Maybe ... a simple solution
So easy, it's worth trying32 total reviews
Comment from Paul Manton
Dear Wendy, Nice to read you again.
Well, I am astonished at this simple and yet blindingly obvious technique - which has real Biblical overtones! In the same way that Fathers' Day is not a happy event for thousands of abused individuals, so changing a name for an animal to allow a new life is exactly like a baptism! 'NAME THIS DOG'
and, as in the New Testament, Sunny rises to new life.
Even more, in Deliverance Ministries, having removed the offending evil entities, I remember, giving back the original Christian name in a new baptism is very much part of the process. So driving the evil memories out of the dog in the story by renaming makes complete sense.
What a fascinating account. Thank you, Wendy.
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2023
Dear Wendy, Nice to read you again.
Well, I am astonished at this simple and yet blindingly obvious technique - which has real Biblical overtones! In the same way that Fathers' Day is not a happy event for thousands of abused individuals, so changing a name for an animal to allow a new life is exactly like a baptism! 'NAME THIS DOG'
and, as in the New Testament, Sunny rises to new life.
Even more, in Deliverance Ministries, having removed the offending evil entities, I remember, giving back the original Christian name in a new baptism is very much part of the process. So driving the evil memories out of the dog in the story by renaming makes complete sense.
What a fascinating account. Thank you, Wendy.
Comment Written 23-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2023
Thank you Paul. I agree fully and I hoped that many would remember that He gives us a new name, and our name is graven on His hand. And we are new beings in Him, with a fresh start in His family, and we respond to that, just as a dog with a new name does. A lot of us change our dog's name, but it has so much greater significance. And yes, blindingly obvious when we stop and think about it. Thanks so much for a wonderful review.
You are welcome, Wendy.
Have a great weekend.
Comment from Teri7
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I wonder if that would work for a rescue cat? The dog in the picture is very sweet, but he looks kind of scared or sad to me. Thank you so much! love and blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2023
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I wonder if that would work for a rescue cat? The dog in the picture is very sweet, but he looks kind of scared or sad to me. Thank you so much! love and blessings, Teri
Comment Written 22-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2023
That was just the photo on the internet which looked like Basil, my friend's dog. Basil is fine. It may well work for a cat, I don't see why not. Worth a try. Thank you for reviewing.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
This is a wonderful article with some very good information. Our dog was from a shelter and was just plain pathetic when we got her. She was afraid of everything. With love, patience, and a new name, she has become a very loving dog. It would be great if you could have this published to help others with rehomed dogs. Such a simple solution.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2023
This is a wonderful article with some very good information. Our dog was from a shelter and was just plain pathetic when we got her. She was afraid of everything. With love, patience, and a new name, she has become a very loving dog. It would be great if you could have this published to help others with rehomed dogs. Such a simple solution.
Comment Written 22-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2023
Thank you so much for this very positive review and
Comment from patcelaw
This is a very good story. Did you have written about dogs and their names. I enjoyed reading it very much and flows well and it is very simple that a dog that has been mistreated would not respond well it's called by that name again. This is much like children we need to give them names that make them feel good, and then we need to have a smile on her face when we use their names and not use their names in anger.
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
This is a very good story. Did you have written about dogs and their names. I enjoyed reading it very much and flows well and it is very simple that a dog that has been mistreated would not respond well it's called by that name again. This is much like children we need to give them names that make them feel good, and then we need to have a smile on her face when we use their names and not use their names in anger.
Comment Written 21-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Exactly right. Children too need a name which does not bring ridicule or fear. I met the mother of a baby who was called Savage, and I just don't understand why the child would have to bear that name throughout life. Many thanks for reviewing.
When my husband and I had our children, we thought and pondered very long time about what to give them as names. We wanted to give them names. It would not bring reticule, but would be the names that they could be proud of. I think we did a pretty good job. Our daughters names are Penny, Celeste, Pamela, Carol, and Patricia Ann.
Five daughters, each with a lovely name. (Our kids are Hannah, Rebecca, and Daniel.)
We only had three daughters I was not supposed to be a comma between Penny and Celeste, and there was not to be a comma between Pamela and Carol
Beautiful choices of both names for each girl.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Rescued a 7 year old Great Dane and Mastiff mix who had been in an animal shelter for 14 months prior to me adopting him.
First thing I had to do was cut off his tail, it had a neglected cancer tumor growing in it. Do not know his past, up to when I took him on, but after a little care he has come a long way over the last three years.
Oh, and I did change his name once I got him to the farm. Seems to have helped him adjust much better. Simple things sometimes go a long way.
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Rescued a 7 year old Great Dane and Mastiff mix who had been in an animal shelter for 14 months prior to me adopting him.
First thing I had to do was cut off his tail, it had a neglected cancer tumor growing in it. Do not know his past, up to when I took him on, but after a little care he has come a long way over the last three years.
Oh, and I did change his name once I got him to the farm. Seems to have helped him adjust much better. Simple things sometimes go a long way.
Comment Written 21-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Thank you for rescuing him and giving him a loving and happy life. Several readers have mentioned that a change of name helped a frightened pet, and I have since read that research confirms this anecdotal evidence. Thanks so much for your interesting review and for sharing your experience.
Comment from CD Richards
What excellent advice, and something which had never occurred to me before. I've read that dogs can have a vocabulary of up to 250 human words they are able understand and respond to. How many words do you know in dog language? And we kid ourselves we are the smart species!
Wonderful stuff, Wendy.
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
What excellent advice, and something which had never occurred to me before. I've read that dogs can have a vocabulary of up to 250 human words they are able understand and respond to. How many words do you know in dog language? And we kid ourselves we are the smart species!
Wonderful stuff, Wendy.
Comment Written 21-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Thank you for this amazing review. Six stars - I am honoured and thankful. I too had never thought of a dog?s life being transformed by a new name but it makes sense that if they have only ever heard their name paired with abuse?. Crank didn?t suit Sunny at all. He was a rescue pet, but I think he?d always been loved and cared for because he loves being with people. I think his family broke up and they had to move into an apartment. He does get anxious when he sees suitcases. We?re travelling to Queensland at present to see my elderly mother and other relatives so he was quite on edge when he saw the preparations. We?re spending tonight at Tweed Heads. Thank you again. Much appreciated.
Safe travels :)
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Wendy,
that seems like a great idea. I can't imagine that Sunny was named Crank. I'm glad you renamed him. I'm glad to hear that the dog that was renamed also responded well to the new name. He was given a new lease on life. Thanks for sharing this.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Hello Wendy,
that seems like a great idea. I can't imagine that Sunny was named Crank. I'm glad you renamed him. I'm glad to hear that the dog that was renamed also responded well to the new name. He was given a new lease on life. Thanks for sharing this.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you very much Tom. A lovely review. Yes, a silly name for a gentle placid dog like him.
Comment from Spitfire
This makes sense. I wonder if name changing would work on children who couldn't adapt to a new environment because of past experiences. As you say it's worth a try. Thanks for posting this story.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
This makes sense. I wonder if name changing would work on children who couldn't adapt to a new environment because of past experiences. As you say it's worth a try. Thanks for posting this story.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you very much Shari. Something special to signify a new beginning for sure, at the very least.
Comment from Bill Schott
This story, Maybe A Simple Solution, seems to be a profound discovery and a huge step forward to retraining and rehabilitating these animals whose past conditions haunt them through the associated name. Amazing.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
This story, Maybe A Simple Solution, seems to be a profound discovery and a huge step forward to retraining and rehabilitating these animals whose past conditions haunt them through the associated name. Amazing.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you very much Bill. Yes, so simple, but it seems to work, and I just read that research also supports the anecdotal experiences.
Comment from Ginda Simpson
Wendy, so glad you wrote this story and the strategy makes perfect sense. We sometimes forget that solutions can be simpler than we expect - maybe we need on add the missing ingredient - Love! And that goes for many of life's challenges.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Wendy, so glad you wrote this story and the strategy makes perfect sense. We sometimes forget that solutions can be simpler than we expect - maybe we need on add the missing ingredient - Love! And that goes for many of life's challenges.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you very much Ginda for a lovely review. And yes, love must accompany the change of name.