Reviews from

I Put Them Back, She Takes Them Out

Tri, Tri and Tri again ...

61 total reviews 
Comment from Ankh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Welcome to the joy of kids lol. Little whirlwinds of energy. I gave up trying to keep up years ago. I just pick it up after their third time playing with it now. It gets put away for later. They never seem tp miss it lol :-0~
Seth x

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Hey bud, thanks a bunch. I've tried leaving it but the house is so hard to clean late at night, I don't have the enthusiasm or the fucking energy to be honest.
    Closet xo
Comment from Frankeddy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice triolets. Beautiful picture of your daughter, in action.
I love your great rhyming scheme and your setting is so nice and bright and colorful. I can visualize that Tahlia would keep Mummy busy.
Marg loved this one too.


Reved up for Jan 10th Another and better effort

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Hey there friend many thanks and good luck with the 10th.
    Cheers Phillippa xo
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Welcome back--I know you've been busy tidying up! I did not think you could resist your own contest! It is too much of a challenge for me, especially since I already have so much on my plate. I am glad you took your inspiration from the little person who rules your life right now--Tahlia and her Tri's! You captured the "roundabout" scene so well with your energetic rhymes and modified triolet repeats. Good luck in the voting booth. -Joan

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Thanks so much Joan, I tried hard to resist and then got sucked in but I don't expect to win. There are some sterling entries so far and a ripper pool...many thanks for your support.
    Its crazy here at the mo so not sure if and when I will catch up.
    I will try and get to as many posts as I can but have had to give family and house priority lately.
    Still writing plenty and stashing.
    Cheers Phillippa xoxo
reply by Joan E. on 28-Nov-2011
    I know what you mean about "writing and stowing"--that's my M.O., since I write everyday regardless how busy I am. I'm caught up at the moment, but I know that won't last. All we can do is our best and family must be our priority. Good luck and happy holidays- Joan
Comment from WilliamDeen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem, I Put Them Back, She Takes Them Out, is adorable. Your daughter is normal. Yes I said normal. These are the terrible twos and next are the trying threes. But these years go so quickly and then you will wish you had them back. With each stage comes something unpleasant, but lots of good too. Limit her toys and put up most of them. Each week take down different ones and put up the ones she used that week. That way they don't get bored and they aren't overwhelmed and just pull out, the actually play with them.

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Yes normal, but that doesn't help my sanity Will! LOL
    Thanks for your delightful review.
    Closet x
Comment from despiser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you me Lol

Without a doubt, she's not a crout
Or she'd sweep France
In a resounding rout!

Little bit of WWII in there for all you housewife history buffs
All three of you
Nice write to kick off the contest cpJ. Terrific flow, I've come to expect no less from you.
Cause the moment I see a misplaced syllable...
BAM! 4 stars
Nah, just kidding, great write though nonetheless.

-D xx

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Haha, you will NOT see a displaced syllable unless of course its one of those stoopid words you bloody yanks have cut a syllable out "toward"...I think you told me though, your a Canadian aren't you so you probably have a different pronunciation again.
    Nah, just kidding...great review though nonetheless.
    Whoops, bit of cut and paste ya??
    Hee haw
reply by despiser on 28-Nov-2011
    Cut and paste it on yer forehead HeeHaw HeeHaw HeeHaw

    ... Still HeeHawing
reply by the author on 28-Nov-2011
    Smoit oirse!
Comment from Louise Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another entertaining piece, C.P. Your meter and rhyme is impeccable, as always. I'm just wondering how you really handle your little devout messer upper. But when they're little they're so cute even if they are a pain in the arse.You've got my vote. Hugs, Lou

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2011
    Many thanks Lou, I appreciate your thoughtful review and I sometimes don't know how to handle the little creature! She is a definite arse pain! LOL
    Cheers and thanks again.
    C.P. xo
Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That what kids do. They keep us busy and on our toes. This was a well written poetic voice that flowed through its message well. This was just a delight to have read and written this response for... John

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2011
    Thanks John, I appreciate your wonderful review.
    Cheers closet x
Comment from Trybuck
This work has reached the exceptional level

I see the grin
that says
I'll do it a'gin
Go ahead, clean my mess
I'll make it fresh
Yep, I see the grin
And you know
She's goinna win

I hope you got it right (meter and all) for I sure wouldn't know. I do know it's been modified 'bout as much as one can be modified...
very well done, Buck

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2011
    Wow thanks a mill buck, I appreciate your wonderful review and glad you enjoyed it to a sixer level.
    Have a great day cos you just made mine.
    Cheers closet xo
Comment from gypsynet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

a very personal write that shines with such charm about your mind- boggling yet sweet experiences with a daughter... the rhyming pattern shows the charm of parenthood with vivid imagery lilting through the page... great pacing that punctuates your theme and structure of the triolet.. delightful!

 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2011
    Why thanks for such a lovely review. Most appreciated.
    Cheers closet
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aww aren't kids delightful? I remember it well. Kids love to get all their toys out but hate putting them away. Thanks for making me smile. Good luck with these well written triolets

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 Comment Written 27-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2011
    Awww yes they sure are. Great fodder for poems too. LOL
    Cheers and thanks so much for a delightful review.