Lord and Savior
a contest entry27 total reviews
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Very nice artwork
and presentation, Portia.
-Congratulations on the win.
-I can see why you won.
-A very good poem with
good examples and rhyme.
-There is a good message
in each verse that reflects
feelings of peace and joy
that comes from faith in Him.
-Well done.
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
-Very nice artwork
and presentation, Portia.
-Congratulations on the win.
-I can see why you won.
-A very good poem with
good examples and rhyme.
-There is a good message
in each verse that reflects
feelings of peace and joy
that comes from faith in Him.
-Well done.
Comment Written 23-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for your review and the congrats.
I appreciate your very kind comments.
You are very welcome, Portia.
Comment from Seshadri_Sreenivasan
God is abundant in love and steadfast in mercy. He saves us, not because we trust in a symbol, but because we trust in a Savior. I liked your spiritual poetry very much. Good luck in the contest!
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
God is abundant in love and steadfast in mercy. He saves us, not because we trust in a symbol, but because we trust in a Savior. I liked your spiritual poetry very much. Good luck in the contest!
Comment Written 23-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for your review, comments, and best wishes; they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Congratulations on your first place win, Portia. Your poem is filled with great and true advice. I love the rhymes and the way you formatted the lines. There's good flow and great imagery. I like the simplicity of the image.
Respectfully, Jan
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Congratulations on your first place win, Portia. Your poem is filled with great and true advice. I love the rhymes and the way you formatted the lines. There's good flow and great imagery. I like the simplicity of the image.
Respectfully, Jan
Comment Written 22-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for your review, very kind comment, and congrats; they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Kit Nongkhlaw
Reading this acrostic poem is so refreshing that brings greater meaning to the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You are more than a talented poet. And praise the Lord, your poems glorify His name. All the very best in the contest, Kit.
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Reading this acrostic poem is so refreshing that brings greater meaning to the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You are more than a talented poet. And praise the Lord, your poems glorify His name. All the very best in the contest, Kit.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 25-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for the great review, six-star rating, and very kind comments; they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Versch
It is always comforting to read words about God. Your acrostic poem contains messages from above, the absolute truth that none should ignore. For lucky are those who inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
It is always comforting to read words about God. Your acrostic poem contains messages from above, the absolute truth that none should ignore. For lucky are those who inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for your review and very kind comments; they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Raul1
Your acrostic poetry is very inspirational. I think that if we do right by God and Jesus Christ everything will be sorted out for the good. Congratulations on the win!
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Your acrostic poetry is very inspirational. I think that if we do right by God and Jesus Christ everything will be sorted out for the good. Congratulations on the win!
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for the congrats.
Your great review, six-star rating and very wise comments put a smile on my face. Thanks so much for your support.
I pray you are doing well and keeping safe.
Blessings and a Big Hug...Portia
You're welcome, my friend! A pleasure to help!
You're welcome, my friend! A pleasure to help!
Comment from Paul McFarland
Excellent job on a tough prompt, especially when you factor in the rhyme scheme. you have also brought forth a very important message. You are the acrostic champ.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Excellent job on a tough prompt, especially when you factor in the rhyme scheme. you have also brought forth a very important message. You are the acrostic champ.
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
It is a great honor to be called the acrostic champ.
Thanks so much for a great review and very kind comments: they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Janetsue
It is easy to see why this is the contest winner. It is an excellent acrostic (a form I often have trouble with). The message is critical and expressed very well. Congratulations!
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
It is easy to see why this is the contest winner. It is an excellent acrostic (a form I often have trouble with). The message is critical and expressed very well. Congratulations!
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Thanks so much for a great review, six-star rating, very kind comments, and the congrats; they are greatly appreciated.
Comment from Senyai
Hi Portia,
Congratulations on your well deserved win! This acrostic is perfectly written with such a beautiful message urging readers to unburden themselves of guilt, loss and feelings of failure and loneliness.
Simply put an amazing acrostic with rhyme that streamed like a sunrise of hope.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Hi Portia,
Congratulations on your well deserved win! This acrostic is perfectly written with such a beautiful message urging readers to unburden themselves of guilt, loss and feelings of failure and loneliness.
Simply put an amazing acrostic with rhyme that streamed like a sunrise of hope.
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
Your reviews and support always bless me.
Thanks so much for your very kind comments and the congrats.
I pray all is well with you and your family.
Thanks so much for the congrats...
Comment from royowen
This is a marvellous entry in this contest, and the very great truth about God's provision for us all on this earth, and certainly beyond this realm of sin. I love the fact that you are such a wonderful crusader fo God, and an inspiration to the rest of us. Beautifully written Portia, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
This is a marvellous entry in this contest, and the very great truth about God's provision for us all on this earth, and certainly beyond this realm of sin. I love the fact that you are such a wonderful crusader fo God, and an inspiration to the rest of us. Beautifully written Portia, blessings Roy
Comment Written 21-Aug-2021
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2021
I am blessed by your very kind and encouraging comments. Thanks so much for a great review, six-star rating, and your support.
I pray that you and your family are doing well.
Me too Portia