Reviews from

Tin Stars and Yankee Gold

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "Tin Stars and Yankee Gold 2"
The exploits of Civil War veterans turned outlaw

24 total reviews 
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good story and a good way to solve the problem with the carpetbagger. Your characters are good guys even if they are bank robbers, but they're a little hard on the towns' economies. This reads like a complete story so I'm looking forward to another story in a chapter.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much, and you'll get it. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just love the picture, Earl because it shows everything western. I enjoyed the continuation chapter. I am so glad that Boone and Brady decided to help Calvin and Joe Clark even though Brady had to knock him-Joe out. They definitely gave Perkin's a piece of their mind. Very well done, greatly enjoyed.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
reply by aryr on 01-Mar-2022
    Most welcome, Earl.
Comment from James Ott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Earl, this is a first-class western story. I found the characters well developed, especially the farmer. The action was described well. You are excellent at dialogue. While I liked the ending (they have found a new post-war vocation that predicts future stories) it came up a big short for me. I assume that Calvin Whipstock and others got their justice. Perhaps a word to that effect might be good.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much James. I hadn't considered looking back after they'd gone. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Just great writing Earl.
I have read a part of this before, and because we have so many to read, its not often I can come, but know I enjoyed the last time I read, I wanted to come and see the progress, and enjoy the read, as with my father, I love the cowboy genre.
Have a great week.
Exceptional writing.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much RGstar I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book. You have a great week too.
Comment from Jeff Watkins
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Earl, the post is deserves six stars, except for the punctuation, which deserves1 star. Use periods between sentences, except for short sentences, where either commas or periods may be used. Yes. Even one word sentences must be punctuated as sentences.
In compound sentences, use commas plus conjunctions to separate the first sentence from second sentence: Sentence, and sentence. Sentence, but sentence. Sentence, so sentence. Sentence, or sentence, and so on.
Insert a comma after introductory phrases and clauses. For example, this sentence has an introductory phrase. When I wrote this example (as an example), I used an introductory clause.
Use a comma before a restrictive clause. Check your handbook. You wrote an engaging story, otherwise. Jeff

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much Jeff. I write for a newspaper and that comes through when I write on here. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
reply by Jeff Watkins on 01-Mar-2022
    Earl, fashions change when it comes to punctuation. Most publishers go by "Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. I don't agree with all their rules, and there are other rulers. The Modern Language Association rules the humanities, for example. Except for requiring a comma after introductory phrases, the rules I cite for you are common just about everywhere. However, you are the one ruler who rules your writing unless you need to meet the demands of a publisher. Jeff
Comment from the13thpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Earl a merry Monday to you. I hope this finds you well. As a "damn yankee" myself it's hard to not be conflicted by this story. While I would clearly be a Yankee sympathizer I don't sympathize with wealthy land grabbers nor do I side with bank robbers. Thankfully this is just a story and I don't have to pick sides. Well written story, good job!

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you very much, I'm a Yankee myself I'm from PA. As we go further it will be easy to pick a side trust meI appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from Ben Colder
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well done. You and I are hitting on the same nail. Now we must keep a straight drive to make it work. Good one, Earl. I built my story out of folklore and stuff I just made up.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much for the six stars Ben. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from damommy
This work has reached the exceptional level

I did enjoy it. Very much. I love the characters Boone and Brady, and the way they decided to help the hard-working folks who were being ousted by the Yankee carpetbagger. Joe Clark agreed with the two robbers. I'm looking forward to more of this.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much for the six stars. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That sounds like a good idea to me. They just proved that money talks with the lady and the bank teller. LOL They di a great job of ruining that carpetbagger's plans. Well done Earl. Nancy

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much Nancy. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do like this story and you do a good job telling it.

After they had taken care of their Animals Boone and Brady entered the house. (lower case 'a' needed on 'animals')

Each grabbed hunks of cone bread and attacked their plates. (corn??)

Mopping up the last bean juice with a crust of bread, Brady answered.
"West." (comma after 'answered' and move 'West' closer)

"Why we headed to Harleyburg, we don't need no supplies."
"We're going to give the Lord a nudge to helping Mr. Whipstock." (Two dialogues in one paragraph, they get their own paragraph)

"What's the plan?" Brady asked as they tied their horses to the hitching post in front of the bank.
"Yore going to relieve the tellers and the vault of the money while I pay Perkins a visit. Tie it in a quick release we're going to be in a hurry to leave." (Two dialogues in one paragraph, they get their own paragraph)

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much I fixed the errors. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my book.