Reviews from

Thank You for Being a Friend

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47 total reviews 
Comment from Annmuma
This work has reached the exceptional level

This post is, of course, of six star quality! It is so true that friends are available everywhere, i.e. the special cashier at the grocery store, the same Amazon delivery guy and the list goes on. And it is especially true for fanstory friends where we are allowed glimpses into who they are and why they are. Open hearts create friendships and certainly, Debi, you are blessed with an open heart. Fanstory is made better by your membership and your contributions. Good writing and a pleasure to read. ann

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
    Oh Ann, you are so sweet and this is such a lovely review. Yes, I agree there are some here at home (besides family and friends) that we become close to after being around them time after time.

    But I couldn't believe the attachment I have with so many of you here. It's easy for me to see inside the soul just from chatting here time after time, even if we haven't met face to face. And I actually became so attached that I can say that I have come to love so many. So I joined the contest to tell how I feel about everyone, and then after I wrote it, I knew that I couldn't hide my identity, as I wear my heart on my sleeve, wholeheartedly!

    Thank you for the very dear comments you made for me and I feel the same way about you. I am so happy that our mutual friend, Terry introduced me to you way back when he told me to read a few of your posts and said that we had so much in common. (It also helps that we happen to be among his favorite authors) Your sweet words have made my day and I am so honored by your six stars. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear friend.
Comment from Anne Johnston
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a beautiful article, Debi. I am so sorry I missed it, but this month has been very busy with family vacations and still another weekend to go as my oldest grandson is being married this Saturday, so I will be away again. I am going to try and read all the things I have missed but just won't be able to comment on them all. Hopefully, in September things will settle down and I can spend some time on here.

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2023
    Anne, thank you so very much for this lovely review. Anne, I don't know how you do it and I know how busy you are, but to grab a post that's not even promoted is so you! I hope you know I had you in mind too as I thought of my wonderful friends! I appreciate the honor of your six stars as well, my lovely friend!

reply by Anne Johnston on 24-Aug-2023
    You are very welcome, Debi
Comment from Jumbo J
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Debi,
your kind heart shines through within this story... as it usually does in your descriptions and feeling of others at any time or within the many different genres you post. I love a heart worn on a sleeve that has conviction and compassion in its stitching.

I wholeheartedly agree with the friendships gained on this magic site of community are as real, if not more so than the ones we have in our day-to-day lives. If anything, I believe our connection runs deeper because of our relationship with writing, with opening up our hearts and souls in our endeavour to connect. more than one of the descriptions given by you took me to one of my dear friends on here... and I guess anyone who is as fortunate as me to be reading this, will relate in some way with the friends and peers they have forged connections with as well.

I just enjoy your spirit, your love of life and love for others Debi. You have a big heart.

Enjoyed reading this post very much... I know how lucky I am to be here with our family of writers, but every bit of reinforcement in its knowing strengthens that belief, so thank you for that!

With our thoughts we create...
soul connections.

Kind regards,

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    James, you are so remarkably sweet and I can't thank you enough for one of the most awesome reviews and comments ever. I asked God to let me be a blessing to others for so long that he led me here a few years ago. But
    Since then I found that He has a sense of humor, because I feel like I have been blessed tenfold. Thank you for being one of those blessings.
    And I am truly honored by your six stars. Thank you again, my dear friend.
reply by Jumbo J on 19-Aug-2023
    I think we have both been blessed to have been lead here Debi.
    Thank you for being you!
    Have a beautiful-peaceful weekend dear lady... dear friend!
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful artwork and story to go with it, Debi. I can totally relate to your first paragraph about more caring and thoughtful friends here whom we haven't met as opposed to ones we know close to home. I wrote a poem a while ago after a newer neighbor was walking by me, and I thought he was talking to me. Come to find out he had ear buds on. I could go on, but I won't.

You do a great job showing various qualities people on the site have and how you have related with one another. It is the same for me. Often I wish we could meet, but it not really doable at this point as a senior citizen!

You are a very good friend to many on this site, including me, and you are always willing to lend a helping hand. Thank you for sharing and caring, especially at the end for the loss of our dear Jan.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    I am so incredibly touched by your sweet words, Pam. I love you and so many here so much that it isn't far from the emotions of my own family. When I write this, I had you, Gretchen, Sandra, Valda, the list goes on and on. I could have easily given each of you your own paragraph, but I would have kept finding more. God has blessed me so abundantly and thank you for being one of those blessings. Thank you again for those lovely things you said! Love you!
reply by Pam (respa) on 20-Aug-2023
    You are very welcome, Debi, and thank you for this beautiful reply. It means a lot, and you are a very special friend who cares so much about others. Have a great day and week ahead!
Comment from Faith Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your post made me smile, Debi. Such a lovely tribute to your FanStory friends! I like your phrase, 'a buffet of friendships'. There are some truly wonderful people here. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    And Faith you are so sweet and of course, I count you as being one of my friends that I have enjoyed getting to know so much. Thank you again, my dear friend.
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'll add another star tomorrow. I bet everyone tells you thank you for writing about them. And maybe you wrote it in a way we all find ourselves in your story.
Well, I think I'm in it so, even if I'm not just say your welcome and we all be happy. you are just the sweetest thing to do this all the time. When is your birthday? Karen

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    Karen, thank you so much for this kind review and comments. You are so sweet and I appreciate it so very much.
    My birthday is October 19th. I think we are very close to the same age. I too married very young. I was 18, had my first child at 20 and was done by 25. I have three kids and six grandkids and they are my life. My husband and I will be married fifty years next May. And we are wondering where all that time went. Maybe another reason I liked you from the start. I think we are both family oriented and know what we want even as queen-agers. Lol.

    And you are so sweet and I accept the virtual six, but you can't go from a five to a six. Any others you can change, but not that one.
    But thank you so much for the thought.
Comment from giraffmang
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi there,

This is a nice tribute to friends. We all need someone and we usually have a group of folks who provide a certain thing for us as we do for them.

I have to admit that I'm not a big one for 'anonymous' friends (or digital ones). Not everyone is what they claim to be but that's a personal choice for everyone to make.

My daughter (who has multiple additional needs) thrives on her online friends as she finds face-to-face friends too confusing.

Good little piece

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    Giraffmang, as a writer and a person, I completely respect your views. In fact I have no clue why I feel such love for so many here. I can't change it, nor do I want to. But I can't explain it either. Except that it feels so good and I have always been the kind to wear my heart on my sleeve.
    I appreciate your kindness and your respectful comments.
    I spend more time with some of these virtual friends than with my own family. And I have a pretty good track record on judging character, I'm willing to take my chances. After all I believe all my vibes about you. You are one heck of a good guy! Lol! Thanks again, my friend.
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi ,this is a sincere ,heart felt write about your fanstory friends .You are lucky that you hare in touch with some of them by phone or text.. You are a very brave person to persist in writing and reading inspite of your problems..May God bless you with continued meaningful friendships.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
    Santha, you are so sweet and of course, I count you as being one of my friends that I have enjoyed getting to know so much and now I would miss you so much if you weren't part of us. The one I spoke of who left was Regina and she will surely be missed. Thank you again, my dear friend.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fine story about the importance of friends and one in particular, with whose death many who knew her are still coming to terms. A great tribute of which I'm sure she'd be proud. Well done, Debi! Take care Debbie x

 Comment Written 18-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
    Debbie, l'm so thankful for your friendship and also others that are so kind and caring and that there is a place like FS where we are a part of that
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I recognize many of the people you speak of here, mostly because I feel the same way about them as you do so I know who you're talking about. And, of course, I'm your twin and I have become quite fond of our almost triplet brother. When he shows up to review my work, he is so kind.

I agree with you that there are so many wonderful people here and I have made so many friends. I wish that someday we might be able to all meet somewhere - a FanStory reunion. I've been told that was tried once but not enough people could afford to come (we have lots of friends on the other side of the pond!).

Lastly, I miss Jan too. She was always such a positive person and I loved her cat stories, as I am also a cat fan:-)

Deb, I'm sorry I waited so long to review this. Sometimes I feel there aren't enough hours in the day to read, review, write, and do all the other things I need to do in my daily life.

This is a lovely tribute to all of our friends here at FS, and I'm sure many join you in saying it's a great community to be a part of.


 Comment Written 18-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
    OMGosh Pam, I didn't expect you to drop everything and review my stuff, but I just wanted you to know about this one because you are a part of it. I do know what you mean about reviewing.

    Because I am kind of slow, as it was my eye surgeries were not successful. I use most of the screen time that I am allowed for writing and responding to reviews. I thought that would change and I would be able to review but the surgeries were experimental and did not work at getting the scar tissue from the shingles in my eyes taken care of.

    Plus they did cataracts on me, but the stupid surgeon put the wrong kind of lenses in me and it has caused many problems. He knew that I have seen double since 17 yet he put the lens that worked separately and they are not recommended on people with vision that already see one thing with each eye. However I have an appointment at Mayo and they are going to see about redoing them.
    But even now, writing is hard, but it would take a lot for me to not write. At least this year I am going to keep going strong if I can. That is why I haven't been over to see you yet, as I look at my list everyday of those who I should be reviewing,, so it is sad as I get so overwhelmed. That is why I am writing the birthday poems to thank my loyal reviewers. So I do know what you mean, and I will be try to get over to see you soon one of these days. Thanks so much for checking this out and your kind review and comments my sweet birthday twin. I can't it has been almost a whole year since our last one.
    Good to see you again. Sweetie!

    PS, about marathons, I am really slow and unstable since my knees and legs were done, but here is the good news. When we were vacation I started trying to swim and move those muscles that hurt so badly from the lupus. And of course it felt better, so I am going to finally take my drs advice and try to build some of the lost muscle that I lost in those ten years without walking.
    It is just so hard. Now that I got all that off my chest, I will not complain anymore as I still feel so very blessed.