Reviews from

On things

Some thoughts

46 total reviews 
Comment from DeboraDyess
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

THANK you,. I agree with almost all of your points. I do prefer reviews, harsh or kind, over comments. But I feel that if someone took the time to read my work and leave a kind comment, it's okay. What bugs me is when it's obvious that they looked at the title and guessed what they could comment about. duh...

correction ~
room laughing manically planning on whose >> room laughing, manically planning on whose
I wonder what would happen if a writer sent in a piece to the committee for a seal but none of them could vote on it because they'd all been muted? >> This isn't actually a question. You are wondering. To wonder isn't a question. Leave off those first two words and you DO have a queisotn. I don't remember what this is called, but it's a statement. (Old brain issues! lol)

It bugs me when a competition is posted and you KNOW the contest creator already has a pice ready, too. lol. Not exactly the even playing field we all hope for. And I'm guilty of entering too many contests and not posting enough other content. Thank you for pointing that out on a general level. I'll be more aware.

Great article! I did wonder what had become of you, but I'm in and out so much I thought I'd just missed you.
blessings and thank you for a bit of well-deserved chastisement!

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2023
    You're right. It's the reviews that are so generic you can pretty much bet it's not been read. At least a pertinent comment shows there's been some interaction ! lol
    I'm in and out myself - life gets in the way sometimes!
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It sounds like your writing is very informative and will help people. Thank God I don't understand half of it though. lol Im I have training I'm not into judging or competing. I like the sharing aspect most, here.

I've earned degrees foe Writing at Masters level. I love to write but I've found that 'can't please everyone here. Most people have been respectful and positive. Some will give an Excellent amount of stars, then only criticise. I just do my best and try to be positive and I do give feedback to people that is very positive but also about what they've written.

I need the member dollars but I also care.

Best wishes!

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
    Yep, the rating system is out-of-whack with the content a lot of the time. the sharing is nice but if you want to progress as a writer, you need the more robust, critical elements. All the best. G
Comment from Faith Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Though I only joined a year ago, I have noticed these things discussed in forums or postings many times. Unfortunately, a real critique/review of a piece, especially a longer prose piece, takes time. Time which many reviewers aren't willing to put in because they want those member dollars. When I decide to read someone's chapters, I message them asking them if there is anything they are particularly looking for in their feedback. That step helps establish a connection. I also try not to read too many chapters from various authors at a time, so I can spend the time needed to do a good review. Again, not many reviewers are willing to do this, but it's how I would want someone to review my pieces.

I hate the rating system. I loved your comment, 'no one deducts stars.' Maybe it might be better to only be able to give out those few six-star ratings. People see that lower rating and want nothing to do with your review no matter how accurate or helpful it is. Not to mention trying to rate poetry, unless it's a specific form with specific rules, is highly subjective. To me, prose is much easier to rate (and review).

Your line, 'the evil cabal of anonymous bastards whose sole purpose is to ridicule your work and sit in a darkened room laughing manically planning on whose day they can ruin next,' made me laugh though it is true. I have had little dealings with the committee unless I receive a congratulations in my inbox. It is a thankless job in my opinion. Anonymity is a must for them to function. Could imagine what would happen if everyone knew who they were?

Sometimes I use competitions as a way to spark an idea. Sometimes it's not even for this website. I have only sponsored one contest, and while I knew what I was going to write about, I didn't have a single word on paper. (Yup, pen and paper person here) In fact, three people posted their entry before I even started mine. But I get what you're saying.

Your piece was well-written, coherent, with dashes of satire and humor. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2023
    Yeah, I tend to not read too many books at the same time otherwise things can get confusing! Poetry can indeed be more tricky. i tend to concentrate on how it makes me feel as if poetry doesn't do that, what's the point?
    Many thanks
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Interesting post. You made some excellent points here.

I agree on the competition vs. posting. I have to agree; I stopped entering and just posted. It is unfair primarily because you have a wide range of talent, particularly in poetry. If you enjoy writing, why make it a competition? In some cases, trying to win is just beating your head against the wall. You are good, but someone is always just a tad bit better or more popular. There may be 20 entries and so few voters.

Rating? I do not mind the critique as long as I understand their perspective and it is helpful. However, I have seen lower ratings praising a posting: "Oh, I just loved it," but no explanation as to why the lower rating. It is a head-scratcher. If you ask what you need to correct, you get no response.
It also depends on how you receive a critique. Was it helpful, or did it hit you over the head with a hammer? I have received one or two "snotty" remarks.

The committee? I cannot truthfully comment. I am not a writer who gets their attention, so I do not cross paths with them, nor would I send a piece up for any recognition. I recognize my limitations and do not try to reach beyond this. I am not going to make any history here. So I just enjoy writing.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Many thanks for your thoughts on these issues, Mary. You talk a lot of sense here. Yeah the lower rating with no reason or glowing praise is a head-scratcher indeed. many thanks
Comment from CD Richards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi GMan,

I agree, in the main, with what you have said.

Reviews vs critiques: Yes, definitely anyone who reviews a piece has the right to express their judgement or opinion on it. Some people get terribly upset if you disagree with something they've said in a poem or story. That's terribly insecure, in my view. On the other hand, I also believe if the author thinks a comment is unfair, or just plain wrong, they have the right to say so. I don't go with this idea they must keep silent and just say "thank you". I do that quite a bit if I think a reviewer has missed the point, rather than getting into a stoush over it, but I don't think the reviewer should be treated like a referee in a football game.

Rating system: agreed.

Storytelling vs writing: As long as we are talking about fiction or biography, I'm not sure they are separable. One without the other just doesn't work.

Committees: I imagine it can be quite a thankless and difficult job. While I think their anonymity should be preserved, I would like to see a lot more transparency about how they work. It's all too cloak-and-dagger for my liking.

Now that I've probably guaranteed I'll never win another competition (I might have achieved that some time ago), I'll stick my neck out further and state that some decisions I've seen are just dreadful. Things like poems that are not limericks winning limerick competitions, non-haikus winning haiku contests, and cases where a site contest is won by a far inferior piece, while a truly great piece of work doesn't place. When such things happen, I think people have a right to be miffed. Then again, it's probably far more common that if it's our own piece we feel has been hard done by, it's not as good as we thought.

Competitions: Agreed, totally. By the way, please keep an eye out for the new poetry contest I've just sponsored. The topic is "How to win a FanStory contest". Entries must be six quatrains of rhyming iambic tetrameter, feature a boy named Simon and a girl named Betty, and contain the word "fair" exactly four times.

Sorry if this is a bit long-winded for a review, but you did ask for our perspectives.

Good job in promoting discussion on some subjects I think most Fanstorians ponder from time to time. Now to read what others have said in the comments.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Yeah, I think clarifying things in response to reviews is fair enough.

    The storyteller vs writer thing is something a lot of folk say when you mention their grammar or punctuation as if it's an excuse!

    I rarely enter competitions for that very reason. I've had my fair share of run-ins, too.

    good to hear from you
Comment from Alyssa Wilson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you have some good perspectives here and I have made some notes for myself to explore some areas and use of the site I may not be taking full advantage of.
My take on competitions- I think perhaps the drive behind making sure your work is in a competition when you post it may boil down to the use of member dollars, and the higher chance of exposure for your work. If you enter a competition, you may recoup some of the dollars spent, and the work will naturally reach more people and receive more feedback because of the involvement in the competition? Just kind of my view on that!

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I get why some folk enter the competitions but sometimes it's nice to read a piece that's been produced just for the sake of it. The prompts can spark the imagination but that's not all there is to writing. You end up writing just for the comps and not why most folk joined.

    All the best
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have made a lot of worthwhile points here. I would imagine a lot of people do the reviews mostly for the money to promote their on work. A lot of people have also been inhibited by the reaction of writer when they give less than five stars. I understand, because when several people have given you six stars and then a few more give three or four and those six star rating disappears, it is disappointing. You are right, however, getting sixes does always mean your work is feather worthy.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    To be fair, I don't think that many pieces are 6 star worthy. They wouldn't pass muster off-site. I get why folk review for money to promote but it gets silly after a while.

    Many thanks G
Comment from kiwisteveh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You do a great job of describing and commenting on some of the issues that concern members on this site and clearly write with both insight and the benefit of much experience. perhaps this piece should be required reading for all members when they get to, say, the three month mark of their membership.

Well-structured and I enjoyed the flashes of humour which lighten the serious tone and make easier reading of what could easily have become a rant.


 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    Many thanks, Steve. i can rant with the best of them but I may be mellowing in old age... but I doubt it. Cheers. G
Comment from Dr. Nad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, that was somewhat unexpected but on the other hand somewhat refreshing as well. I know what you're saying your preference is that I don't just comment on my opinion of what you said. You did however say that I have the right to just plain comment. I am writing a book on the challenges of communication. A working title is: "I said what?" I joined fan story in 2014 and it was somewhat different than it is today. I didn't see a lot of 123s and fours given by people back then but I see less of it now. I don't know what you see. I guess the reason I want to join a competition rather than just submit a piece is that new thing of wanting to get a "Participation Trophy". (I deserve one!) LOL. I am one of the better writers on this site. If you don't believe that, just ask me. Lol I can back it up by the fact that in nine years I think I did win a contest maybe two. So . . . you know I'm a good writer, (maybe we could say "incredible.")
Oh, by the way, I think I helped prove both of our points, whatever they were. You were somewhat offensive and abusive in referring to me and my wanting to enter contests. I think I'm going to contact the committee members and Tom as soon as I find out who sits on every committee. You sir, are in big big trouble! You probably noticed that you have been muted by me! haha teehee. Blessings. (I would love to get one feather)

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I joined in late 2014 as well. And it was quite different then. I think there were more serious writers, at least the ones I found who helped me along the way. Sadly, most of them have gone now.

    Many thanks for your thoughts on this. I did ask! lol
reply by Dr. Nad on 11-Jun-2023
    Yeah I hear what you're saying man but don't ever forget this: I'm still here and you're still here! If you have paid attention, I pop onto this site for an hour or two every couple weeks. So I'm a big deal around here. lol. I really am attempting to become a writer. This is one of the platforms I am engaging.
Comment from Jumbo J
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi there Mr Giraffmang((((((((((,
firstly, I have read more than a few essays on this particular subject over the years on site, but I can't remember ever smiling whilst I read one.

Like most new writers on site the learning curve to understanding the rating system can be a hard road, even though the system is written out for you to use as a guideline. But it's a scary thing when everyone thing you read or review tells a different story.

One thing's for sure, my skin has thickened and I no longer find the need for fake platitudes, or reward just to score fake bucks... but in saying that, It a real buzz when someone gets you and your writing, whichever genre it may be.

As far as contests go... I have entered and will keep entering. It's a great chance to get my next year's membership paid for. I haven't scored as yet, but the second's and recognitions serve for a boost to the maybe card?

I not long ago entered a Share your story contest that was written from the prompt of the contest title and the reward offered for extending,
or flexing of one's writing/storytelling ability. I'm still a fledgling when it comes to the craft, but I have had many very talented writers on site who have offered their time and effort to help me improve... and for me this is what I hold dear about Fanstory. The willingness to share the magic of their craft, knowledge and wisdom. Yes, you're going to have the odd reviewer take you apart. I say, " live, learn, take what you need to anything that will make you a better writer, and hopefully a better human being for the experience of differing opinions. The rest, well, let it go. It serves no purpose other than bruising or pumping one's ego.

Yes, the poor old Committee... and I don't mean they're all old of age of course. I heard so many writers complain and gripe about the cloaked identity and how they have their favorites. This section had me smiling the most with your creative take... 'the evil cable of anonymous bastards whose sole purpose is to ridicule your work and sit in a darkened room laughing manically planning on whose day they can ruin next.'
Yes, loved that!

I hazard a guess the same writers who dis the committee would not have the skill nor fortitude to take on their job. Especially when there are no fake bucks to scramble for.

Enjoyed the read very much... thank you for sharing, wise one... smile(((((((((.

With our thoughts we create...
a world within.

Kind regards,

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2023
    I sometimes wonder if some of the writers, these folk who like to badmouth the committees, are in fact some of the writers they hold in high esteem without realising it which sort of shows how idiotic it is, if that were the case! lol

    Many thanks for your thoughts.
reply by Jumbo J on 11-Jun-2023
    Exactly G!
    Enjoyed reading your creative style.