Reviews from

The Fiery Furnace

Sometimes Christ is all we have.

23 total reviews 
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your retelling of the fiery furnace and the miracle of God. I imagine you've heard Arthur's Smith's version of this in gospel music. (Arthur used to go to my church.) Your last verse is very encouraging.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    I haven't heard Arthur's music, but I will try and find it. Thank you very much for your review. John
reply by Verna Cole Mitchell on 27-Apr-2022
    Arthur Smith passed away some years ago, but I think he is most famous for "Guitar Boogie" and "The Fourth Man." Johnny Cash had one of the most famous renditions of the latter.
reply by the author on 27-Apr-2022
    Thank you. That's very interesting.
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is excellent in every respect--skillfully written (rhyme and meter) and powerful in its message. You have done a great job of telling
the amazing Biblical story of the three Hebrew boys.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    I'm humbled by the compliments from someone so learned and skilled in the English language as you. Oh, if I could just have a fraction of the faith of those "three Hebrew boys"! Thank you so much for your wonderful review. John
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice poem. Good work.
And they didn't even smell of smoke!
"like a son of the gods" - I really wonder what that would look like.
Best wishes and God bless you.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    Thank you for your review. You and your wife have quite a resume, my friend. John
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was lovely, and you have made a lovely poem from one of the Bible's amazing stories. There are so many that I don't know which is my favourite, all of them, I think!! Faith can carry us along a tricky road, and come out happily on the other side. Well done, I really enjoyed your poem. :)) Sandra

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    Thank you for those kind remarks. I appreciate your appreciation of my poem, and more importantly, the myriad of God's miracles of love found in His Word. John
Comment from Carolyn Dooley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is quite a story. In essence, God makes everything possible. The best thing for people to do is believe in God before you need him. Surviving a fire could only be possible by God. Thank you for the awareness post. Have a great day.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    You captured the very meaning of what I was trying to say through the poem. I'm so glad you did! I wasn't sure I adequately conveyed that. You've made my day! Thanks. John
reply by Carolyn Dooley on 26-Apr-2022
    You are welcome.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The age of this group must be over seventy in-large because so many writings testify, which is good, in a world that more each year relegates faith as passe. did you read where 71% of Americans attended services of all kinds in 1999 but in 2019 the percentage had dropped to 49%

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    I think you're right. I was not familiar with those percentages, but they don't surprise me. It was well demonstrated in a T-shirt I saw after one of the horrific school shootings. It read, "Dear God, why do you allow these things to happen in our schools. Signed, a concerned student. God's reply: "Dear concerned student. I'm not allowed in your schools. Signed, God." Pretty much sums up where we are as a country. By the way, anyone who uses "Ergo" in a sentence is okay in my book. Thanks for the review.
reply by Tom Horonzy on 26-Apr-2022
    Did I use Ergo? Let it be. I am a square cake baked in a round pan, for sure.
reply by the author on 26-Apr-2022
    I found Ergo in your profile and was immediately impressed. Hats off to you, Sir!
reply by Tom Horonzy on 26-Apr-2022
    Ah-ha. I need to review what was posted now and again, I suspect.
Comment from duchessofdrumborg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

'The Fiery Furnace', is an exceptionally well-written and spiritually-uplifting piece. This talented poet's work was a pleasure to both read and review. I look forward to seeing your next post.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    Thank you very much. I appreciate your review.
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 26-Apr-2022

    You're very welcome.
Comment from RPSaxena
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello John Cranford,
You have beautifully depicted your faith in Christ Jesus and His power!
Impressive phraseology; smooth flow throughout from the beginning to the end with lovely rhyming scheme.
The last stanza is particularly noteworthy.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    The last stanza is my favorite, as well. Thank you for your review.
reply by RPSaxena on 26-Apr-2022
    John Cranford, Most Welcome!
    With best wishes,
    ~ RP
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yes John, what a story that is, the poor soldiers who were forced to throw them in the flames died but not even a hair was singed on the three heroes of faith, but it's a allegory indeed, well done, skilfully written dear friend, great job, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    Thank you, my Friend. Blessings to you, as well. John
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great rhyming, easy to read, and a wonderful re-telling of that great Bible story. I like the attitude those men had. They knew God was able to deliver them but EVEN IF He didn't they were still going to stand strong.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2022

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2022
    I agree it's a wonderful story. It's amazing how such ordinary young men could have such extraordinary faith...a blessed example for us all. Thank you for your review. John
reply by Anne Johnston on 26-Apr-2022
    You are very welcome, John.