Comment from
This is a very nice entry for the contest. I wish you the very best in the contest you just introduced me to a new word you said a group of sharks is called a shiver. I did not know that. Thanks for the information. Patricia.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2023
Comment from
Lea Tonin1
Good job on this phone it's very well done I really enjoyed it! Beautiful word choices and your arrangement of those words creates beautiful lines definitely.
I enjoy the illustration and the layouts. And your subject matter, you all seem to go hand-in-hand so you actually did a great job with this!
" Is onward their course a fearless drift" Now that's a great line! I see no issues with grammar or aesthetics. I find this to be very Well Done with great subject Matter and illustration of calls comes Together and creates a Lovely piece of Magic. So good luck to you in the contest. I hope your evening is amazing.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2023