Reviews from

Adventures of Living Alone

Things happen with little warning so be prepared.

32 total reviews 
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If this is a true story, I hope you are okay and that you didn't break anything. Don't wait too long to get it checked out.
My grandfather fell quite often. He wore his Life Alert, but wouldn't use it. He didn't want to bother anyone.
This is well written. Good luck in the contest.

One small typo--I think you mean seem instead of see in this sentence:

I was shocked because as big as it looked it didn't see that heavy.

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 Comment Written 04-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
    Thank you for a nice review. Yes, it is true story. I was just told by someone else they let their broken had go four months and it had to be rebroken and set so I'll definitely thing about getting it x-rays soon.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I live alone, too, and I've had numerous concussions. Explains a lot, doesn't it? I finally went to Medical Guardian for a life alert with fall detection. So far, I've been able to get up alone, but the night before Thanksgiving, I hit the hardwood floor with such a bang, I'm surprised my neighbor didn't hear it. I'm very independent, too, but I feel a lot better wearing this alert system. Especially since I always seem to hit my head. Let me know about your wrist.

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 Comment Written 04-Mar-2023

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
    Thank you for the review and comments. My hand is swollen the size of two but it isn't a sensitive as it was yesterday. As long as I support it, I'm able to type today.
reply by damommy on 04-Mar-2023
    I once broke my hand on the school bus and didn't have it checked for four months. It had to be re-broken and set.
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
    Maybe I'd better go sooner than later to have it checked. Thanks for telling me that.
reply by damommy on 04-Mar-2023
    Let me know.