Reviews from

A Time for War

A Rondelet Poem Contest Entry

22 total reviews 
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

John, this is a good poem for this prompt. These wars in Urkarain and Israel are a real mess. I am not sure if these are wars that just started or wars that have never ended. Certainly, the hate never ended. Well done. Terry.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    I think you're right, Terry. The hatred has always been there. It just waits for the opportunity to sprout into a war. Nothing seems to change. I appreciate your review, John
Comment from jenintorre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an excellent and very hard hitting rondelet poem. 'With death and hate we can't explain'. That certainly hits the nail on the head. I have family in Israel at the moment and going through hell. Good luck in the competition. Jen.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you, Jen. So sorry to hear about your family. I will definitely keep them in my prayers. I appreciate your review. John
Comment from JT traveller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fantastic rondelet. It is certainly up there with the best of them. Unfortunately war seems to surround us at present. I do not underestimate the fallout from the current Gaza strip uprising. Take care. Jacqueline

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    You are so right, Jacqueline. We are in a precarious position. This could escalate into something beyond our control. I appreciate your review and kind words.
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, it's very sad that so much suffering is going on because of petty differences and the lust for land and power. Your poem has described this horror very well, I think you'll do well in the contest.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you very much for your kind words and confidence. The situation in the Middle East is beyond belief, and the horrible and senseless atrocities defy human dignity and compassion. I appreciate your review.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for saying what I could not. This war has hit me very hard especially when I read the specifics of the attacks on Israel and the cold, calculated brutality on the women and children. We can't just wish this away. It's here, and and as you said, "floats on darkened winds." My heart is broken, but I must trust the unseen God and His word.

Sending you my best today as always, my brother.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you, Sally. I can't imagine anyone learning of the senseless and horrific atrocities being committed on innocent women and children not being deeply affected. As you and I know, there will never be lasting peace in the Middle East until Christ's return. We can only pray that He will come soon, and that God will watch over and protect His chosen people until then. God bless you.
Comment from BenThrone
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem makes good use of the form to create, through the refrain, the relentless sense of war on the march. Good job in the competition, and thank you for supporting Ukraine!

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you for your review and positive comments.
reply by BenThrone on 13-Oct-2023
    You are most welcome!
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have poetically and adequately expressed the warning of Ecclesiastes 3:8. There have always been times of war, back as far a biblical days. With two major wars currently in progress, prayers are needed more than ever. This is a horrific season. Best wishes in the contest.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    As God tells us in His Word, there will always be wars and rumors of wars. Evil, which runs rampant on this earth, as evidenced by the atrocities of the last week, will never be eradicated until Christ's return. Until then, we can only pray for those in the direct path of such evil. I appreciate your review and comments.
Comment from harmony13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The author's words are thought provoking, descriptive and creative.
Thank you for the author's notes - the bible quote is perfect! I am still pondering on the words of this poem. I thought a lot about peace as I
read these words and ask why there doesn't seem to be any even here in the US! The artwork goes well with the words of this poem.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind and complimentary review. Because man is inherently evil, I believe there will never be true peace in this world until Christ's return. Until then, we should surrender our lives to Him, and let Him live through us. And like the Apostle Paul, at the end we can say, "We fought the good fight, we finished the race, we kept the faith." Blessings to you. John
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You must mean "another war begins", as there are so many it's hard to keep track. This is a well written and descriptive poem of war - "with death and hate we can't explain". No explanation could ever be good enough.

I wish you luck in the contest, John. A (sadly) timely write.


 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    You're right, Pam...I do. It's hard to remember when this world was free of "war". And I can't remember a single war that wasn't driven by insanity, greed and lust for power. There is no explanation that a reasonable person with any semblance of moral fiber could accept. I appreciate your review and comments.
Comment from Lisasview
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It just doesn't seem to end and your words say it all......
Too long the ravages remain
A war begins
I enjoyed your Rondelet.......

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2023
    Thank you Lisa. You're right...there just doesn't seem to be an end to the depths of depravity and evil lust that drives these senseless wars. I appreciate your review and comments.
reply by Lisasview on 14-Oct-2023
    It feels unbelievable that there is war after war!!
    Yes, evil...