Living while dying
Reflecting on (2nd place, Story of the Month)29 total reviews
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Exceptional piece and congrats in your contest placing! It's a subject that is so complex with so many variables but you managed to steer an utterly compelling course through it, inspired by your faith and extensive personal experience of the dying. Well done! Debbie
reply by the author on 09-May-2023
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Exceptional piece and congrats in your contest placing! It's a subject that is so complex with so many variables but you managed to steer an utterly compelling course through it, inspired by your faith and extensive personal experience of the dying. Well done! Debbie
Comment Written 09-May-2023
reply by the author on 09-May-2023
Wow, thank you Debbie. That is so amazing. Six stars. Such a beautiful gift. To be honest it?s not a fictional "story" with a proper beginning, middle, and end. More an essay. So I was surprised it was even chosen as an entry and very honoured that it placed second.
Thank you again.
Comment from judith layne jerdé
Euthanasia has always been a concern for me. I've long feared the powers that be that don't want to see everyone in this country have equal access to health
care /insurance. I'm sure they would endorse VAD as being a very cost-effective option. I worry that someday those who are no longer considered useful to society will receive a number ordering them to report to a DAV center.
This was very thought provoking. Thank you.
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
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Euthanasia has always been a concern for me. I've long feared the powers that be that don't want to see everyone in this country have equal access to health
care /insurance. I'm sure they would endorse VAD as being a very cost-effective option. I worry that someday those who are no longer considered useful to society will receive a number ordering them to report to a DAV center.
This was very thought provoking. Thank you.
Comment Written 05-May-2023
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
I agree with your thoughts. I fear it will be a downhill run, very expedient. Thank you very much for reviewing, especially since it has expired.
Comment from MissMerri
I'm so glad this amazing story was nominated for Story of the Month. I might not have read it otherwise. I appreciate so much the honesty and sincerity with which this was written. It is spelled out clearly the choices and the consequences of such choices and as you expressed, I can't help but think it is much wiser to leave the life and death timing to God, who does all things well. He knows what we need. My mother said "Pain serves a purpose." I think she understood something I don't but I'm willing to let God be in control. Thank you so much for writing this and I hope it gets many votes in the contest. MM
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
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I'm so glad this amazing story was nominated for Story of the Month. I might not have read it otherwise. I appreciate so much the honesty and sincerity with which this was written. It is spelled out clearly the choices and the consequences of such choices and as you expressed, I can't help but think it is much wiser to leave the life and death timing to God, who does all things well. He knows what we need. My mother said "Pain serves a purpose." I think she understood something I don't but I'm willing to let God be in control. Thank you so much for writing this and I hope it gets many votes in the contest. MM
Comment Written 05-May-2023
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
Thank you for an amazing review and especially for the six stars for an expired piece. I am honoured and appreciative.
Comment from Jay Squires
I am offering this late review for a couple of reasons. First, I cannot sit by when something so well-written, so deeply-felt, and so immaculately researched, is lacking only one review from reaching the vaunted ATB status ... where it deserves to be. Secondly, it's obvious from the votes it received in the Story of the Month contest, that it struck a deeply powerful note with the reader.
I can't help but feel that you were placed in your position of caregiving for a reason. Perhaps this post might be that rationale. Have you considered seeking publication for it?
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
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I am offering this late review for a couple of reasons. First, I cannot sit by when something so well-written, so deeply-felt, and so immaculately researched, is lacking only one review from reaching the vaunted ATB status ... where it deserves to be. Secondly, it's obvious from the votes it received in the Story of the Month contest, that it struck a deeply powerful note with the reader.
I can't help but feel that you were placed in your position of caregiving for a reason. Perhaps this post might be that rationale. Have you considered seeking publication for it?
Comment Written 05-May-2023
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
Thank you for such a thoughtful and in-depth review. I appreciate it a great deal especially as it had expired. I am very grateful too for the six stars which validates both the writing and the theme. I am honoured. I haven?t considered publishing it - not sure who would accept it. But thank you for that extra affirmation.
Comment from Mintybee
Where I am, we have MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying). It was set to expand earlier this year to include people who suffer from mental illnesses. The new rollout has been delayed as the pilot program saw pushback from people who didn't want to enter that discussion, and felt forced to consider it by a care practitioner. The point has been widely raised that if we don't fund better options, people will feel this is their only option. Your concerns here are absolutely valid.
I like how you present this, in stages with physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial considerations. This personal essay was informative, and compelling.
We are fortunate enough where I am to have a great hospital nearby. When we needed them, the prenatal palliative care team was amazing. My family also appreciated having access to a palliative care home when we lost my grandmother to cancer. Thank you for making the importance of this part of health care very obvious to anyone who may not have experience with it.
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
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Where I am, we have MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying). It was set to expand earlier this year to include people who suffer from mental illnesses. The new rollout has been delayed as the pilot program saw pushback from people who didn't want to enter that discussion, and felt forced to consider it by a care practitioner. The point has been widely raised that if we don't fund better options, people will feel this is their only option. Your concerns here are absolutely valid.
I like how you present this, in stages with physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial considerations. This personal essay was informative, and compelling.
We are fortunate enough where I am to have a great hospital nearby. When we needed them, the prenatal palliative care team was amazing. My family also appreciated having access to a palliative care home when we lost my grandmother to cancer. Thank you for making the importance of this part of health care very obvious to anyone who may not have experience with it.
Comment Written 05-May-2023
reply by the author on 06-May-2023
Thank you for such a thoughtful and in-depth review. I appreciate it a great deal especially as it had expired. I am very grateful too for the six stars which validates both the writing and the theme. I am honoured.
Comment from Father Flaps
Hi Wendy,
A couple of weeks ago, I entered the "One Line Poem" contest with this:
titled, "The Twinges of Life"
"It's hard to be born, but even harder to die."
As a Christian, I know that our time on this planet is in God's hands, not our own. But I fail to see the purpose in living in pain and suffering. What does it accomplish? I hope I'm never in that predicament, because I don't want to have to make the choice. I have to wonder, who will lead me home to Heaven if it's my decision and not God's? Will He still send an angel to guide me to the Gate? Or will I have to make that trip on my own? It would be like boarding a jet without a ticket!
Terrific essay on the subject, Wendy! Good job! Not an easy answer. Abortion is another topic that requires our faith. What will you say about that subject, as a Christian? Many, many women feel it's there right to abort a baby. Where is God in this issue?
"If the client is still in intolerable pain, then the Palliative Specialist Medical team (need) to adjust what they are administering, and its frequency." ... (needs)
"Without appropriate care he would have (fitted) the criteria." ... (fit)
"I fear what changes in legislation such as these above situations might lead to." ... (I suggest,
I fear where changes in legislation, such as the situations mentioned above, might lead.)
"It will certainly be less expensive to send out a box with a key, even with the cost of all the necessary steps before approval is offered, than to improve palliative facilities and staffing measures, and maintain life for longer." ...(I suggest,
It will certainly be less expensive to send out a box with a key, even with the cost of all the necessary steps before approval is offered, than to improve palliative facilities and staffing measures, and maintain life to the max.)
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
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Hi Wendy,
A couple of weeks ago, I entered the "One Line Poem" contest with this:
titled, "The Twinges of Life"
"It's hard to be born, but even harder to die."
As a Christian, I know that our time on this planet is in God's hands, not our own. But I fail to see the purpose in living in pain and suffering. What does it accomplish? I hope I'm never in that predicament, because I don't want to have to make the choice. I have to wonder, who will lead me home to Heaven if it's my decision and not God's? Will He still send an angel to guide me to the Gate? Or will I have to make that trip on my own? It would be like boarding a jet without a ticket!
Terrific essay on the subject, Wendy! Good job! Not an easy answer. Abortion is another topic that requires our faith. What will you say about that subject, as a Christian? Many, many women feel it's there right to abort a baby. Where is God in this issue?
"If the client is still in intolerable pain, then the Palliative Specialist Medical team (need) to adjust what they are administering, and its frequency." ... (needs)
"Without appropriate care he would have (fitted) the criteria." ... (fit)
"I fear what changes in legislation such as these above situations might lead to." ... (I suggest,
I fear where changes in legislation, such as the situations mentioned above, might lead.)
"It will certainly be less expensive to send out a box with a key, even with the cost of all the necessary steps before approval is offered, than to improve palliative facilities and staffing measures, and maintain life for longer." ...(I suggest,
It will certainly be less expensive to send out a box with a key, even with the cost of all the necessary steps before approval is offered, than to improve palliative facilities and staffing measures, and maintain life to the max.)
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
Thank you so much for all the thought, time, and effort you put into this review. I appreciate it so much, along with the six stars. I have made all the suggested changes, except for "fitted" (which is Australian and Bristish English as a past participle of "fit") Thank you again for such encouragement and suport.
Comment from lyenochka
Thank you for sharing about this very difficult thing. I wrote about my 93-year-old neighbor who chose to die last year. She refused food and water. But at the end of the year, my 93-year-old dad was in the hospital and the staff decided that he lived his full life and couldn't be trusted to eat without choking so they stopped all food by mouth. In essence, they judged him and sentenced him to death. The new geriatric philosophy here is to hurry people to death! I don't know what to say but in both these cases, I wish they had the peace and joy of knowing they would be with Jesus when their spirits left this earth.
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
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Thank you for sharing about this very difficult thing. I wrote about my 93-year-old neighbor who chose to die last year. She refused food and water. But at the end of the year, my 93-year-old dad was in the hospital and the staff decided that he lived his full life and couldn't be trusted to eat without choking so they stopped all food by mouth. In essence, they judged him and sentenced him to death. The new geriatric philosophy here is to hurry people to death! I don't know what to say but in both these cases, I wish they had the peace and joy of knowing they would be with Jesus when their spirits left this earth.
Comment Written 05-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2023
Yes, speed now seems to be of the essence, and the value of a human life is diminished or not seenat all, either with the old, the disabled, or with unborn babes. Your father could have been given a gastrostomy and be tube-fed. Our foster son is tube-fed and has been for years. He lives a happy life. Another friend in his sixties is tube-fed after cancer of the jaw. Staff should not be making a unilateral decision such as in your father's case. That's a terrible indictment on their care and the hospital system. Yet, Jesus sees all, and knows and understands. But I am sad for you, knowing this treatment of him. Many thanks for reviewing, and for your thoughtful compassion.
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Wendy,
I've read your post and I'm so pleased at your stance on this issue and the professional way in which you've addressed it. If I may suggest, if you have an editorial section in your local newspaper that allows the readers to give their opinion about various issues, I would plead with you to submit this article in it's entirety. Part of the reason that the world has become so hardened, is because those who hate what is good and right are so outspoken, and people who speak the truth are being shouted down. You have a heart for God and what God values Wendy, and it pleases me to no end to consider you a friend. Well done gal.
Have a blessed day.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2023
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Hello Wendy,
I've read your post and I'm so pleased at your stance on this issue and the professional way in which you've addressed it. If I may suggest, if you have an editorial section in your local newspaper that allows the readers to give their opinion about various issues, I would plead with you to submit this article in it's entirety. Part of the reason that the world has become so hardened, is because those who hate what is good and right are so outspoken, and people who speak the truth are being shouted down. You have a heart for God and what God values Wendy, and it pleases me to no end to consider you a friend. Well done gal.
Have a blessed day.
Comment Written 04-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2023
Thank you so much Tom. What an amazing encouragement you are! I appreciate your words so much, and also the six stars you offered. Always very much valued as an affirmation that what I write is meaningful. Thank you again. Wendy
Comment from w.j.debi
This is a difficult topic for many people to deal with and so they don't until they are faced with it.
I admire your passion and your compassion in this topic. And with you, I wonder, where is God in the discussion?
The writing is well done. You have organized your essay well and giving excellent examples to support your argument.
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2023
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This is a difficult topic for many people to deal with and so they don't until they are faced with it.
I admire your passion and your compassion in this topic. And with you, I wonder, where is God in the discussion?
The writing is well done. You have organized your essay well and giving excellent examples to support your argument.
Comment Written 03-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2023
Thank you for your very thoughtful and kind review of the writing. I appreciate it greatly. Also, I am both thankful and grateful for the six beautiful and valued stars.
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
You presented your points faithfully, unapologetically, and in a Christlike manner. I agree with each one. I had not heard of this before. God made us in his image (male and female) and He determines the time to die.
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2023
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You presented your points faithfully, unapologetically, and in a Christlike manner. I agree with each one. I had not heard of this before. God made us in his image (male and female) and He determines the time to die.
Comment Written 03-Apr-2023
reply by the author on 03-Apr-2023
Thank you Vena for your very supportive and encouraging review, and the gift of six stars. Feeling honoured.