Reviews from

broken circle

My personal 911 moment.

6 total reviews 
Comment from walk.write.reflect
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is an emotional piece that skillfully delves into the intricate layers of relationships. Your words powerfully exude a raw sincerity that allows the emotions to overflow onto the page deeply. I can feel the pain and vulnerability that accompany them. Thank you for sharing.
Best Regards.

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
    thank you
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another powerful poem from your pen. One little glitch with:

"OfCourse there will be times you..." (need that space between Of and Course)

This must have been a very painful and emotionally abusive relationship--if not more.

I find writing to be the best possible therapy!

(And just think -- you touch other souls who've walked this painful path)


 Comment Written 23-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
    thank you
reply by karenina on 25-Aug-2023
Comment from Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was touching, as well, written rich in Theme and Imagery.
It also, read well and flowed well with No Grammar Issues.
My Complete Synopsis:
The Adjective and Objective Contents were both Excellent and Exceptional descriptive measures aligned perfectly.
Thanks for sharing this and have a Blessed day!
Doctor Ricky 1024

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2023
    thanx rick ...I appreciate it with utmost respect for our craft.
Comment from jim vecchio
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am sorry you experienced a "911 moment". In college, college thought I loved someone and felt that terrible hurt. But when I met my wife, we greed marriage is from God and there is no turning back. Of course, had I not been the husband I could be, she said she'd move away, but still be my wife. We were together for 31 years, had a renewal of vows, and I never regretted it!

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2023
    thank you
reply by jim vecchio on 21-Aug-2023
    Thank you also! Keep writing!
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2023
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is this about abuse? Maybe due to my past that I left over thirty years ago, but I feel it is. If it's not about abuse I'm lost. Excellent writing. Please let me know so I can reread. Best wishes to you!

 Comment Written 18-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    Again I thank you young lady. Much abuse.
reply by Alexandra Trovato on 19-Aug-2023
    I'm sorry. I've been there when I was in my 20s. I see you fanned me. Thank you . I look to fan you tomorrow. :)
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Haunting but beautiful. I agree there are times when hate sustains you. Sometimes it is all you have, you rely on it to hold you up.
Hate becomes your friend you rely on it. You can trust hate. It becomes a kind of love in a way. Hate consumes.You wrote clearly and it threw me back into my past when hate was my dear friend. Keep writing. you are good.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    I appreciate the push..I need that so, much. Thank you
reply by Karen Cherry on 19-Aug-2023
    We writers are a odd bunch.
    We feel things so deeply. Before FanStory I talked to no one about my work. This place sustains me. You will find like minds here. All of us are half mad in our own special way. But most of us, not all of us, will help however we can. Keep writing. Don't parse it out.