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Viewing comments for Chapter 28 "Karenina's Fall"
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57 total reviews 
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem for Karenina was funny and uplifting, Debi.
I'm sure she got the laugh as intended. You did a great
job including the many details of her fall. I'm glad she
didn't get hurt worse. Yes, her foot will mend. I liked the
line with the 're-boot' in it. That would be true of several
'things--just like a computer that was restarted after being
off. Karenina has needed a re-boot for a while in my opinion.
I believed she laughed at that line. Laughter, of course, helps
speed healing. She is a special friend with a huge heart, so it's
easy to understand the bond you and she have forged. Your words
were well chosen and created great imagery. The rhymes worked well too. The line about the cone was hilarious and probably made her
laugh more.
Thanks for the update.
Please keep us informed, Jan

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2023
    Thanks Jan for the awesome review, the always helpful hints and much much much more!!!! If you have a chance to look again please reread and let me know what you think of how it looks. Thanks again for all you do!
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

another moving tribute to a fellow Fan Story poet -who has been through a lot lately like so many of us facing an uncertain time and mishaps that happen to us all

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 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2023
    I hope you know Jake, that if there is something going on with you, I would be more than happy to do the same for any dear friend, actually anyone who is in need of the two things that people need most. It is a proven fact that those who feel the love and support of their -peers and friends have a less chance of depression and a greater chance of healing. That is why we are called to care for others before think of only ourselves. Please know that always, .
    So do you mind me asking, with all respect, if it was my poem are the subject matter? I appreciate your honesty very much, my dear friend .
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Debi,

I can't read this but I did read Karenina's message. Thanks for updating us on what happened. I've been wondering why I hadn't heard from her lately.

Get well soon!


 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2023
    Oh no Pam, is it the font, size, or both?
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 13-Jan-2023
    I always have trouble with cursive on this site. Don't worry about it, dear. I'm probably the only one.
reply by the author on 13-Jan-2023
    I used the best font that is between hand writing and cursive. But no, I want your opinion on my poems,.
    I will have it changed by 8:30.
Comment from evilynne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, that is a silly poem of well wishing. I am sure it will make her feel better. I was not aware that she had a fall. I wish her a speedy recovery. Evi

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Evi, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So sorry to know about more unwanted trouble from our own sweet Karenina. She was the first one to welcome me to Fanstory, and I will never forget! Sending hugs and prayers!

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Verna,, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a nice get-well message to your friend, and what an unfortunate accident she had! I'm sure she's thinking of all kinds of ways she might have avoided it, but accidents just happen. I'm sure you help to cheer her up, Debi. This is a great, amusing poem that I'm sure she loved.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Jim, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, Thelma, er I mean Debi (or are you Louise?)--- This poem is bloody funny and I am SO glad you went THAT way, while kindly asking for prayers. I can feel everyone that has been following my life of late to be rolling their eyes. NONE so much as me!

(Public Service Announcement to all who read this: NEVER a good idea (particularly if you are NORTH of 65) to pick up a dripping wet vac and decide it's a wonderful idea to "carefully" carry it back down twelve basement stairs.)

Love every line here my friend. It was NOT a "broken" humerus" and that made me smile, especially wide! I am not yet in "scoot" mode ~ in fact I did this Monday and today (need I point out, Friday the THIRTEENTH)-is day five. I'm still "imprisoned" in the little guest room on the second floor (AFTER the family version of the SWAT team got me UP here!)

The big goal is to be able to go downstairs! (Townhouse apt. so downstairs is where all the action is -- Kitchen, Living room, oh---a DOOR I can peer out of! )

Considering my very very no good horrible judgment I realize I am blessed not to have broken a hip or hit my (hard) head.

Do you have ESP? There will be a "Boot" in my future-- (great "reboot line!)

I wish narcotics had worked for me those first few days. Sadly Tramadol sent me into a hallucinogenic fall.

Thank you so much to you and to all who may read this.

I've said it before, but I know blessings when I see them...

I SO appreciate you!


 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2023
    Thanks sweetie and you are welcome, and I can take that line out, as it was wasn't meant to suggest that you were on the meds, because I know you aren't but used it for humor. And yeah, I have worn a boot a few times as I have broken my foot, had foot surgery and also a few years ago, shattered my ankle and had to have an artificial one made at the Mayo
    Clinic and was non weight bearing in a care center for three months. That time I was in 11 different casts. This bionic woman knows too well how this stuff works. Lol.
reply by karenina on 13-Jan-2023
    Oh LORD now. Do not change a thing! I absolutely WAS on narcs and wish they had worked for me those first few days. (Sorry if you thought I was hinting to remove it, I was not...)
reply by the author on 14-Jan-2023
    No, that's ok because I had to change a few other things. Pam can't read the cursive even to I was using the easiest to read. And Amahra was confused at first about the humerus bone thing. She didn't catch the spelling differences but now that reads better too. Plus I changed it to a black background and yellow font.
Comment from robyn corum
This work has reached the exceptional level


My stars. What have I returned to?? So many of our special folks hurting or going through difficulties.

Bless you for the strong sentinel you are. Thank you!

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 14-Jan-2023
    I have missed you Robyn. I was asking about you just last week, so it is nice to see you back. Thanks for your lovely review and comments and the gracious gift of six stars. Thanks again and welcome back my sweet friend!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Karenina has suffered of late and we are all thinking about her Debi and your wonderful post will certainly make her feel better. I loved your kind words and we all hope she fully recovers soon. Fall is a fear of mine and I have fallen a few times, Love Dolly x

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2023
    Hi Dolly, I thank you for your kind review and comments for my poem, Karenina.
    I sure appreciate it my friend
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yes indeed, I had to laugh about the Thelma and Louise quip, but please don't drive off the cliff either one of you. You are both precious to us, I will continue to pray for two of the most selfless women I know. Karen is likewise a great friend, we need you both, bless you for caring dear girl, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2023