Comment from
What a cool story! I am so happy for you. The story reads in a rush where shorter sentences could be 'better' grammatically, but the excitement shows through how you have written it, so the tone is spot on.
Comment Written 30-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 30-Aug-2021
Yes, I agree. I am so new at writing stories and I never read a lot of books, because my mind tends to wander when I read things that are long. I felt the rush as well, and without a word count guide I was a little lost. Thank you so much for your feedback. And a great review. If you don?t mind, would you take one of my sentences and give me an example of how to expand it. 😊
Comment from
A very romantic piece of writing.
The pacing is good. The language fits the situation well. The story progressed from beginning to end without bumps.
Thanks for sharing. Good luck.
Comment Written 30-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 30-Aug-2021
Thank you so much for your review and your encouraging words. I am new at writing ?stories? so I have a lot to learn.
reply by dellsworthpoet on 30-Aug-2021