Reviews from

Where's my Eyebrows?

A friend had a grooming accident

33 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Tom, when I was in Brisbane visiting my elder daughter, I bought an electric hair clipper for my beard, (it costs too much to get more than than the normal haircut) it had accessories to trim eyebrows, nose hair, and anything else for grooming, never needed it when young, but hair grows where one doesn't want it, and lose it from places you want to keep it, damn it's hard getting old, we'll done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hello Roy,
    you're so right about the hair and it's desire to grow or cease to grow in places other than where you would like it. When I was getting a haircut at a barber shop years ago, one fellow was saying his granddaughter, who had to look up to see him, didn't recognize him because he had his nose hairs clipped. Thanks so much for the great review.
    Have a blessed day.
reply by royowen on 20-Feb-2024
    heh heh, I like that
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for the humorous post, Tom. I think Tom would be just fine without an eyebrow. I thought you relayed once about your twins ending up with missing eyebrows. Anyway, it's also about fashion as my 9th grade French teacher had no eyebrows but penciled in two thin lines which looked strange.

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 Comment Written 20-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hello Helen,
    It runs in my mind that someone I used to know would pluck out all their eyebrows and use a pencil to replace them. Obviously they didn't work at a sawmill or someplace where there was a lot of dust floating around. I don't recall writing about the boys shaving their eyebrows, but one of the twins, Brian, shaved his head one night. When his sister heard the boys laughing in the bathroom, she checked on them and Brian had a whole bunch of cuts on his head. She convinced him to put hydrogen peroxide on it to prevent infection. She said his whole head bubbled up and he looked like a Chia pet. Thanks for the fine review gal.
    Have a blessed day.
reply by lyenochka on 21-Feb-2024
    That's it! I couldn't remember exactly what got shaven but I remember you sharing about one of the twins shaving something. Lol.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, geez! The poor guy...

Men and women in ancient Egypt shaved off their eyebrows if their cat died...


He just needs a good story!

So --

he was in
a Dr. Who situation,
got into the Tardis,
ended up in Egypt
in a home where
the residents were
shaving their eyebrows...

Because they were--
Mourning their cat, ---

when, (Holy nine lives!) "Mid-shave" the cat came sauntering in....

CLEARLY he would have been practicing the custom (to fit in) and as they all stared at the cat and rejoiced that their cat was alive... (each with one eyebrow)


HE was teleported back to the present!

Totally believable



Go with the eye patch!



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 Comment Written 20-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hello Karen,
    it's so nice to hear from you. I watched Dr. Who a few times, but don't know if Tim ever did or not. Actually, I don't believe they have cable or a satellite, so probably not. Yeah, I think the eyepatch might be a workable solution, at least until I invent Velcro eyebrows for the browless. Thanks so much for the fine review gal.
    Have a blessed evening.
reply by karenina on 21-Feb-2024
    You too! (I was totally being silly and having fun with you)