Street Musicians ... See videos below!8 total reviews
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
A skilfully expressed septolet saying so much in so few words. The verse has a musical quality in itself and the attention to detail in the author's posted videos adds even more weight to this very worthy winner. Well done! Debbie
A skilfully expressed septolet saying so much in so few words. The verse has a musical quality in itself and the attention to detail in the author's posted videos adds even more weight to this very worthy winner. Well done! Debbie
Comment Written 07-Apr-2023
Comment from LyndaS
Wow! This whole presentation just rocked! Thank you so much for teaching me the word 'buskers' and especially introducing me to Miguel Montalban. I was just sitting here stunned for four, incredible minutes. The art you chose knocked me out, but the cherry on top was your Septolet. A well-deserved win!! Awesome!!
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2023
Wow! This whole presentation just rocked! Thank you so much for teaching me the word 'buskers' and especially introducing me to Miguel Montalban. I was just sitting here stunned for four, incredible minutes. The art you chose knocked me out, but the cherry on top was your Septolet. A well-deserved win!! Awesome!!
Comment Written 07-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2023
Miguel is one of my favourites , I stumbled on him about three years ago.
I love electric guitar solos.
Thank you for the six star review glad you found poem and videos awesome!
Keep safe!
Comment from CrystieCookie999
This was like a slice of a current music concert. I liked reading the septolet poem. Very nicely done with melodies/remedies as end rhymes. Great share.
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
This was like a slice of a current music concert. I liked reading the septolet poem. Very nicely done with melodies/remedies as end rhymes. Great share.
Comment Written 06-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
Thank you for reading my poem and watching the videos I provided.
I just wanted people to know how much talent is out there on our streets.
There are so many videos to choose from.
Take care and Happy Easter!
Comment from Kerry Foley
Wow, this is gorgeous Franca.
Entire presentation was perfect.
Thank you for the videos edit as well.
I wish you the best of luck in the contest sounds like a winner to me.
Ciao. Kerry
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
Wow, this is gorgeous Franca.
Entire presentation was perfect.
Thank you for the videos edit as well.
I wish you the best of luck in the contest sounds like a winner to me.
Ciao. Kerry
Comment Written 06-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
I'm glad you watched the videos. There are so many to choose from.
They are brilliant artists despite their young age. I wouldn't have the courage to stand in the street and sing. All those people staring would make me freeze.
I often listen to their music, it cures my bouts of sadness.
Thanks for the extra shiny star! ( wink)
Comment from Mary Shifman
This is a splendid poem. I read it several times and it is makes me long to be there, watching and listening to these talented musicians. I also listened/watched the videos. I think your poem is a winner.
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
This is a splendid poem. I read it several times and it is makes me long to be there, watching and listening to these talented musicians. I also listened/watched the videos. I think your poem is a winner.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
Thank you for the kind feedback. I just voted and was surprised to see I actually had 6 votes.
I appreciate that you took the time to listen to the videos (many don't both er).
Yes they are all amazing artists. Karolina Portsenko and Ellie Sherlock started performing on the streets at a very young age ..the prior at 8 and 1/2 and the latter at age 10.
Thank you for that extra shiny gift, much appreciated!
Keep safe!
Yes, I agree. I was pleased to learn that you had won. It is well deserved. Congratulations.
Comment from rhonnie69
Ciao, my dear, tempeste. I do declare, you are a witty pretty genius. Master poet, and you know it. Remarkable is how you show it. And you say that I have a verve imagination. I reverse that complement without hesitation. I love all five of your videos...especially the first one featuring the earth angel clad in blue...my favorite hue. Your wee witty ditty...(poem) gets down to the real nitty-gritty. It is the heart of your art. I am over whelmed. Keep safe! (shamrock to ya.) P.S.Talk more real soon. (I hope.)
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
Ciao, my dear, tempeste. I do declare, you are a witty pretty genius. Master poet, and you know it. Remarkable is how you show it. And you say that I have a verve imagination. I reverse that complement without hesitation. I love all five of your videos...especially the first one featuring the earth angel clad in blue...my favorite hue. Your wee witty ditty...(poem) gets down to the real nitty-gritty. It is the heart of your art. I am over whelmed. Keep safe! (shamrock to ya.) P.S.Talk more real soon. (I hope.)
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 06-Apr-2023
Hello Rhonnie !
very happy you dropped by and that you enjoyed reading my poem and listening to the videos, especially the first one, I provided in the notes section.
Thank you for the six-star review, i appreciate the gift!
Keep safe!
Comment from Gina Schneller
Hi there! This adorable! I love it! The second verse is my favorite... "that soothe weary hearts!" Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the videos as well. Great idea.
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
Hi there! This adorable! I love it! The second verse is my favorite... "that soothe weary hearts!" Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the videos as well. Great idea.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
I'm so happy you took the time to listen to the videos also.
there are so many talented people out there on the streets.
When I'm feeling gloomy, after watching a couple of hours
I feel much better.
Comment from JT traveller
I love this poem, in septolet form too! Beautifully chosen words that flow effortlessly from the page creating vivid imagery in the reader's mind. Nice choice of art work to accompany your poem too.
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
I love this poem, in septolet form too! Beautifully chosen words that flow effortlessly from the page creating vivid imagery in the reader's mind. Nice choice of art work to accompany your poem too.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
Thank you for the kind words
I do hope you take the time to check out the videos also.
Keep Safe!