Reviews from

CUT? or STET! as the case may be

Never Defend Your Work: HA!

32 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You seemed to have studied proper writing very well and somehow this was still not appreciated by someone who should have known better than to nitpick but acknowledge her errors. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2020
    Thanks for stopping by Helen--that workshop leader was a stickler--she was 94 at the time and forgetful--she'd spend the first 10 minutes EVERY WEEK lecturing us on her SAME four particular pet peeves--two of which "errors" are equally acceptable as the "right" way. Cheers. LIZ
reply by lyenochka on 25-Jul-2020
    You're very patient to have tolerated that. I don't think I want to be teaching at 94! Good for you to glean the good despite the repetitions!
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ups, I recognize my "ego" in your writings, duhð???but I gladly accept your corrections since I write for fun, and my writing makes fun of með???thank you for sharing, and good luck with your writings.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2020
    Thanks for stopping by IZA--rest asssured that unlike some writers, you are delightfully non-defensive re corrections--indeed, per your footnote your solicit them! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, bully for her. I would not take on her work again, Liz. I enjoyed your post. You did a great job expressing your thoughts and feelings. Some people are just high and mighty, they need to be taken down a notch or . . . I laughed about the 'need, indeed' lines. I enjoyed the comments about the footnotes, too. You are a talented author. I enjoy how you write about many different 'things' in many genres.
Thanks for sharing and best wishes.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2020
    Thanks Jan--delighted you stopped by--always a pleasure. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Once again the personality of your writing comes through. I think you really dig into those touchy realms of editing someone's book, particularly how hard it is for writers to let someone else make changes to their masterpieces. People do put their heart and soul into their writing sometimes, and they hate to see things changed, but sometimes perspective is good and can make for better pieces in the end. Its not easy to hold your labor of love at arms' length and try and see it as others see it, but necessary if you want your writing to go out into the wider world. Fanstory can be a good start. estory

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2020
    Spot-on! My work has been the better for the excellent suggestions of reviewers. Better to get a constructive 3 or 4 than a blandly non-committal high-five. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I remember typing up edited work and all the different alterations were a minefield to work through, these days few people actually write, but type straight onto a computer. I think words we write are constantly being edited, if not by us, but by others and we need to decide if our work is worth editing or leaving as it is, often our first gut instinct is right, you made me smile here Elizabeth, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2020
    Thanks for stopping by Dolly. I can't imagine going back to hand-written drafts! So true about continual editing--you can drive yourself crazy. A famous writer once said he spent an entire morning removing a comma, and the whole afternoon putting it back. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found that true in my writers' group. Critiques really meant "tell me what you like". Speaking of which why do offer mere pennies to read your writing. Surely, it's worth more than that.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2020

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2020
    Shari--Regarding your question re the pittance reimbursement: When I release a piece without promotion via treasure chest, the system allows two free reviews; these pop up as bonus reviews, which offer a chance at winning a pump on top of the standard remuneration. Thus, they appeal to potential reviewers, who jump on them; once two have bitten, the system cuts off the offer and removes my piece from the listing. If you click on the notification message, unless you are one of the first two reviewers, you are directed to my portfolio wherein one point and two cents are your paltry reward. I'd been puzzled as why I was often getting 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reviews--was there a lag time in the cut-off? l posed this question to LisaMay just last night after noticing that she reviewed my piece hours after I got system notification that the bonus period had expired. She told me she often reviews work regardless of remuneration. That's commendable, but I certainly don't expect my fans to feel obligated to review if after clicking they find they won't get paid. I feel bad to have inadvertently put you and the others in that position; I had planned to give you a heads up today now that I solved the mystery. Cheers. LIZ
reply by Spitfire on 11-Apr-2020
    You have to build up your member pumps cents by reviewing others. Use them to promote your posts. To promote it to fifty two cents doesn't take much. So now you know. :-)
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2020
    Thanks Shari. I know that. I did the treasure chest deal until a week ago; I found I was more likely to get two reviews--free--under the complimentary bonus, than I would with the standard 52 cents; it isn't worthwhile to use the chest without also 6 pumps to get to page one for an estimated 7-10 reviews--which ended up to be only 4 or 5; given it costs nearly 28 dollars to go that route, it didn't seem worthwhile. So, for this past week I've been taking my two free--when I noticed I was getting more than two, I looked into it and realized that unless they were the first or second reviewer, my fans were not getting paid and probably didn't realize it, so I sent messages to all to tip you off!
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

People are so touchy about perfect writing--punctuation, grammar, style, etc. that they miss the emotion of that piece of writing. Well done!

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2020

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2020
    Thank Rebecca. NEWSFLASH-- When I release a piece without promotion via treasure chest, the system allows two free reviews; these pop up as bonus reviews, which offer a chance at winning a pump on top of the standard remuneration. Thus, they appeal to potential reviewers, who jump on them; once two have bitten, the system cuts off the offer and removes my piece from the listing. If you click on the notification message, unless you are one of the first two reviewers, you are directed to my portfolio wherein one point and two cents are your paltry reward. I'd been puzzled as why I was often getting 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reviews--was there a lag time in the cut-off? l posed this question to LisaMay just last night after noticing that she reviewed my piece hours after I got system notification that the bonus period had expired. She told me she often reviews work regardless of remuneration. That's commendable, but I certainly don't expect my fans to feel obligated to review if after clicking they find they won't get paid. I feel bad to have inadvertently put you and the others in that position; I had planned to give you a heads up today now that I solved the mystery. Cheers. LIZ
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 11-Apr-2020
    Very interesting! Thanks. I'll try that.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How delightful!
I love the fun you had editing the editor. I have to admit I was tickled to learn of "the great editor's" editing errors, though surprise d. Good for you for being smarter and for calling him out. Random House, no less.
Also enjoyed your poking fun at yourself. It was a fun read.
pome lover

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2020

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2020
    Thanks for stopping by! Actually, the book was overall very well-received; it got 4.5 stars on Amazon. My gripe was with the confusing minuscule footnotes; when I checked the few negative reviews to see if others had the same complaint, I found the
    diatribe as quoted in my piece. After seeing that, I went on the hunt, only to end up chasing my tail; hence my tale! Glad you liked it. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading this one again but I'm sure a new review won't help either you or me. It is funny how some writers are insulted when someone corrects their precious errors.

This book which you read sounds like it is in serious need of help. As to the manuscript you typed, that lady sounds like a piece of work. I hope she paid you well. I see I'm only getting 2 cents for this so I'll stop here.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2020

reply by the author on 10-Apr-2020
    Beth--Regarding the pittance reimbursement: When I release a piece without promotion via treasure chest, the system allows two free reviews; these pop up as bonus reviews, which offer a chance at winning a pump on top of the standard remuneration. Thus, they appeal to potential reviewers, who jump on them; once two have bitten, the system cuts off the offer and removes my piece from the listing. If you click on the notification message, unless you are one of the first two reviewers, you are directed to my portfolio wherein one point and two cents are your paltry reward. I'd been puzzled as why I was often getting 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reviews--was there a lag time in the cut-off? l posed this question to LisaMay just last night after noticing that she reviewed my piece hours after I got system notification that the bonus period had expired. She told me she often reviews work regardless of remuneration. That's commendable, but I certainly don't expect my fans to feel obligated to review if after clicking they find they won't get paid. I feel bad to have inadvertently put you and the others in that position; I had planned to give you a heads up today now that I solved the mystery. Cheers. LIZ
reply by BethShelby on 11-Apr-2020
    Please don't feel bad. I see the amount before I start reading. I read you stuff because I enjoy it. I was just kidding about the two cents.
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2020
    I'm honored that you read my work regardless!
Comment from Y. M. Roger
This work has reached the exceptional level

And now we can clearly see why Dreyer's work is so utterly riddled with 'problems': NO ONE wanted to go through even a third of what you just went through: the explanations and the 'turn-around crap' without even an acknowledgement of help. They just said 'screw it' and let it go to publishing to save themselves the headache.... kindof like giving it a wonderful review to avoid the 'revenge review' or besmirchment of one's character (from a complete stranger)... Alas, it is the stranger that gives the honest review knowing there will be no 'reprecussions' for the truth... :) :)
Loved this one, LIZ -- don't even know if you realized what a beautiful presentation you've provided for a learning experience in so many different facets... ;) :) Thanx for that and thanx for your always entertaining and varied offerings... I'll have more time in 3 weeks (gee, do you think I'm counting days?!) to get back to enjoying them!! ;) Take care! ;) Yvette

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2020

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2020
    Yvette--Thanks for stopping by--with a bonus gift! Actually, the book was overall very well-received; it got 4.5 stars on Amazon. My gripe was with the confusing minuscule footnotes; when I checked the few negative reviews to see if others had the same complaint, I found the diatribe as quoted in my piece. After seeing that, I went on the hunt, only to end up chasing my tail; hence my tale! Glad you liked it. Cheers. LIZ
    I am often torn between concision and alliteration: in the latter I yield to temptation of use superfluous words; e.g. utterly unacceptable, simply sensational, mere minor...