Tiny Tales of Terror
Viewing comments for Chapter 78 " Cradlesong"Multi-authored book of flash/micro horror fiction
57 total reviews
Comment from Michaelk
So very creepy and chilling. Any time you deal with children the chill factor goes way, way up. You succeeded with that very well. I love the music component, it gives depth to the story and makes it that much more chilling.
I did think the song foes, 'When the wind blows the cradle will rock', or was that a conscious deviation?
I thought the headlights were going to be a police car, with the cop telling him that his wife had died in a car wreck.
Excellent story and addition to the Tiny Tales.
Well done.
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
So very creepy and chilling. Any time you deal with children the chill factor goes way, way up. You succeeded with that very well. I love the music component, it gives depth to the story and makes it that much more chilling.
I did think the song foes, 'When the wind blows the cradle will rock', or was that a conscious deviation?
I thought the headlights were going to be a police car, with the cop telling him that his wife had died in a car wreck.
Excellent story and addition to the Tiny Tales.
Well done.
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Thanks, Mike. Such accolades coming from a fellow horror aficionado like yourself means a lot to me. As authors of horror fiction and dark poetry, we've not only seen pretty much all there is to see, but read all there is to read in the genre. Having said that, when I receive such a glowing review and six star rating from someone like yourself who's "been there, done that", I get pretty damned excited about it.
Thanks so much again, Mike. I very much appreciate it, and I'm glad you liked this one!
~Dean ;}
Comment from Zinnia48
Another great thriller. You write equally well in poetry and short stories. I'm in awe....It occurred to me to ask what your teenagers think of your avocation? Caroline
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Another great thriller. You write equally well in poetry and short stories. I'm in awe....It occurred to me to ask what your teenagers think of your avocation? Caroline
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Thanks so much for the glowing review, six stars, and kind comments, Caroline.
Believe it or not, both my twenty-one-year-old son and eighteen-year-old daughter love scary, eerie, creepy things as much as their dad does, LOL As a matter of fact, my daughter has a story posted here, and it can still be read in my portfolio. It's titled, "The Crying", just in case you're interested. She's quite the budding horror writer herself.
The Crying
It's true what they say, you know? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Thanks for the awesome review!
~Dean :}
Comment from I am Cat
Ok Dean, that's just wrong... Not the baby! ð??«
Makes me want to check the nursery...
And I don't even have a baby!
Only one word off:
surround sound ster(e)o system.
Other than that...
Creepy as always lol
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Ok Dean, that's just wrong... Not the baby! ð??«
Makes me want to check the nursery...
And I don't even have a baby!
Only one word off:
surround sound ster(e)o system.
Other than that...
Creepy as always lol
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Yeah, I'm afraid so, Cat. The poor little tyke went rock-a-bye-baby for keeps. I'm sure mom and pop will follow very shortly. At least they'll all be together, right? Heh-heh...
Thanks tons for the review...
~Dean :}
lol, you're a sick guy, Dean...
(I kinda like that) ;)
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Great one Dean and that screech certainly had me jumping. Glad it's mid-morning as I am reading this one otherwise nightmares may have been on offer. Like the alliteration in the opening sentence and the way you've set this around such a well known lullaby. Great read.
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Great one Dean and that screech certainly had me jumping. Glad it's mid-morning as I am reading this one otherwise nightmares may have been on offer. Like the alliteration in the opening sentence and the way you've set this around such a well known lullaby. Great read.
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Thanks for the sixer and awesome comments, Pearl. I am really glad that you enjoyed it!
~Dean :}
Comment from BeasPeas
A scary tiny tale of horror. I had the sound turned on which is usually muted and the scream scared me half to death. Another successful tale of fright. Well done. Marilyn
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
A scary tiny tale of horror. I had the sound turned on which is usually muted and the scream scared me half to death. Another successful tale of fright. Well done. Marilyn
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Oops...heh-heh. Sorry about that, Marilyn.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review this Tiny Tale. Me, along with all of the other wonderful members here who have graciously added stories of their own to this series, certainly appreciate the continued support.
~Dean :}
Comment from Jay Squires
The car pulling into the driveway...
It's my wife's.
[Sure it is, until you wake from that dream, too.
I always enjoy the macabre twists and turns of your stories or poems, Dean.
Gotta tell you, I downloaded this in the morning, minimized it while I went in to make a cup of coffee.
Then I heard a coffee curdling scream (I don't have blood in my body, just coffee!)
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
The car pulling into the driveway...
It's my wife's.
[Sure it is, until you wake from that dream, too.
I always enjoy the macabre twists and turns of your stories or poems, Dean.
Gotta tell you, I downloaded this in the morning, minimized it while I went in to make a cup of coffee.
Then I heard a coffee curdling scream (I don't have blood in my body, just coffee!)
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Hahaha, sorry about the scream thing, Jay. I was a bit worried about causing heart failures and the like, given the story's context, of course. But in my defense, and in the spirit of the Halloween season, I just couldn't help myself, LMAO.
Thanks for taking time out from your own work to read, review, and comment on my story. I sincerely appreciate that.
~Dean :}
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Hi, Dean
_ Whoa--this is when you wish you're waking up -from- a bad, bad nightmare, not waking up -to- a nightmare. (*<*)
_ Well penned and presented as always, my friend.
_ Super addition to your book of horror and thrills.
Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*:*)
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Hi, Dean
_ Whoa--this is when you wish you're waking up -from- a bad, bad nightmare, not waking up -to- a nightmare. (*<*)
_ Well penned and presented as always, my friend.
_ Super addition to your book of horror and thrills.
Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*:*)
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review this Tiny Tale, Jax. Me, along with all of the other wonderful members here who have graciously added stories of their own to this series, truly appreciate the continued support.
~Dean :}
Comment from Writingfundimension
Oh boy, Dean. You really deliver the goods with this totally creepy flash fiction. I can only imagine what's up in that bedroom!! I love the picture and accompanying music--it actually gave a chill up my spine.
:) Bev
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Oh boy, Dean. You really deliver the goods with this totally creepy flash fiction. I can only imagine what's up in that bedroom!! I love the picture and accompanying music--it actually gave a chill up my spine.
:) Bev
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
That's very kind of you to say, Bev, thank you! There's no better compliment than chills down the spine, at least for this type of story. Thank you too for the generous six star rating. That's just icing on an already sweet review.
I appreciate you taking time way from your own writing to read and review this Tiny Tale. Me, along with all of the other wonderful members here who have graciously added stories of their own to this series, certainly appreciate the continued support.
~Dean :}
It was a pleasure, as always, Dean. :)
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Ha, this time I read it while the sun's still up...but I have a great memory, and it will be dark soon...and I have a baby monitor for when my grandson stays over...and it's plugged in...how did that happen? He's not even here...helllllpppp...uh, oh, wrong guy to appeal to.
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Ha, this time I read it while the sun's still up...but I have a great memory, and it will be dark soon...and I have a baby monitor for when my grandson stays over...and it's plugged in...how did that happen? He's not even here...helllllpppp...uh, oh, wrong guy to appeal to.
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 06-Oct-2015
Hahaha, well, perhaps, Rhonda.
Thanks a bunch for reading and reviewing yet another installment to the Tiny Tales of Terror series. Me, along with all of the other fantastic members who have graciously contributed to the book, really appreciate the continued support.
Pleasant dreams...
~Dean :}
You know if I thought you really meant to wish me pleasant dreams, I would be charmed, but I suspect you truly mean "screams". I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though!
Oh, did I say "dreams"?
My apologies, Rhonda, heh-heh-heh...
~Dean ;}
Yes, just as I thought, you sneaky guy! Dreams, screams, so terribly close...
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Hello handsome :)
Wow, pretty creepy tale, I love it. The sound at the beginning of the story is really scary. The picture is horrifying too. All together make the perfect scene for a nightmare. Well done!
first paragraph=surround sound [ stero ] system. (stereo)
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Hello handsome :)
Wow, pretty creepy tale, I love it. The sound at the beginning of the story is really scary. The picture is horrifying too. All together make the perfect scene for a nightmare. Well done!
first paragraph=surround sound [ stero ] system. (stereo)
Comment Written 06-Oct-2015
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2015
Thanks so much, Gypsy darlin'. That is really nice of you to say.
Thanks too for taking the generous six star rating, and for taking the time to read and review this Tiny Tale. Me, along with all of the other wonderful members here who have graciously contributed stories of their own, certainly appreciate the continued support.
Huge Hugs!
~Dean :}
You are very welcome handsome :) You know I love to read your writing.
Thanks again, Gypsy. I'm really glad to know that.
~Dean ;)