Reviews from

Standing Together

Even when far apart

50 total reviews 
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, about we nominate Debi Pick Marquette for president of the USA. Your views are the best and most wholesome I have yet to read. While God does not approve of abortion, he also does not approve of many of the reason women seek abortions; premarital sex, rape, incest. If we could eliminate these things, I believe the desire for an abortion would all but disappear overnight.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    The thing is, incest and rape are such a small percentage of abortions and there is no excuse unless a mother's life is in danger since there is something called adoption. In MN right now is one of the few states but they are proud. They can do an abortion at almost any stage of pregnancy now.
    I am so NOT proud of our governor.
    It doesn't matter anyway because God didn't leave it up to us. He said thou shall not kill. He also has a purpose for every baby born. Maybe the special ones are those from incest or rape. They deserve a chance too.

    People need to wake up and quit the fighting between each other. Neither candidate is worth it. And for those Trump bashers. Maybe he survived with just an ear injury for a reason. Maybe God has something truly special in mind for him. After all, his sins are out in the open and he still is the in the game. And at least he doesn't have how many millions of baby's blood on his hands. It is horrible all the one sided trashing and it needs to stop.
    Thanks dear bro. Lotsa love, Debi
Comment from Natureschild
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a heartfelt and timely poem that promotes understanding and respect amidst political differences. The rhyming couplets contribute to the poem's musicality. The language is clear and straightforward, although I think some additional punctuation would improve readability and avoid ambiguity. Dispute this, I loved your poem. - Terry

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thanks Terry, LOL, it is so funny that when I first got here I was a comma queen. (hehe) I used punctuation in all my poetry and I was literally chastised for it. So as hard as it is I tried without and got used to it, besides a comma or exclamation marks here and there. Then I did some research and knew it was poetic preference and I loved the freedom of being without with a natural pause at the end of each line. And now I find that any poetry with punctuation seems to get in my way and is distracting to see periods and comas at the end of each line. Weird how we can change our views so fast. Anyway, I know you weren't saying anything wrong either way, but I just felt like explaining to you how I used to be. (I do like to talk) LOL.
    Thanks for the lovely comments for this poem, my friend. You are so kind.
    Love, Debi
reply by Natureschild on 23-Jul-2024
    Hi Debi, Punctuation is the preference of the poet, as you rightly say. When I read your poem out loud, the penultimate stanza caused me to stop and re-read, because the meaning was ambiguous to me. Reading it again now, I did not have the same experience.

    Apologies for the typo, (dispute instead of despite). :)
Comment from patcelaw
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is very well said, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. Just because we disagree about our politics does not mean that we have to disagree about our kindness our love and our care for one another. Thank you for sharing such a nice thing. Patricia.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Awe, thank you, Patricia! I truly appreciate your support so very much and it would be so nice not to listen to friends here argue politics. It is too one sided and it has the side afraid to open their mouths. The truth is we don't know what God has in store for us. Either way something has to happen soon.
    Let's hope it is about peace and serenity. Thanks again for the sweet comments and for the honor of your six stars. Love, Debi
reply by patcelaw on 22-Jul-2024
    Very welcome and I enjoyed your pool very much
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, I love the way you expressed your view in your poem. No sticks here-for you or anyone who disagrees with me. I am with you 100 percent in all you said!

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hey Sweet Verna, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thank you for sharing this. The Republican bashing on here has become intolerable for me, and it has worsened. Add the recent uptick in bullying on this site, well, it has made me want to leave. If it wasn't for you and a handful of others, I'd be long gone. The Bible says, "How can two walk together lest they be in agreement." That implies going together to a desired end. I do not desire to go where the Democrats are taking us and I take the opposite stance on key issues. There's very little common ground on abortion, if at all.

Henry Cueller (Texas 28th Congressional District) is the ONLY pro-life Democrat.

There you have it and the reason so many are voting for Trump again. Add the porous southern border and the threat of WWIII and you can see why it is so difficult to come together. We can can and should be civil because this is America. We've lost that too, unfortunately, and on FanStory.

Again, thanks for sharing and hoping and praying for a return to civility in these times.
Love & Blessings, dear friend.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Awe Sally, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.
    I changed that line about abort. I took the word party out of it.
    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well said! I too, do not support abortion, my mind being changed years ago. After l had my own children, l realized how precious life is. Politics is a tricky subject, but l try not to engage in a contentious way. You already write such good advice.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi Sharon, well I am so happy you are a fellow pro-lifer. There aren't enough.

    I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

True .we should respect each other opinions. Lke abortion .There are two sides .I have seen mothers hating children because they can see them as 'HIS" children! Hatred to the father is transferred to the poor innocent children So what about a child born of rape? I don't know the answer frankly. It is a painful subject..

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi Santha, I love how you ask questions so respectably. You know, as a survivor of incest and rape in my life I still believe what the Bible tells me. I believe that every child is special and there is always adoption.

    The only time I think it is ok, and it is not for me to say but it's if a child would be raped. It can happen. I was only 8 yrs old when I started menstruating.

    I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not a fan of either party. Politics has gone from representing their constituents to who can fool them the best. I'm like you, I don't support abortion. Life is made with a purpose. It seems the politicians are quite brilliant, though. If you keep the masses divided, they will keep fighting amongst themselves and never rise up against them. Eye opening, Debi. Thanks for sharing. Gretchen

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Awe, thanks so much, Gretchen, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi,
This poem has good advice using some good rhyme. Friendships should not be broken by political views. The last line is always the best way to go.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a great day.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi Joan, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
reply by dragonpoet on 23-Jul-2024
    Don't mention it, Debi.
Comment from Heather Knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hate politics and what you explain here is the main reason. People are hardly ever able to discuss this topic without getting angry at each other.
As you say, we should learn to agree to disagree.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi Sweetie, first of all, how is that baby doing? Getting big? And I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
reply by Heather Knight on 23-Jul-2024
    Annie is growing fast. She's sooo beautiful. She's already 7 months old!
    BTW, didn't you send me an email address so that I could send you photos?