A Little Help, Lord
A short prayer41 total reviews
Comment from MissMerri
A heartfelt and sincere prayer that clearly expresses the sentiments of many of us. I thought your rhymes and meter were perfect, but that is pretty much what we expect from you. If this contest is not over, I hope your poem does well, and I think it will.
reply by the author on 20-Mar-2023
A heartfelt and sincere prayer that clearly expresses the sentiments of many of us. I thought your rhymes and meter were perfect, but that is pretty much what we expect from you. If this contest is not over, I hope your poem does well, and I think it will.
Comment Written 20-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 20-Mar-2023
Thanks, Adonna. This poem did not do well for some reason.
Comment from Heather Knight
Our world seems to have gone crazy in the past few years. So a little bit of help from above would be welcome, I think.
Thanks for sharing your lovely poem. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
Our world seems to have gone crazy in the past few years. So a little bit of help from above would be welcome, I think.
Thanks for sharing your lovely poem. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
Thanks, Heather. You are right about crazy. I'm worried.
Comment from Ulla
Well, to be pragmatic, I think it's time for America to vote in some new and younger faces. I'm sure God and his son would say the same. That's just my two cents worth. Please don't forget I'm half America. All best, Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
Well, to be pragmatic, I think it's time for America to vote in some new and younger faces. I'm sure God and his son would say the same. That's just my two cents worth. Please don't forget I'm half America. All best, Ulla:)))
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2023
Thanks, Ulla. Let's make that younger conservative faces.
Comment from Sandra Nelms-Ludwig
This is a good entry into the Dear God contest. The message is clearly stated and easy to understand. The text is an okay size but could be one size larger. It would also help to enhance your presentation if the text or poem box had color. It's now just so gray. Your text is not well-balanced in the poem box. You need to drop the first line down one space. The visual fits well. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
This is a good entry into the Dear God contest. The message is clearly stated and easy to understand. The text is an okay size but could be one size larger. It would also help to enhance your presentation if the text or poem box had color. It's now just so gray. Your text is not well-balanced in the poem box. You need to drop the first line down one space. The visual fits well. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks for the review and advice, Sandra.
You are welcome.
Comment from BethShelby
This is the first prayer in poem from I have seen, but It is just as meaning as the others and flows and rhymes beautifully. God gave some talents for writing beautiful words and I'm sure He would be pleased to see you using them in your prayer.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
This is the first prayer in poem from I have seen, but It is just as meaning as the others and flows and rhymes beautifully. God gave some talents for writing beautiful words and I'm sure He would be pleased to see you using them in your prayer.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks form the review, Beth. I have thanked Him for my poetic gift. I wish He had helped me out in a few more areas.
Comment from John Cranford
What a well written poem and an accurate description of where we find ourselves in this country today. Like you, I pray for Jesus' return, the sooner the better! He is the only hope for this troubled world. I wish you the best in the contest, although I don't think you need it. This clearly a winner! John
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
What a well written poem and an accurate description of where we find ourselves in this country today. Like you, I pray for Jesus' return, the sooner the better! He is the only hope for this troubled world. I wish you the best in the contest, although I don't think you need it. This clearly a winner! John
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks for your kind words, John. When they started to remove God's word from the government buildings, I just about gave up hope.
Comment from susand3022
Hi Paul,
I understand your prayers, but I don't know if we need to go quite as far as the second coming to solve those problems. I think we should just do what someone has already suggested. We need to limit their terms. No more being able to work all of your life in Congress. Someone suggested a 6-year cap. I think there ought to be an age limit as well, just to make sure that the people running the country have a future interest in what happens. I don't think that things should be run, or held up, by a bunch of old people that are now in the pockets of everyone and have been for decades... as you said. I don't think it's going to take The Second Coming to take care of the problem though.
A good problem to pray over!
Susan :)
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Hi Paul,
I understand your prayers, but I don't know if we need to go quite as far as the second coming to solve those problems. I think we should just do what someone has already suggested. We need to limit their terms. No more being able to work all of your life in Congress. Someone suggested a 6-year cap. I think there ought to be an age limit as well, just to make sure that the people running the country have a future interest in what happens. I don't think that things should be run, or held up, by a bunch of old people that are now in the pockets of everyone and have been for decades... as you said. I don't think it's going to take The Second Coming to take care of the problem though.
A good problem to pray over!
Susan :)
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks, Susan. You've got more faith in people than I do. I hope you are right.
I never said I had faith in people, Paul! I just said it could be done... not that it ever would be... have you seen these people? I think maybe if we threaten them with a thunderbolt from Zeus... (right up the old keister!) lol ;)
Comment from Brenda Henderson
What a state of affairs. The world joins in the refrain of your desperate plea for help from The Almighty. You are right we surely could use His help. He however, has already provided it through His finished work at the cross. The rest of us need only as the songwriter says "Get right church and let's go home!" Well done.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
What a state of affairs. The world joins in the refrain of your desperate plea for help from The Almighty. You are right we surely could use His help. He however, has already provided it through His finished work at the cross. The rest of us need only as the songwriter says "Get right church and let's go home!" Well done.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks, Brenda. We need to open the eyes of the people. That is a tough task.
You're Welcome
Comment from Tom Horonzy
God speaking. "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and I in my time will have the best of him. Meanwhile, keep your eye on the goal of sitting next to me in heaven. I lived through perilous times in my days as well.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
God speaking. "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and I in my time will have the best of him. Meanwhile, keep your eye on the goal of sitting next to me in heaven. I lived through perilous times in my days as well.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
God, Caesar thinks everything belongs to him. At least that's what it seems like when I pay my taxes. I will take your advice.
Comment from JLR
Paul if I could have scripted this as a prequel to a series on what's wrong with America I would have asked you to write the forward. Thank God, we Know he has a plan, and will return. God knows mankind cqnt possibly undo what man has created without his taking a firm hand in this. Thank you!
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Paul if I could have scripted this as a prequel to a series on what's wrong with America I would have asked you to write the forward. Thank God, we Know he has a plan, and will return. God knows mankind cqnt possibly undo what man has created without his taking a firm hand in this. Thank you!
Comment Written 03-Mar-2023
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2023
Thanks for your kind words, Jim. Things are getting desperate here.