Reviews from

One Man's Calling

Viewing comments for Chapter 76 "One Man's Calling, ch 76"
Following God

12 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do like all your real historical references! And I like the advice Ben gives to the young missionary - a realistic view of the mission. What a cliffhanger to end this post!

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2023
    Thank you. I appreciate your fine review.
Comment from eliz100
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is another excellent chapter. It riveted me from beginning to end. I look forward to the next chapter.I do not see any room for improvement. Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you immensely!
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's always been seemingly obvious to me that you are a big history buff who has spent many hours compiling information you can use in your stories, which makes your writing all the more interesting. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you. I do enjoy putting a little history in for authenticity.
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Even coming into this story part way through, I find it easy to pick up the general drift. Ben is a strongly drawn character, a man of God with a strong work ethic and an uncompromising sense of right and wrong.

Your writing style takes us into the vernacular of the time. I felt transported back to a bygone age with descriptions such as 'He also knew that Beth lost none of her virtue by his looking.'

Only one suggestion. I think The Horn, as a place name, should be capitalised. (a schooner that might have rounded the horn).

A rattling good tale well told. Your cliffhanger ensures a return for more!

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2023
    Thank you. And thank you for the suggestion. I considered capping those, but fell off the wrong side of the fence.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I truly do believe that we can get warnings about houses, places, etc. And I believe that we meet people who need something from us, or we might need something from there from time to time. I know I belong here right now. Good work friend. Keep writing. Karen

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2023
    Thank you for your very kind review.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 04-Dec-2023
    Have a good week. Karen
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 04-Dec-2023
    Thanks, Have a good week. Karen
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My goodness! That was a dramatic ending!! An engaging read throughout and then Wham!! Looking forward to the next chapter. Ben is admirable in his generosity and his ethic for hard work. Beth is admirable in her quiet acceptance of difficult situations.

 Comment Written 03-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2023
    Thank you. As always, I appreciate your review.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ben was very generous when he gave the preacher his entire kit for $400. It is a good thing Ben is observant or the ship would have blown up. Be always has adventures but he has to be careful to fulfill God's plan for him and Beth, because she is also part of the plan.

 Comment Written 03-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
    Thank you. And you are absolutely right.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, Ben is at the right place to one again save a lot of lives. He is willing to work very hard in other to get where God wants him to be. I love the song you shared. It brings back memories from long ago.

 Comment Written 03-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
    Thank you.
    That song never gets old.
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love how Ben always seems to do more than expected of any job he does--like keeping an eye on the guages. If not for that, the boiler would surely explode. Now you've left us with a cliff-hanger because we don't quite know what's going to happen with it. Well done!

Beth really got some further glimpses of how good a man he really is, and her implicit trust in him continues to grow. This was a well written chapter. - Jim

 Comment Written 03-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
    Thank you. I always appreciate your comments.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ben saves the day once again! So, they had difficulty physically walking in Ketchikan because it was not their calling to stay there? They certainly know how to "listen".

I had never heard of the Sultana disaster, but that's the same number of deaths as the Titanic, I believe, or close to it.

Thanks for sharing, Wayne.

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 Comment Written 03-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
    The Sultana didn't get greater press due to the timing.
    Thank you for your kind review.