Reviews from

The Man Who Loved Boats

Some people just should not own boats

16 total reviews 
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's amazing how many nonfictional stories are so unbelievable, but I have been in a few situations that have stretched the bounds of reality. These situations have occasionally turned into poems.

 Comment Written 31-May-2022

reply by the author on 31-May-2022
    Hello Paul,
    Well, everything I mentioned here was true. My time on the farm provided me with more fodder for stories than one could reasonably hope for. Of course at the time, I just wanted to experience a normal life, but nothing was normal then. Thanks so much for taking the time to review and comment.
    Have a blesse day.
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brother Gary was a walking disaster area where boats were concerned! I didn't know whether to be amused or irritated by him in your well-told reminiscences. Some people do grate on our nerves, no matter how cheerful and well-meaning they might appear.

 Comment Written 31-May-2022

reply by the author on 31-May-2022
    Hello Lisa May,
    It wasn't just boats that he had problems with. He had several car accidents as well. It would have been funny if it hadn't been so serious. Yeah, he got under my skin pretty easily, but part of the problem was that I was unhappy where I was at the time. Our personalities were just so different. It never stopped him from trying to get me to see things his way though. Thanks so much for the fine review and comments.
    Have a blessed day.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brother Gary sounds like a disaster not only waiting to happen; disaster did happen when he was involved. I do agree it is hard to put up with a perpetually cheerful person.

 Comment Written 31-May-2022

reply by the author on 31-May-2022
    Hello Carol,
    Thanks so much for the great review and comments. Gary tried the patience of a few of us more "carnal" members on the farm. He kind of irritated some folks in town too. For a few years he worked for the state as a port sampler for Fish and Game. He would drive the fishermen nuts because he couldn't wait until you came to the top of the dock before he wanted to grill us about where we caught the fish and how long it took. The state considered him the best port sampler they had though. He was very thorough.
    Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level

Smiles all around, Tom!
I thoroughly enjoyed your non-fiction offering of Gary. What a character!
And your characterization and descriptions were clear and entertaining to read, although I realize at the time that many of his actions and idiosyncrasies were frustrating!

My favorite paragraph:
Ol' Brother Gary. For years I couldn't stand the man. He was everything that I wasn't. He loved corporate living. I absolutely despised it. He would walk around singing or saying things like "Thankyou Lord!" at the top of his lungs for no reason other than he loved God and wanted everyone to feel the same way. I avoided him like the plague. Periodically we would be forced into a situation where we had to work together. We were like oil and water. We just didn't mix well, not because he didn't try. I just plain didn't like the guy.

I enjoyed the manner in which you present the above paragraph - even with the smattering of cliches... :) - because it read as if you were speaking directly to me.

Thank you for sharing!
Oh... and I have no business owning a boat, either. I'll stick to gardens!


 Comment Written 30-May-2022

reply by the author on 30-May-2022
    Hello Diane,
    Thanks so very much for the exceptional rating my friend. I'm so glad that you enjoyed this little story. Gary was truly a very sincere man. I think I was so consumed by my own misery that I really couldn't see him in as good of a light as I should have. I would walk away from a conversation (confrontation) with him feeling both angry and later sorry that I couldn't relate to the guy. Some folks just don't mesh I suppose. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
    I hope things are going smooth or smoother for you gal.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gary sounds like quite a character and he diced with death once too often it seems. I enjoyed your story Tom, a very entertaining piece, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 29-May-2022

reply by the author on 29-May-2022
    Hello Dolly,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this story about Ol' Brother Gary. He actually lived a rather long life, which given the way he was so accident prone was a miracle in itself. He grabbed life with gusto, which is great, but I've always thought a little balance in things would be in order.
    Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sad to find out your acquaintance passed, Tom. You did
a great job with your informative post about him. As they
say, you can't make this stuff up. It seemed hi never got the
idea about not going out in a boat. And others would go in
the boats with him? Maybe some of them didn't know about
his history with boats, though in a small town setting, they
should. Your words/lines flowed smoothly with great imagery.
Thanks for sharing, Jan

 Comment Written 28-May-2022

reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Hello Jan,
    Thank you so much for the great review and comments and the condolences. Yeah, Gary had quite the reputation with boats, both on the farm and in town. I'm not sure why anyone would have ridden in a boat with him. I guess that they were desperate. When he was younger, he had a very vibrant personality and didn't seem to know the meaning of the word -failure.
    Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What adventures you've had, and all of them entertaining to hear. I know what you mean about not getting along with this man. Sometimes that happens for no reason one can explain. I hope to see you two in Heaven and see how it goes.

 Comment Written 28-May-2022

reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Hello Yvonne,
    It's so nice to hear from you gal. Thanks so much for the fine review and comments. I was immature at the time, and I was so miserable on the farm that I couldn't find a good thing to say about it. Gary, on the other hand, thought it was heaven on earth and would go out and tell strangers about it. His mannerisms got next to me too. When he looked at me, though he was older, he always seemed to have a demener of the wise old sage tolerating the young inexperienced buck. No doubt I could have tried harder to get along with him, but I guess I was pretty much a jerk, and seeing him brought out the worst in me.
    Have a blessed evening. I hope you can stay cool gal and get some rest. God bless and keep you.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

During the process of reading your article, I was thinking of Gary as an "accident waiting to happen". I'm a person who is not outwardly demonstrative, but a lot of folk demonstrate outwardly, particularly in church. I never take actions for granted, as the outward signs are what is happening internally. So people like Gary fascinate and confuse me at the same time, I can understand your annoyance Tom, well done, blessings Roy
Typo : unusual in (the) southeast.

 Comment Written 28-May-2022

reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Hello Roy, thanks for the great review. The folks at the farm engaged in all manner of religious expression, speaking in tongues, shouting, dancing for awhile. I've always been a fairly shy fellow believe it or not. I was never comfortable expressing myself outwardly, and as a result I experienced a little bit of disdain from certain members of the eldership. I think they thought that if I didn't worship in the same manner as them I might not be a Christian. I often wondered myself if I was lacking something.
    Thanks for pointing out what would normally be considered a typo, but Alaska is so big that when we speak of it, it is divided into regions. Southeast, the Interior, the Yukon, Southwest, The Aluetians, Southcentral, The North Slope. Otherwise, you'd be quite correct.
    Have a blessed day my friend.
reply by royowen on 28-May-2022
    Knowing who God is, helps, even elders, I?m afraid they are human, unconditional is the key, my kids never had to be anything to have my love and approval. Some elders were uncomfortable when I asked them why they thought the way they do, fortunately our elders here are not denominationally driven, plus one of therm?s my best friend, my original Christian buddy,
reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Ah, you're fortunate.
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Naturally, this taletelling has an original approach and order of expression about someone, what, when and how everything happens and appear in one's life we never know, expectation never happens, and we make an unwanted comment on happenings in our living; all happened with Thomas; Well said, well done, post god speed more; b a classic-good (rare) theist writer, post 4 God; may pray FS sick Free Member Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)

 Comment Written 28-May-2022

reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Hello DR,
    Thanks so much for the great review. I appreciate your taking the time to read and comment on my story.
    Have a blessed day.
Comment from Susan Newell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


What a delightful story about a dyed-in-the-wool character. I have occasionally encountered people with similar traits and they can be a real turn-off. They stroll joyously through life leaving behind a trail of disaster. I thoroughly enjoyed reading more about Brother Gary.


sing along -- I think: sing-along

 Comment Written 28-May-2022

reply by the author on 28-May-2022
    Hello Sue,
    Thanks so much for the great review and thoughtful comments. Gary really had a heart of gold and his intentions, I believe, were honorable. Perhaps the contrast between the two of us was so great that I just didn't want to see my own issues. I had never run into anyone like him before. He refused to see anything wrong with life on the farm and I refused to see anything good about it. On his ability to handle boats though, he certainly should never have had access. We did have three deaths on the farm that were boat related. All three happened on one boat because the person in charge didn't have a good understanding of the area and shouldn't have gone out on the day that he did. It's really amazing that there weren't more accidents and loss of life. I've done my own share of stupid things with my boat, but I tried not to make a habit of it.
    Have a blessed day gal.