Reviews from

No Vacation

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49 total reviews 
Comment from Air Spirit
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A poem that shows you can take the simplest of event, feelings, or a description of an item, and it can turn into word-magic. You describe and upcoming surgery, for which there is understandable angst and mixed expectations, and have turned it into a tasty poetic soup. I hope that your surgery goes well --- we will be sending you positive thoughts and prayers!

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you very much. Prayers are appreciated. Thank you, too, for these lovely comments.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had a hip replacement, but I have no idea what shoulder replacement would be like. Best of luck to you. I suppose therapy will be recommended. I learned that you have to do most of the work with this type of surgery. They doctors don't know how easy they have it. They're in and out in a few hours, and you're facing weeks of recovery. Don't worry about your writing and reviewing for FS. We will miss you, though. Excellent poem about your upcoming surgery, and sounds in a better mood than I would be. My hip replacement was quite successful no problems with it at all. It's amazing what they can do with these devices. judi

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    It is amazing. I'm so thankful the lupus attacked my bones rather than organs. Still five hip replacements and other things are more than I wanted to do. I hardly have any joints/bones that are my own. I'm a walking erector set. lol
reply by judiverse on 14-Jun-2018
    I haven't had to have any more replacements, fortunately. Maybe you could go to an auto body shop for some spare parts. Best of luck to you. You can be assured of success with the operation. It's just the inconvenience. Best of luck. judi
Comment from meeshu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

a well rhymed and informative poem good luck with your surgery, Damom. I will miss your writing but you will come back strong..........meeshu

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Meeshu. I appreciate you so much.
Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am going to be thinking of you
My husband Scott just had his knee replaced. He has an ice machine and that helps...also do the therapy every bit just as they say. Therapy is crucial
God bless and thanks...I dislocated my shoulder it takes time to come back...

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    I'm an hold hand at this. I've had replacements before. Five hips for a starter, then wrist, and a partial shoulder. I think I just know just about what it takes as much as those snippy little young therapists. lol.
reply by kiwijenny on 14-Jun-2018
    Why do therapists look12
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    That's what I want to know!
Comment from Sugarray77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for such a cute poem to bid us farewell for a while. I sincerely hope your surgery goes well and you will be right as rain very soon. Best wishes and speedy recovery!!!

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Sugarray, for the good wishes, and delightful review.
Comment from Jeffrey L. Michaux
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bless you. I pray that you'll have a smooth, successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I like this little poem that you've penned describing this event.. I like the clever wording you've used and the way you presented it. I'm going to believe for you that you'll be back at it before you know it. I've enjoyed reading your work and will enjoy it again soon. Well done Damommy. We that know about this will be praying for you. Try not to worry.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Jeffrey. Prayers always appreciated. Thank you, too, for a lovely review.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

well, first off, good luck with your surgery. I don't blame you for being nervous. I should have both my knees replaced, but haven't done it.
I hope you have a steady, problem-free recovery!
Who wants an old vacation, anyway?
But, to your poem:
Your rhymes are definitive and meaningful, and the accompanying drawings are neat - depicting what you will have done. good job and best wishes!
Katharine - pome lover

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you so much for the good wishes. This isn't my first surgery. I've had five hip replacements, and a should done before, just to name a few. I have avascular necrosis caused by lupus.

    When you have your knees done, you'll be so glad you did!

    Thank you for reviewing.
reply by pome lover on 14-Jun-2018
    heavens! Bless your heart. You have certainly have had your share of pain, and recovery. Again, best wishes to you.
    Knees may not get done at this late stage.
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    I hope they aren't causing you too much pain. They can do it without putting you under these days.
reply by pome lover on 14-Jun-2018
    replace them? without putting me under???
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    LOL. It's better than being put to sleep.
Comment from Sharon Haiste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your verse tells aptly of your upcoming experience.
Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure that it is routine these days. Doesn't help the anxiety though.
Heal soon and come back full strong.

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 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Sharon. I plan on popping back in a few days.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written Allouette about your shoulder replacement happening tomorrow. I pray that the surgery will be a great success and that you will recover quickly with no delays.

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 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Sandra. Prayers are always appreciated.