My Mom and the Teacher Fiasco
I Thank my Granddaughter, Kenzie for her Lovely Artwork47 total reviews
Comment from Ulla
Oh Debi, this a wonderful narrative about why you write. I must have been a horrific feeling when everyone thought you were cheating. But your Mum stood up for you. I'm sure your lat mother would-be so proud of you, and I can certainly understand why you won the contest. Congratulations. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
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Oh Debi, this a wonderful narrative about why you write. I must have been a horrific feeling when everyone thought you were cheating. But your Mum stood up for you. I'm sure your lat mother would-be so proud of you, and I can certainly understand why you won the contest. Congratulations. Ulla:)))
Comment Written 16-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
Thanks so much Ulla! You are awesome and you have no idea how much I appreciate your wonderful review and kind words for my story. Thank you again my very dear friend.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
and now, as Paul Harvey use to say, is the rest of the story, from beginning to end. One lesson to be learned is to make sure you backup your work constantly. I guess back when you were seven, your work wasn't on a computer.
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
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and now, as Paul Harvey use to say, is the rest of the story, from beginning to end. One lesson to be learned is to make sure you backup your work constantly. I guess back when you were seven, your work wasn't on a computer.
Comment Written 16-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
You nut Tom!! Hahaha!!! And I love Paul Harvey too, but that didn't do me much good either. Lol... You are awesome and you have no idea how much appreciate your wonderful review and kind words for my story. Thank you again my very dear friend.
I am honored to be considered a friend and bow to you.
Comment from mermaids
My mother was fond of my poetry as well. I like how your mother came to your defense. I am so surprised the teacher accused you of not writing the poem, a very heavy accusation. All in all though, this turns out to be a pleasant memory of your mother and the love she had for you. So sorry she died young at 58.
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
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My mother was fond of my poetry as well. I like how your mother came to your defense. I am so surprised the teacher accused you of not writing the poem, a very heavy accusation. All in all though, this turns out to be a pleasant memory of your mother and the love she had for you. So sorry she died young at 58.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
Thank you so much Elaine for such kind words for my story and for my mom.
That means the world to me. I guess they had to pretty traumatic that I still remember her exact words, yet can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. Lol! Thanks so much my dear friend!
Comment from Spitfire
An engrossing story with a lot of action. Running two miles! Your mother was an angel for sure that day and always. I was pleased to hear the teacher apologized as did the students. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
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An engrossing story with a lot of action. Running two miles! Your mother was an angel for sure that day and always. I was pleased to hear the teacher apologized as did the students. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
Hi there Shari and thank you from the bottom of my heart dear friend. Your kind comments were especially meaningful to me. Yes, that was so hard on me, but when I think of the love I felt from my mother, made it so much easier. Yet those words will never leave me, as they only have helped me to never accuse someone else without 100% proof and then to do it in kindness. Thanks again my sweet friend and also for the gracious gift of six stars.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Your storytelling about your experiences always resonates with my spirit. Here again, I can envision how you felt when classmates accused you of having your mother do your homework and write your poem. I could feel the hurt. But when you told how your mother responded when you told her, made tears well in my eyes. You clearly explained, and I understand why you write. Congrats on having the number one story for the month of March, and best wishes in the contest.
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
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Your storytelling about your experiences always resonates with my spirit. Here again, I can envision how you felt when classmates accused you of having your mother do your homework and write your poem. I could feel the hurt. But when you told how your mother responded when you told her, made tears well in my eyes. You clearly explained, and I understand why you write. Congrats on having the number one story for the month of March, and best wishes in the contest.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
Oh Lorraine, I appreciate your lovely words more than I can tell you. Thank you so much for that. There are so many things from our childhoods that we have forgotten about, but the fact that this is one that I remember word to word, detail to detail, tells me what an inpact it had on me. But as I try to look at the bright side, I felt something for my mother that was so special. We have always been close, but I was always jealous of her students, thinking foolishly at times that they were more important. That was mainly because she was so busy between school, grading papers at night and taking care of a family of nine. Duh, lol, what do we know in third grade? But that day, she truly came through for me, and even now as I write this, I start crying for the extra dose of love I received that day. Thank you my very dear friend for your kindness, and for your gracious gift of six stars. (Along with your sweet well wishes)
Comment from Sandra Nelms-Ludwig
This is a sweet, heartfelt entry into the Why I Write contest. Your text is a good size for reading. Your message is stated with clarity and is easy to understand. You were lucky to have such a loving mother. She did what any good Mom would do if her child was accused of cheating, and she knew as a fact her child was not a cheater. Your visual is drawn well. What is it called? Why are the lips connected? It's an interesting choice for this piece. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
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This is a sweet, heartfelt entry into the Why I Write contest. Your text is a good size for reading. Your message is stated with clarity and is easy to understand. You were lucky to have such a loving mother. She did what any good Mom would do if her child was accused of cheating, and she knew as a fact her child was not a cheater. Your visual is drawn well. What is it called? Why are the lips connected? It's an interesting choice for this piece. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 15-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2023
Lol, Sandra, you see much of my granddaughter's art on here from me. In fact I have been using them quite often. However she has a unique style and in this case this was to show a mother daughter intertwined in a way that would keep them together forever. It's her way of acknowledging that when I look in the mirror and see my mother, it isn't just her image, but I am her in someways, which I really am. Kenzie actually has a deepness about her that can feel what she is drawing and because she loves me so, she could feel it like it was also her and me. If any of that makes sense. And as far as the why's of any of it, there is no answer, as that is how she felt that connection intertwining. Y'know like any abstract art, only this is more meaningful. Does that make any sense at all? It does to me, but only because it was me who explained my feelings to her. Lol, maybe a bit of over explaining but it was such a good question and I appreciate you asking. Thank you for that. And also for the very kind review and comments. You are so appreciated my dear friend.
I get it. My daughter did a lot of drawing and so do I. It was so unique that I thought she may have named it. It appears to be watercolor pencils or colored pencils. Tell her I like her art.
Comment from prettybluebirds
Your story is beautifully written. And I can relate to this writing. We had a preacher for a teacher in grade school. He took a dislike to my siblings and me because our father did not take us to church. Our father told us we didn't need to go to church to believe in God. Anyway, the preacher-teacher unfairly accused me of cheating on a test when I did not. I can understand how you must have felt.
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
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Your story is beautifully written. And I can relate to this writing. We had a preacher for a teacher in grade school. He took a dislike to my siblings and me because our father did not take us to church. Our father told us we didn't need to go to church to believe in God. Anyway, the preacher-teacher unfairly accused me of cheating on a test when I did not. I can understand how you must have felt.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2023
Thank you so much much PBB's! Sounds like you too had some ignorance to deal with. Isn't that sad for the people who are supposed to be there to help you, that they can make you remember them and their hurtful words even all these years later. Thanks again for your kind review and words, my dear friend.
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Very nice artwork and wonderful story to go with it, Debi.
-Yes, I can relate to having my work held up as a bad example;
that was in 5th grade, and the teacher wasn't very good.
-Your love for your mother and for writing came through very well.
-I am sorry you lost her when she was so young, but I know she is
still proud each time you write something, and I also know she is in your heart. I lost my parents in their mid 70's years ago, and that's where they are, in my heart.
-I'm glad you and your mom went to see the teacher and stood up for you both.
-It's funny the things I can relate to, like the mama bear thing. I had that feeling when my son was young!
-I am also sorry your house burned down and you lost the things that were meaningful to you.
-I like how you ended your story, and I hope you do well in the contest.
reply by the author on 14-Mar-2023
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-Very nice artwork and wonderful story to go with it, Debi.
-Yes, I can relate to having my work held up as a bad example;
that was in 5th grade, and the teacher wasn't very good.
-Your love for your mother and for writing came through very well.
-I am sorry you lost her when she was so young, but I know she is
still proud each time you write something, and I also know she is in your heart. I lost my parents in their mid 70's years ago, and that's where they are, in my heart.
-I'm glad you and your mom went to see the teacher and stood up for you both.
-It's funny the things I can relate to, like the mama bear thing. I had that feeling when my son was young!
-I am also sorry your house burned down and you lost the things that were meaningful to you.
-I like how you ended your story, and I hope you do well in the contest.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 14-Mar-2023
Hahaha! You are not going to believe this, but I just came from your place and no wonder I didn't find you home. Lol.... I am so sorry I didn't have one of my six stars left to give you, as it was actually worth about ten of them.
Thank you my sweet friend for this incredible review and comments. It amazes me that those words, "you have to admit it does look pretty suspicious!" have never left me since third grade. You expect that kind of ignorance from a kid, but a teacher to say it, was arrogance. I didn't actually make it sound as bad as it really was, but after my mom did that, she was my best friend for life. Yet she was a class act. She could get her point across by that fire in the eyes and a very calm voice, but make no mistake, she did get her point across. In fact sometimes if I am not happy with my hubby and I walk by a mirror, I will look at it and say, "Mom is that you?" Lol!! Thanks so much dear Pam for your gracious six stars too that you sent my way. You have made my day!!
I appreciate your reply and you are very welcome and deserving of the stars and review, Debi. I was happy to make your day, and I know what you mean about seeing your mother in you, too! Have a great day and Beware the Ides of March😊
Comment from Janet Foor
I enjoyed reading your heartfelt story about "why you write" and yes, I'm sure your mom was proud of you then as she is proud of you today. I'm happy for you that you had that kind of a mom that was an encouragement to you. Very nicely done.
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I enjoyed reading your heartfelt story about "why you write" and yes, I'm sure your mom was proud of you then as she is proud of you today. I'm happy for you that you had that kind of a mom that was an encouragement to you. Very nicely done.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2023
Comment from Tpa
It began on a sad note with your classmates bullying you, including the teacher, which I thought was shameful on her part. The ending was beautiful, especially your mother's poem, which only proves the God's greatest gift is a mother.
reply by the author on 14-Mar-2023
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It began on a sad note with your classmates bullying you, including the teacher, which I thought was shameful on her part. The ending was beautiful, especially your mother's poem, which only proves the God's greatest gift is a mother.
Comment Written 14-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 14-Mar-2023
Tap, you are incredibly sweet! Yes, they truly are a gift to appreciate and cherish always! I thank you so very much for your kind comments for my "Why I Write" story and for your very thoughtful review. Your kind words are always so appreciated.
And thank you also for generous gift of six stars!