Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "The Other World P3"This is book two of a trilogy book 1 "Ghost"
18 total reviews
Comment from joann r romei
You really brought the reader into the thoughts and emotions with this chapter, situations like this are never the victims fault, how and why people take advantage of others makes me so angry.
reply by the author on 26-Nov-2024
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You really brought the reader into the thoughts and emotions with this chapter, situations like this are never the victims fault, how and why people take advantage of others makes me so angry.
Comment Written 25-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 26-Nov-2024
Thank you again! I so appreciate this and your comments to her. Wonderful thank you!
Thanks for stopping in and reading very much appreciate it!
Comment from DonandVicki
You put this nightmare pen to paper. I was caught in the horror as I read your true story. This is the stuff of recurring nightmares. Very well written. Don
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reply by the author on 25-Nov-2024
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You put this nightmare pen to paper. I was caught in the horror as I read your true story. This is the stuff of recurring nightmares. Very well written. Don
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Comment Written 25-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2024
Thank you very much for your kind rating. I appreciate that. Thank you for reading as well. I'm always happy when someone stops in and offers comments so thank you very much.I hope you have a great night!
Comment from Rick Gardner
The hardest words I have ever read, I know these assaults occur all to frequently and very little is ever done. This is something you would never believe someone could experience this and live anything close to normal life. Wanting to torture the offender, proverbially cutting off some of their body parts. Bless you for surviving this and can write about what happened.
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2024
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The hardest words I have ever read, I know these assaults occur all to frequently and very little is ever done. This is something you would never believe someone could experience this and live anything close to normal life. Wanting to torture the offender, proverbially cutting off some of their body parts. Bless you for surviving this and can write about what happened.
Comment Written 24-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2024
Thank you, Rick, see a fine review insight, which is very much appreciated by me. I came from the world. We're all I knew what's how to live from monday to the next to avoid the fists that flew and eat when I cook sometimes from the dog food bowl. You see, I knew how to survive. I know nothing about the outside road. Or how to be with people, how to act have to be. My responses do people or either overboard or in different. I just didn't have a clue. But I wouldn't do the world to go, because the alternatives look even worse. Thank you again for reading. Sorry, this not a pleasant read. Most of it is it i'm afraid even today, my family sends people to watch me. But that's for book 32 is almost complete. Thank you again for your kind understanding.For your great review, I hope you have an amazing day!
My heart goes out to you. Wish I could take some of the pain away. As a Veterinarian I lived with pain many days. The look in their eyes penetrated me many times.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Your writing is deeply moving. You share an immense amount of pain so well. I could feel it! The way you shared the overwhelming emotions made the experience feel so real. This is great! Your voice is strong!
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2024
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Your writing is deeply moving. You share an immense amount of pain so well. I could feel it! The way you shared the overwhelming emotions made the experience feel so real. This is great! Your voice is strong!
Comment Written 24-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2024
Thank you so much again! Yes, this is book 2, which I've mostly written. I'm doing some editing and setting the chapters out for folks to read. Hopefully be ready for christmas. book one is out there on the shelves already. Thank you again for stopping in for a wreath. Appreciate you very much again.I hope your day is awesome!
Comment from Pearl Edwards
These chapters are hard to read, and for you hard to relive I am sure.
You had no idea the situation you, or your friend, was putting you into. There was never any blame for you, Lea.
stay strong,
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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These chapters are hard to read, and for you hard to relive I am sure.
You had no idea the situation you, or your friend, was putting you into. There was never any blame for you, Lea.
stay strong,
Comment Written 16-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Thank you, Valda, your kindness, and your empathy is very important. Appreciate your understanding above all! I hope you have the best holiday season and it's filled with love and joy. Thank you again my friend!
Comment from CrystieCookie999
This is the second time this week that hearing or reading something has made me feel perpetually sad for someone. The first time was regarding a young student whose family was homeless. It was no fault of his own. And how awful that a man took advantage of you with that stuff you described as: something that tasted like honey and had a weird chemical aftertaste. That friend of yours must have never really known love, either, if her standards were that low. That man was just after gratifying himself. It doesn't matter if you started with marijuana or alcohol. Legally, whatever he added on to that is reprehensible in committing assault against a minor, and even if he didn't literally force it down your throat, it would still be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The dream at the end confused me because of the last line: "C'mon slut, it's time for you to be one."
I take it that dreams and reality were starting to blur together symbolically if not in actuality. Maybe the next few posts will explain that sentence better.
reply by the author on 04-Dec-2023
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This is the second time this week that hearing or reading something has made me feel perpetually sad for someone. The first time was regarding a young student whose family was homeless. It was no fault of his own. And how awful that a man took advantage of you with that stuff you described as: something that tasted like honey and had a weird chemical aftertaste. That friend of yours must have never really known love, either, if her standards were that low. That man was just after gratifying himself. It doesn't matter if you started with marijuana or alcohol. Legally, whatever he added on to that is reprehensible in committing assault against a minor, and even if he didn't literally force it down your throat, it would still be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The dream at the end confused me because of the last line: "C'mon slut, it's time for you to be one."
I take it that dreams and reality were starting to blur together symbolically if not in actuality. Maybe the next few posts will explain that sentence better.
Comment Written 29-Nov-2023
reply by the author on 04-Dec-2023
This is a great and wonderful review you have Offer very good valid points and some great insight too For which I really appreciate your review and your comments as well. You got great insight too. Thank you for the review and rating!
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Lea,
I'm sorry that you had to have such an unpleasant experience for what should be reserved for two people in love. Your friend sounds like a real piece of work. I understand that you needed to keep a roof over your head, but at what cost? It's too bad that you didn't meet up with a church group like the Salvation Army who could have helped you, but you obviously had no experience with who to turn to when you had a need. I hope that you've forgiven yourself. We've all done things we regret, but beating ourselves up doesn't help any. We can't go back and change the past. I'm hoping that other young women will learn from your unpleasant experience. Have a blessed evening gal.
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
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Hello Lea,
I'm sorry that you had to have such an unpleasant experience for what should be reserved for two people in love. Your friend sounds like a real piece of work. I understand that you needed to keep a roof over your head, but at what cost? It's too bad that you didn't meet up with a church group like the Salvation Army who could have helped you, but you obviously had no experience with who to turn to when you had a need. I hope that you've forgiven yourself. We've all done things we regret, but beating ourselves up doesn't help any. We can't go back and change the past. I'm hoping that other young women will learn from your unpleasant experience. Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment Written 24-Nov-2023
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
Further to my email, thank you so much for your wonderful review. And you're fine reading very much appreciate it!
Comment from LJbutterfly
This is another phenomenal, but gut wrenching chapter. You had a very realistic realization. You equated being wanted with love. I still say...not your fault. You didn't know how to recognize real love. The thought of love sounded good, so you did what you had to do to get it. Except it wasn't love.
It's like a baby who sees fire for the first time and thinks it's pretty. The baby reaches out to touch the beauty, and gets burnt. The baby didn't know, until it got burnt.
You got burnt by new evil people.
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
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This is another phenomenal, but gut wrenching chapter. You had a very realistic realization. You equated being wanted with love. I still say...not your fault. You didn't know how to recognize real love. The thought of love sounded good, so you did what you had to do to get it. Except it wasn't love.
It's like a baby who sees fire for the first time and thinks it's pretty. The baby reaches out to touch the beauty, and gets burnt. The baby didn't know, until it got burnt.
You got burnt by new evil people.
Comment Written 23-Nov-2023
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
You are so incredibly right. And you hit the nail right on the head. With this one yeah, I did a lot of finger fires there. It was unfortunate, but the only way to learn was to make a mistake. We remember those always. Your review is right on the money and Perfect commentary all the way through. Your reviews are amazing and I thank you for them. Your comments are always confirmational in a lot of ways to me. So I don't feel so alone and that is a beautiful thing. I thank you for it! I hope you have the best evening!
Comment from Jim Wile
Lea, this was so well written the way you began with that eerie poem then the remarks about your naivete. It sounds like you were blaming yourself for your naivete, but you don't need to. You had led a sheltered, abnormal life; how could you not have been naive about life and love? You had never experienced either.
None of what happened was your fault. Yes, you might have made some different decisions, but peer pressure is very tough for young, inexperienced people to fight, and you were going along to get along the way your upbringing had trained you to do. Even if you'd had an inkling of what would eventually happen, your naivete told you that if he wanted you, that meant he loved you.
You felt such guilt about it afterward that you had a horrible dream that your biggest tormentor was giving you your just desserts for being the things he had always called you.
Every part of this chapter was so well done. The preamble, the description of the action, and the analysis afterward. This was perhaps the most horrible chapter in your story so far because it served to rob you of your self-respect. It was so sad, and I felt like crying along with you in that closet. My heart goes out to you, my friend. - Jim
reply by the author on 23-Nov-2023
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Lea, this was so well written the way you began with that eerie poem then the remarks about your naivete. It sounds like you were blaming yourself for your naivete, but you don't need to. You had led a sheltered, abnormal life; how could you not have been naive about life and love? You had never experienced either.
None of what happened was your fault. Yes, you might have made some different decisions, but peer pressure is very tough for young, inexperienced people to fight, and you were going along to get along the way your upbringing had trained you to do. Even if you'd had an inkling of what would eventually happen, your naivete told you that if he wanted you, that meant he loved you.
You felt such guilt about it afterward that you had a horrible dream that your biggest tormentor was giving you your just desserts for being the things he had always called you.
Every part of this chapter was so well done. The preamble, the description of the action, and the analysis afterward. This was perhaps the most horrible chapter in your story so far because it served to rob you of your self-respect. It was so sad, and I felt like crying along with you in that closet. My heart goes out to you, my friend. - Jim
Comment Written 23-Nov-2023
reply by the author on 23-Nov-2023
Jimmy, you are just the best reviewer in the best person. Really not too many in your caliber. I can think of a few on this site including yourself that are people of integrity. Thank you again!
Comment from Chuck Keller
Brutal and heartbreaking, Lea
I know a little about being naive enough to think someone cares.
There are few things more painful than a young broken heart.
What you endured that first time is unthinkable to me.
I'm against the death penalty but I'd have no problem with someone causing great pain to "K"
reply by the author on 23-Nov-2023
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Brutal and heartbreaking, Lea
I know a little about being naive enough to think someone cares.
There are few things more painful than a young broken heart.
What you endured that first time is unthinkable to me.
I'm against the death penalty but I'd have no problem with someone causing great pain to "K"
Comment Written 22-Nov-2023
reply by the author on 23-Nov-2023
You have definitely been through it too I think and the different things you have shared with me. I appreciate that you do as well! PTSD can be debilitating. Thank you, my friend for your review once again. I'm always happy to receive it. No, it's happy to see you here. Have the best day!