Reviews from

No Vacation

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49 total reviews 
Comment from evilynne
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wishing you a good surgical result and a speedy recovery. I will be facing knee replacing in the not too distant future. By the way, your writing is perfect. Evi

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2018
    Thank you is all I can manage right now. 8-)
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha, you had me laughing out loud just looking at the picture, Yvonne. I know it's not funny, but still it's something to be amused by pictures of bones.

Oh my land, tomorrow, Yikes. My thoughts will be with you. You should get the nurses to take dictation.

Excellent post. :)


 Comment Written 15-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    Thank you. I hadn't thought about getting to take dictation. You know that goes - 'we're too busy.'

    See you soon.
Comment from Roxanne56
This work has reached the exceptional level

Don't you worry, GOD GOT THIS :) I was just told that I will need both knees to be replaced. I'm not looking forward to that. But if push comes to shove I know GOD will be right there through it all. I pray your surgery go very well and with GOD in control I have no doubts. Praying for a quick and pain free recovery. Absolutely love you poem. GOD Bless you :)

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Roxanne, for this wonderful review. I'm not worried. I know I'm in His hands.
reply by Roxanne56 on 15-Jun-2018
    You are welcome, speedy recovery to you :)
Comment from victor 66
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My guess is, that waiting for the surgery is actually worse than the actual operation. Once they put you under, you're pretty much done worrying about it. At lease that's been my experience. An antidote, hope you don't mind. Many years ago when I was in my mid twenties, I was in the process of having an appendectomy. My mother was a nurse at the hospital at the time and was walking down the hall when they were taking me down to surgery. The nurse had already given me a shot, so I was feeling no pain and was in a happy place.

When I saw my mom, I yelled out, "Ma! Ma! Don't let em' take me!" She was very embarrased. A few years earlier I had put in two tours in Vietnam and had been wounded twice. I wasn't concerned about the surgery. I wish you well and a smooth recovery from your surgery. Hope your Mother's not a nurse.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    That's funny. Of course, I don't mind you sharing that with me. That's how we get to know one another here.

    It's not the surgery I mind. It's the down time afterwards. I'm hoping they'll let me stay awake. I have for all my other surgeries.

reply by victor 66 on 16-Jun-2018
    I wish you well, and thank you for the very nice reply.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level


You did an awesome job with your challenge poem for potlatch. Everything flows smoothly, works together well, & tells a great story. The image is perfect, too. Thanks for sharing. I will miss you on FS, but take as much time as needed for YOU. Jan

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Jan, for this awesome review. I'll miss you, too, but I won't be out long.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You'll love it. Everyone I know who has had either shoulder or knee replaced has said they wish they'd done it sooner. Good luck, don't worry, and come back soon. :)

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    I'm an old hand. I've had five hip replacements, just to name a few. I have hardly any joints/bones of my own left. lol
reply by Phyllis Stewart on 15-Jun-2018
    Five? You only have two hips. Well, best of luck. Let's hope you don't need seven shoulders. :)
reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    Each time, more prosthesis went in. I have avascular necrosis. This is my second shoulder surgery.
reply by Phyllis Stewart on 15-Jun-2018
    I never heard of vascular necrosis, but it sounds awful. Thank goodness modern medicine can replace those joints now.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely, well written Alouette poem, Yvonne.
I wish the topic weren't so serious and you had happier news to share.
Get well soon!
You will be missed...
Good luck with your surgery. I hope everything goes according to plan.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2018
    Thank you, Dean. I appreciate your good wishes. They can't keep me down for long. I'm like a bad penny. Always turning up. lol
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am glad I was able to read this poem about your replacement shoulder surgery. You did a great job on letting us know with this type of poem. You will be in my prayers my friend. Yvonne I know you won't be able to type much. I will try to give you a call and check on you if that is o.k. love you and prayers, Teri

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    That would be great. Thank you.
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awwww, Good Luck, Member. (Name unknown so sorry) I can feel for you. I once had a rotator cuff replaced and it was sooooooo painful for a while at least afterwards. (sorry, I didn't mean to discourage you) It was worth it though. I wouldn't have been able to use that arm without doing it.

Don't worry about Fanstory. We will all be here for the most part. LOL

I am going to "fan" you so I can keep up to date on your progress when you get back.

Good Luck, my friend. Bob

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you for reviewing, and especially for the encouragement. I've had rotator cuff surgery, too. This time, they will replace ethe entire shoulder. I've had several hip replacements due to bone death (avascular necrosis). You didn't discourage me at all. I appreciate your interest and concern.
reply by Mastery on 14-Jun-2018
    Take care. :) Bob
Comment from Swampfox1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Shoulder replacement, YIKES! Wow! I will be praying for you and praying that everything goes well and that The Lord be there to guide the surgeon's hand and that the Lord send his holy angels to take care of thee. A shoulder replacement, that is a huge operation but Jesus will make it small and you will be doing fine in no time. God bless.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2018
    Thank you so much for this encouraging review. I've had so many bone/joint replacements, I'm an old hand at it. Thank you for the prayers. We'll talk soon.
reply by Swampfox1 on 14-Jun-2018
    You're welcome