanish and I like the name 'Catalina'
I would connect lines to improve the flow... something like this....
watching me drinking HOT TEA with CREAM, or
Well done!
"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis
Comment Written 09-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thank you, Gypsy for the pointer. It does flow better. Of course I will have to get Catherine's approval, she took the photo. (;-)
Comment from Annmuma
Without any educated basis for reviewing poetry, I thoroughly enjoyed this poem. The story told was fun, easy to follow and the scene was skillfully set. Good job. ann
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Without any educated basis for reviewing poetry, I thoroughly enjoyed this poem. The story told was fun, easy to follow and the scene was skillfully set. Good job. ann
Comment Written 09-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thank you, Ann. I'm please you enjoyed the read.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Very nice poem with a good visual picture of a rainy day on a supposedly sunny island. Hot tea with cream and a bowl of chowder seem like a lovely way to spend some time with a friend.
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Very nice poem with a good visual picture of a rainy day on a supposedly sunny island. Hot tea with cream and a bowl of chowder seem like a lovely way to spend some time with a friend.
Comment Written 08-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thanks Carol. You are so right. A cool day, a little rain and no crowd makes for a warm time with a friend.
Comment from Thesis
I enjoyed this. It was light, inspiring, and yes - hopeful. You described the scene well, weighed options, and showed possibilities and loyalty in waiting for someone who you hoped would show up. Nicely done.
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
I enjoyed this. It was light, inspiring, and yes - hopeful. You described the scene well, weighed options, and showed possibilities and loyalty in waiting for someone who you hoped would show up. Nicely done.
Comment Written 08-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thank you, Thesis. It was a lucky day on rainy Catalina.
Comment from jim vecchio
This reminded me of my Italian-American heritage. When I was a child, my mom used to greet a kindly old woman who lived near the Church. She called her "Godalina". I asked her how she got a name like that and she explained her name was "Catherina." It seems like I enjoyed the trip to Catlina more than you. I hope Ctherine made it safe!
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
This reminded me of my Italian-American heritage. When I was a child, my mom used to greet a kindly old woman who lived near the Church. She called her "Godalina". I asked her how she got a name like that and she explained her name was "Catherina." It seems like I enjoyed the trip to Catlina more than you. I hope Ctherine made it safe!
Comment Written 08-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
What a wonderful review, Jim. I'm so pleased the poem invoked a wonderful memory. Yes, Catherine did make it safely. She took the photo!
Great to hear this wasn't only a good piece of writing, but that it ended happily!
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Sometimes on the beaches it's best when the other tourists have left. My husband I go to the beaches during the off season. Thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed reading and remembering some of our boardwalk enjoyment.
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Sometimes on the beaches it's best when the other tourists have left. My husband I go to the beaches during the off season. Thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed reading and remembering some of our boardwalk enjoyment.
Comment Written 08-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 09-Jan-2024
Thank you, Barb. My wife and I enjoy less crowded venues too. We got a special winter deal for Catalina island. It couldn't have been any better at all; little rain, few tourists, and photo op's everywhere. My wife took the photo with about a thousand more! She's a photo nut.
BTW, the hot tea idea came from you.