Reviews from

Give Me a Hug, Bro

Two brothers, two views of God and sex

6 total reviews 
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! What a debate you enter into here. Your writing is fascinating and you have researched the subject really thoroughly. Your views are coloured by your faiths, but they are always worth sharing and discussing, especially for this 'protestant' worshipper.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thanks for your review, JSD. Kevin and I give you an "inside view" or how the Vatican's preoccupation with sex has the result of dividing families and discrediting the teaching authority of the Church. Needless to say, the bible has nothing to say about NFP or about modern contraceptives. It was only in the late 1800s that the ovum was discovered and the fertility cycle within the womb was understood.

    Peace and joy,
Comment from Carlos' girl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow...This is an
amazing story that completely held my attention from beginning to end. Great writing. I would not change a thing. You weave such a story with ease and authority.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Carlos' girl,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Carlos' girl,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by Carlos' girl on 04-Jul-2023
    I will check it out
reply by Carlos' girl on 04-Jul-2023
    Im not sure what you mean by " our story" but if I were you're wife I would be cringing at the invasion of privacy lol
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    I shared my story with my wife and made a few changes that she asked for. ~Aaron
reply by Carlos' girl on 04-Jul-2023
    What a sport
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You had me thinking of Abraham and Sarah, and that story of the promise of the line of promise, in which Sarah decided to give Hod a hand and gave her servant Hagar to Abraham, what a stuff up that was, if she'd have truly waited and had faith and believed that God would come through, perhaps we would have one less religion on our hands, beautifully written my friend, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Right on, Roy. Our ancestors didn't just pray when they encountered sterility. They went into action.

    In my own family, a sister conceived and birthed a child for her dear, sterile sister. You don't hear about this sort of thing today.

    In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Right on, Roy. Our ancestors didn't just pray when they encountered sterility. They went into action.

    In my own family, a sister conceived and birthed a child for her dear, sterile sister. You don't hear about this sort of thing today.

    In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by royowen on 04-Jul-2023
    Well done
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, well, well this is a little more romance than the reader expects!

How very personal and quiet . . . Interesting.

I think a person could drive themselves crazy trying to decipher the intentions of God. Better just to have faith that he has you in his hands.

Good read!

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear DG,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear DG,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
Comment from Goodadvicechan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing the views of believes in god and sex. You have done a good job in sharing with us ways of family planning.

I like the exchange of letters. A well written letters!

Happy writing and again thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Chan,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Chan,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a fascinating story, all so well constructed with pace so that I felt engaged all the way through. The debate between yourself and your brother was an intriguing one whereby I came down clearly on your side. But once someone's mind is made up and closed there's nothing you can do-hence the cancel culture you see today. However, you actually took the matter on board and compellingly proved a point yet still conceding that 'God's miracle' had taken place (with the help of human decisions). It's all about perspective and philosophy on life. I'd still rather have yours and hope I do because I firmly believe things happen for a purpose. There are some small edits: para starting: But Kevin was not consoled... - boasted of becoming a Providentialist; para starting When my brother - Even when (you're) wrong; It may be worth proof-reading in case there are any more. Thanks for sharing your very unique and intelligent write. Your research and particularly your inclusion of Pope Francis' dialogue on this subject add much weight to an already very impressive read. Love "Every belief works in the eyes of the believer" Also small edit: para starting: There he finally said it - "Even when (you're) wrong. Well done! Debbie

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Debbie,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. I tried to correct your "edits." Found a few more. Look at the rewrite if you get a chance.

    In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Dear Debbie,

    Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. I tried to correct your "edits." Found a few more. Look at the rewrite if you get a chance.

    In thinking about the story, I remembered Pope Francis. So, in an attempt to be more complete, I inserted the Pope into my story. You can find it there right in the middle. 200 words added.

    Peace and joy in writing,
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 04-Jul-2023
    Yes, I've read it and added to my review. My only concern is that whether voters will consider this falls under the category of "Romance" because there is so much more diverting attention. Though I fully accept the force and devotion behind your relationship.
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023

    I agree with you entirely. The way that "romance" is defined; however, includes my submission. In any case, I'm committed now. Let's see what happens.

    Thanks for your commenting that "your inclusion of Pope Francis' dialogue on this subject add much weight." I wasn't sure about this, but now I find that it fits into this family quarrel.

    Peace and joy,