prisoner 50720
in prison as enemy of the state in the Christian States2 total reviews
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Oh my goodness this reminds me of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaids Tale. Is America in danger of becoming like this? I hope not, but your fearful post is a warning of how things could turn out if we do not make some changes. When you say right-wing are you referring to the Republican party? I always thought it was the Democrats who thought like this? Which ever party is advocating such policies then this is as bad as the doctrine in China where camps like this do exist, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2023
Oh my goodness this reminds me of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaids Tale. Is America in danger of becoming like this? I hope not, but your fearful post is a warning of how things could turn out if we do not make some changes. When you say right-wing are you referring to the Republican party? I always thought it was the Democrats who thought like this? Which ever party is advocating such policies then this is as bad as the doctrine in China where camps like this do exist, love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 28-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 28-Oct-2023
well there are elements of fascist thought on both sides. but the Republicans are the ones supporting a neo-fascist Christian fascism similar to Hungary or even Putin's Russia which for some reason the right-wingers love these days, and are turning against further funding for the Ukraine war, buying into Putin's false narrative that it just a territorial dispute and that Ukraine has always been Russian territory.
Comment from Lea Tonin1
Wow, you did a great job on this absent layout. Obviously, you did your homework. You got pretty good work choices on this, too. An interesting way of changing out United States to Christian. What gives you idea that we need to be better?
Very clever, I think it's weird old written. It's a strong submission I wish you best of luck!
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2023
Wow, you did a great job on this absent layout. Obviously, you did your homework. You got pretty good work choices on this, too. An interesting way of changing out United States to Christian. What gives you idea that we need to be better?
Very clever, I think it's weird old written. It's a strong submission I wish you best of luck!
Comment Written 27-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 27-Oct-2023
thanks. Just trying to imagine the end game if the Christian Nationalists manage to take over and move the US towards a Christian Nationalist neo-fascist state which is their stated goal. No doubt people like me could be arrested and sentenced to prison.
Of that I have no doubt