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Business Lunch

Kamala shoots up (a series): Episode Y-2

2 total reviews 
Comment from oliver818
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an odd story and a nice piece of satire. I'm not sure I agree about Kamala eating puppies, that sounds more like something Putin would do. Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I gather from your story that you feel Kamala has an affinity to Russia? That she wants Russia to crush Ukraine? That she also has a hankering for puppy flesh? Or is it just Dalmatian puppies? Do you really think that Kamala Harris is evil? I do hope you plan to answer.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    My dislike for her is not particularly about her politics, but the way she treats people around her like they are utterly stupid and undeserving of respect -- you can particularly see it on display every time her prosecuting attorney side comes out. It makes me wonder if a lot of prosecuting attorneys are like this. It's not just in the link I shared in this piece -- you can see it from the insulting way she interrogated Amy Coney Barrett, down to her scornful facial expressions. She was mean and unprofessional in debates with Pence and with Biden. And you can see it on Youtube in lots of other political interrogations she has conducted with public officials who seemed to be trying to do nonpartisan, honest work. She constantly bullies and interrupts people. I wonder if she just bullies her way into places of power. There is no graciousness about her. And she is one step away from being the most powerful person in the world. I have a family member who is well connected in the DC area and used to respect her, until he talked to a number of her former staff members.

    So yeah, that's why I have an entire series about Kamala. I'm open to being proved wrong though! I am also a mutt/minority/whatever, and I see lots of people waving the mutt/minority flag as a way of excusing their bad behavior. Skin color does not make people special. How people treat other people matters.
reply by Jay Squires on 13-Mar-2022
    Thank you for taking the time to give me a well-rounded explanation. Your argument, from your perspective, is cogent and deeply felt. I only wish that part of it could have come across in your post. Unfortunately none of your intelligent hatred for her political methodology came across in your diatribe. It was spitefully written, vitriolic, and without the "meat" from the link being made a part of the post, it was without merit. With the mention of "minority" I now believe I know who you are. If I'm correct, I am surprised by your post.
reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    I was actually referring to my race as a writer, not to my nom de plume, but yes this piece is all the things you mentioned. I am also calling out India for backing Russia and refusing to back sanctions (Kamala is half Indian), and for continuing to purchase Russian military hardware. I suppose using Kamala to attack India is a bit of a low blow. She has weaponized her race to political advantage, though not particularly her Indian side, and identifies as Baptist.

    Your comments are fair, yet also funny with the clever meat reference, and gave me some pause. In the future I will adjust the narrative to avoid painting her as a secret ally of Putin -- maybe even the opposite and have her head down a redemptive path.