Reviews from

Ol' Glory!

U.S. Joint Services Commandos annihilate the Viet Cong!

57 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is a good ode to the heroes lost in war. It uses end rhyme and internal rhyme well to bould a smooth meter. I like the collage of images used to illustrate your poem.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Greetings, Joan! A "SALUTE," too you for the excellent review, kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
reply by dragonpoet on 08-May-2020
    You're most kindly welcome, Bill.
    I hope you have a great weekend, too.
Comment from joycetreasures
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Commando,
This is a beautiful War and History poem. I'm sure Cathy loved this poem to her. You met all the detailed requirements for your poem. It's a wonderful soldier message and a caring tribute to military men and women. This is such a beautiful line, "Just hold me steadfast in your heart, with my kisses on your lips." From your message, I am glad you were able to defeat the Viet Cong Guerrillas! Your imagery reflects your poem brilliantly. I feel they would be honored to read your poem. You have some strong memories of those war days. Thanks for your service. Well-done. Happy writing;-) Stay safe.

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Hello, Joyce! An awesome review. Thanks for the kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. I read your profile, quite impressive. You wrote, Remember: "Never look down on someone unless you are picking them up!" Look . . . a "SALUTE!" Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
reply by joycetreasures on 08-May-2020
    You are so welcome. I pray Bill, that our God bless your richly in His Love, today and every day. Be kind and watch what God will do in your life. Stay safe.
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh the hell of warfare. Young men who do not know or really hate each other. Forced to commit barbaric acts in the names of their countries. Some politician in a smoke filled room makes a decision to play a game of Monopoly using the lives of young men too poor or too patriotic to avoid serving. In the end, compromise and a shameful retreat, send these young men broken in spirit, mind, and body back home to face the shame, disgrace and disdain of an unknowing and uncaring population, who just want them to not compete with them for the all too scarce resources that are being dispersed to some of the same countries we just fought against, because their people are willing to work for far less. What a mess, what a shame. I am so angry that I want to cuss, but I won't.

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    A "SALUTE," Nolan! WOW, quite an awesome review, my dear friend. I'll be submitting you for the reviewers reward. Thanks for the king words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. FYI, I did not serve in Vietnam; yet, Iraq in Desert Storm. Most events in Ol' Glory are factual. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
Comment from richie b
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A poem that resonates with imagery and
sound. A revealing poem of battle, facing fear,
and fighting back.
Your poem touches the irony of combat
and keeping in touch with your loved ones.
I read your bio and owe much to your late
father who was K.I.A. in Korea. My wife and I
adopted our 2 children from South Korea.
Without the ultimate sacrifice your father made,
our family may never have happened.
Our son Michael{36} was named after my best
friend who was killed in Army Ranger training.
Thank you sir for your selfless sacrifices.
Richie b

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    WOW, Richie! Quite an "AWESOME" review. I submitting you for the reviewers award. Thanks for the praise on my father. A "SALUTE," too you/wife for adopting 2 of God's children from South Korea. I betcha you're hearts are bigger than Alaska. My condolences for the Army Ranger your son Michael was named after. Thanks for the kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless you/family. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
reply by richie b on 08-May-2020

    Michael and Leslie Joy along with our granddaughter Bailey Joy are our
    greatest gifts from God!

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your contest entry. It flowed smoothly and the rhyming scheme was excellent. My husband, retired Army, gets very upset over the way some of our politicians are attempting to take our freedoms away. He's sure our soldiers didn't fight for our freedoms to be taken away, like this. Good luck with the contest

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Hi, Barbara! Great hearing from you. A "SALUTE," too your husband for his service to God and Country. Thank you for the excellent review, kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. In reference to some of our politicians attempting to take our freedoms away--I say, "Let's take our votes away from them, that'll work--you betcha!" Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
Comment from Sugarray77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent verse, Bill. What a vivid and exciting read. Your poem is very vivid and engages the reader in a mental picture of the scene, emotions and vivid imagery. Well done and good luck.


 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Hi, Melissa! Great hearing from you. A "SALUTE," for the excellent review, kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level

The awesome art choice is a great lead-in to your fantastic presentation, Commando. This is the best war poem I've read on FS.

It is filled with great imagery. I could see everything you mentioned in your well-chosen words. The soldier's feelings of his place in time are clearly presented. His thoughts of home and his baby keep him strong as he fights on foreign soil. I love the line, that includes 'war's horrid sound.' The word 'muffles' fits perfectly with the idea of shutting out gunfire and other war sounds.

The 'lonely pain' of the soldier away from his love is evident. He remembers their sad parting; but, is hopeful he will return one day.
The immediacy of the fighting is well-detailed with great onomatopoeia with 'rat-tat-tat. Kaboom Kaboom! The sound of those words lingers in the mind of readers and makes the fighting so real. The commandos are well-trained and ready for action to end the 'slaughter.' That perfectly illustrates the horrors of what the military faced day in and day out. The use of 'Ho Chi Minh' definitely pinpoints the era of this conflict. The realization he feels if he dies is poignant. He accepts it may happen and wishes to tell his love that he will still return in spirit.

You handled the rules with expertise to tell the story. The rhymes are super. I love the nips/lips. The quote at the end is a great accompaniment to this story in a poem. The image and color scheme are perfect, too.
Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for winning this contest.
Respectfully with Love and Admiration,
Laura Jan

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    A "SALUTE," Laura Jan! A "SPECTACULAR REVIEW." FYI, I'm submitting you for the reviewers award. Thanks for the kind words and taking time to read my work. It is an honor having an "AWESOME WRITER" (YOU) to express admiration for my work. As always, best wishes and God Bless. Respectfully with Love and Admiration, Bill
reply by Jannypan (Jan) on 08-May-2020
    "SALUTE!" to YOU!
Comment from Susan Larson
This work has reached the exceptional level

If ever a poem deserved six stars, it's this one. Having read your bio, it's obvious this came straight from the heart and from personal experience. How talented you are to express it all in poetry. And that picture is about the most haunting thing I've ever seen! Great job!

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    A "SALUTE," Susan! Thanks for the "Exceptional Review," kind words and taking time to read my work. It is an honor having an "AWESOME WRITER" (YOU) to express admiration for my work. Best wishes for a magnificent weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill.
reply by Susan Larson on 08-May-2020
    God bless you, too. I hope you can find other venues for this poem. Are there military magazines that accept things like this?
reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Once this contest concludes, "Ol' Glory" will become a part of "Love Long Distance, Chapter 28," Co-Authored with Cathy Waldron (aka Tootie). Would be honored to have you join us there. Bill
reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Hi again, Susan! Once the contest concludes, Cathy Waldron (aka Tootie) and I are including it in "Love Long Distance, Chapter 28." Would be honored having you join us there. A "SALUTE" for your interest and support! God Bless. Cathy and Bill.
Comment from harmony13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The author's words are heartfelt, clear, descriptive and creative. The rhyming scheme in this poem is excellent. The poem flows and
connects. The Salute to your friends is awesome. The artwork goes
well with this poem. Hope you are well and safe.....

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Greetings, my friend! It is an honor meeting you. Hope you are well and safe too! A "SALUTE" for the excellent review, kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I felt so patriotically proud reading this poem! All that our soldiers suffered through should never be forgotten or belittled. All veterans have our undying respect and appreciation!

 Comment Written 06-May-2020

reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    Hi, Rebecca! Great hearing from you. A "SALUTE" for the excellent review, kind words and taking time to read my work. All of which are an honor. Best wishes for an awesome weekend and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 08-May-2020
    It was a wonder poem. I voted for it too.
reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    A "Double Salute," Rebecca, and God Bless!
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 08-May-2020
    Ha ha I was once actually saluted by a Thai policeman once. Felt really good! A double from you tops his!
reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    :)) Of course it does, 'cause I'm a wee-bit more handsome! I did some commando training in Thailand.
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 08-May-2020
    Much handsomer than that policeman! Ha ha

    Happy to know you have been in my neck of the woods.
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 08-May-2020
    You are much handsomer than that Thai policeman! ha ha

    Glad you had a taste of Thailand.
reply by the author on 08-May-2020
    In and around Krung Thep! Thanks again for your support and God Bless.
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 08-May-2020
    I live in the northeast. When we got here in 1973, Thailand was about forty years behind America.