Reviews from

2023 Gypsy's Clubs

Viewing comments for Chapter 1 "Angelica"

15 total reviews 
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent opening sentence to draw the reader in. You expand on the topic with concise, specific detail. Excellent information in paragraph two about Angela and her Spanish heritage. What an adorable child. She really is pretty. It is also nice to learn more about you.

So true about children being able to learn several languages at once. My nieces and nephews live in a bilingual home. The oldest child loves translating between the grandparents or even incorrectly translating so she can tease them and see the results. It is a great advantage to her to speak both English and Spanish.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine tale, learn something every day....I was unaware the fair hair and light features are common in Hispanics, and it's so true about children easily learning different languages. What happened to me then?

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from AP Apgar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your Haibun poem - Beautiful picture presentation of your daughter - she is beautiful - I was surprised too, as you expected - that she had light hair - children in their first couple of years can learned languages easily - the the brains smartest time of life - I have an adopted son from Mexico and a Russian wife and neither of us have ever become proficient at each others languages - accent's are commonplace -started too late - my son speaks perfect English however - Thank you for sharing G - Good Job. AP

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, they say that children can learn easier than adults, and pick things up a lot quicker, we should all love and respect our mothers as they do sacrifice a lot, an excellent Haibun for the challenge****kahpot

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautiful child.
My husband spent his Air Force service in Spain and has often told me that many Spanish citizens are fair-skinned. It is, in fact, common.
You are right that children have the capacity to learn another language.
Well, I may have been the exception to the rule. My grandmother tried to teach me French, and nothing penetrated!
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words. I want to learn French too.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful child. I hope she grew into a wonderful person and has some of your talent.

Yo puedo hablo, and am teaching my two youngest children.

There is nothing on the planet like the love of a good mom. Mine is the best. I don't think mom's sometimes realize how much impact and stuff they impart upon their children, both positive and negative.

Good read.

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    I think that parents influence their children, that's right.


    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from shelley kaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

it's actually easier of children to learn different languages than for adults!

great haibun about your first born
she was really cute!!

thank you for sharing
shelley :)

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, it's amazing how fast children can learn languages, that as adults we struggle with. Thank you for sharing this club entry with us. It's again, a beautiful package.

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.

    Gypsu hugs
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

More lovely writing from you, although I expected a reference to language to appear in the haiku. Otherwise, the imagery, the colours and the gentle language are perfect.

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 06-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much, Barbara, I appreciate your kind and helpful review. In Haibun, the haiku should relate to the haiku taking the prose further and not repeat anything mentioned in the prose.

    Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind and helpful review.

    Gypsy hugs
    "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." - Picasso
reply by JSD on 06-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 07-Aug-2023
    I'm so sorry, I had just talked to Barbara and I got her on my mind.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, you're right about language, my son in law is married to my younger daughter, and he's Indonesian, and my two half Indonesian grandchildren, can only speak a couple of Indonesian words, in fact my wife can speak it much better, and is an Aussie born Anglo Saxon, and can speak three brilliantly and one partially, well done, I'm glad your are.a great mum, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 06-Aug-2023
    Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind and helpful review.

    Gypsy hugs
    "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." - Picasso
reply by royowen on 06-Aug-2023
    Well done