Reviews from

Someone Else Will Report This

A couple gets kidnapped in Downtown Boston.

3 total reviews 
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very thought-provoking story that could really happen on any street, in any city. It reminds me somewhat of the Kitty Genovese murder -- it may have received national attention, but was better known in NYC. A woman was brutally murdered in an upscale area of Queens, NY, and it was revealed later that dozens of witnesses heard her screams. No one thought it was their responsibility to report it, and many of them probably did have phones -- I think it may have happened in the 1960s. Psychologists and sociologists have commented extensively on it, and it was largely from that incident that the term "bystander effect" was coined -- a diffusion of responsibility. This is a chilling tale, but unfortunately, the lesson is timeless. There is much that police could have learned from this woman's testimony, and if her son or daughter had been one of the victims, she'd have wanted the witness to report it to the police. Knock on a neighbor's door, and ask to use the phone!

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2020
    Stay tuned. Thanks again Mary Kay for reading one of my stories and for the very nice review. I read all three of your stories in the 2019 IU Anthology, and they all seemed to have a bad theme. I need to find a way to cheer you up.
    Thanks again,
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 10-Dec-2020
    You're very welcome, Dick. I wouldn't say that my stories have a "bad theme," but are intended as eye openers. Also, since they seem to be the ones that get chosen, I have been writing more of those. (The one I wrote for this week was along similar lines.) Actually, "Sam the Ram" didn't have a negative or depressing theme -- a young girl goes rock climbing with a boy, and their innocent date is mistaken by her mother to be something more; but she is able to explain to her mother that they're just having some outdoor fun.
    That being said, you can try to cheer me up, if you want to! My husband is always trying to, and sometimes to the point of lunacy. He carries my pocketbook around the room, acting like a cross-dresser; quacks like a duck; imitates me incessantly... and so on. He does succeed sometimes, in making me laugh.
    I don't mind if you try, also.
    God bless you, my friend.
    - Mary Kay
reply by the author on 10-Dec-2020
    I will try to do that. However, no carrying your pocketbook, or cross-dressing. I did see your story on IU, and it was nice to see you posting a story.
    Things do happen the way they are supposed to. I'll share this true story.
    My son and I had a falling out years ago when he was a teenager (I thought he was going down the wrong path and I feared what I was going to do when he mouthed off to my wife, who was not his mother.
    I sent him to live with his grandmother, but told him I loved him and to stay in touch. Twenty-five years later, without any contact, I received a "Happy Fathers Day" email from him. When I visited him in CA the first time after that, when I returned, my dad passed away the Monday following my return. One chapter ends, and a new one begins.
    I have two great grandchildren and a beautiful daughter-in-law. It was a long-path to go down, but the ending was worth the pain. There's more to the story, but I have no idea why I'm sharing this story.
    Hopefully, my values have made an impression on him, because things are so much better.
    A little more detail - he lost his mother (my x-wife) to an illness and came to live with us. I think his behavior was caused by her passing and not grieving.
    Thanks for listening and coming into my writing life.
    Best regards,
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 11-Dec-2020
    Wow! You covered about 6 generation s of your family, in that reply... from your grandmother to your great-grandchildren! What a great story.
    Haha, you don't have to carry my pocketbook, lol. I think my husband has that covered.
    Sometimes I carry things that belong to him in my bag. One day at the doctor's office, I referred to it as "our" pocketbook, a little embarrassing for him, but VERY funny. Some things are memorable. 😁
Comment from RodG
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story paints a grim picture of how disinterested SOME people are when witnessing a violent scene. We hear it all the time on the news: people shot and killed and NO ONE comes forth as a witness. Work on your description of the abduction to sharpen the picture. Otherwise, this story's plot is solid.

 Comment Written 31-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 31-Oct-2020
    Thanks Rod for reading one of my posts and for the good review. I appreciate the feedback.
    Best regards,
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yup, this is the attitude, let this be somebody's else problem. "
What is this world coming to? Someone else must have witnessed what happened and would surely report it." Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 31-Oct-2020
    Thank you lza for reading this entry and for the very nice review.
    It's time for all of us to take stock in our behavior, and get back to the good times...we ALL need it.
    Best regards,