Reviews from

Thinking of judiverse

Viewing comments for Prologue "When Waves Kiss the Shore"
For judiverse for the loss of her husband

47 total reviews 
Comment from Ginda Simpson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your verse leads me to reflect upon why we always feel so peaceful when quietly watching and listening to the waves upon the shore. Perhaps it is the connection to loved ones we have lost, who are whispering words of love to us in non-verbal form. Beautiful poem.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Ginda. I appreciate your comments about reflecting on this poem and feeling peaceful listening to the waves. I have always felt that way about hearing them, too. I like the sentiment you express about loved ones we have lost. It is a lovely thought. I am glad you liked the poem.
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a beautiful poem to read, and I'm sure it will comfort Judi's heart. You did an excellent job, and I love the picture and colors you used. Have a blessed day. Shirley

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Shirley. I appreciate your comments about the poem and comforting judi's heart. I am glad you like it, and the picture and colors, too. You have a good day, as well.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I knew I'd have tears in my eyes, Pam. I don't know how I'm going to write a poem, but I will. It's so sad. Your words are so delicate, softly healing, and I truly think they will help Judi through the next few days. Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for opening this book. You are a sweet soul, my friend. Love and hugs. Sandra xx

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Sandra. These poems are very hard to write, and I had no idea where the ideas came from. I think in some way I was also channeling the loss the my doctor that I had mentioned to you. It is coming up on one year ago. I am glad you liked this poem and I appreciate your description of the "delicate, softly healing" words. You are welcome for opening the book and I know you will write a lovely poem, too.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such sad news! I'm sure your lovely poem has help Judi tremendously. It comforted me just reading it. Beautifully written and illustrated in tender verse, Pam. Something you are a master of. Thank you for letting us know too.

Sending you my best and blessings across the miles.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Sal. I appreciate your comments about the poem and helping judi through a difficult time. I am glad you felt comforted reading it, too. Your compliment about a "tender verse" means a lot, as well.
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pam, I read the poem and thought what a beautiful poem, and I loved the way your imagery expressed some of the emotions and feelings when we lose someone close. My wife died four years ago, and this Friday is her birthday, so the poem took on some meaning personally for me.

When I read the poem again, I saw that it was directed to Judi, and it struck me what a wonderful person...this Pam(Resa) is. Well done. Terry

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Terry. I appreciate your comments about the poem and the imagery about emotions and feelings when we lose someone close to us. I am glad it took on special meaning for you. A doctor that meant a lot to me passed away close to a year ago, and I think I was probably channeling some my feelings about that, as well. You are a wonderful person and FS friend, as well. You can leave out the descriptor for my name. I didn't use my real name on the site for quite a while so I kept it as a reference. It's also helpful because there are a number of people named Pam who are either on the site or have been!
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very nice look at the afterlife, Pam. Like the hour glass, sand passes through our fingers. We are on the beach of life, and we scoop up as much sand as we can, but no matter how hard we clench it, it sifts through our fingers. In the end, we dust off the remaining sand that sticks to our sweaty hands and wade into the great unknown.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Paul. I appreciate your comments about the poem and sharing your analogy of the hour glass and sand passing through our fingers, and no matter how how hard we try, it always sifts through our fingers. A good point in the concluding line, as well.
Comment from gudbjorg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is full of hope, compassion and empathy. The freestyle format suits this and the choice of words brings both beauty and comfort.
Thank you for this special poem. Guðbjörg

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Gudbjorg. I appreciate your comments about the poem being full of hope and the words brought beauty and comfort. It means a lot.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, this came as quite a shock! At first I thought it was she, but now realise it was her husband. It's a fine poem of comfort and love for Judi, which she will value, and it will be a treasure for her to keep. I'll be praying for her on this sad journey of loss.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Wendy. I appreciate your comments about this being " poem of comfort and love for judi." I have never done a book before so I am pleased it is working out. I have her in my prayers, as well. I know she will appreciate yours, too.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very moving prayer for Judi, this is such a gentle, loving, carefully crafted verse. I love the way the imagery of wings is reflected in the petals of the water lily. The colours of the presentation and the heart-felt sentiment of the verse complete for me a particularly tender message of comfort and love for Judi. Thanks for sharing. Take care, Debbie

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, Debbie. I appreciate your comments about the poem for judi and the imagery of the wings being reflected in the water lily. Thank you for the obersvations about the colors and presentation and the "heart felt sentiment of the verse."
Comment from AP Apgar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your free style poem- beautiful picture presentation- poem tells the age old story of our limited time in this existence and gives a vision of what may come to be once we pass- good job AP

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2023

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2023
    Thanks for the review, AP. I appreciate your comments about the poem, picture, and presentation, as well as telling a story of "our limited time in this existence."