Artificial Intelligence
Rewrite31 total reviews
Comment from LaFrance
Your essay was very intriguing and took me back to college introduction classes in Philosophy, Psychology, Arts and Humanity, Engineering, and a sloo of others. A well-done piece.
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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Your essay was very intriguing and took me back to college introduction classes in Philosophy, Psychology, Arts and Humanity, Engineering, and a sloo of others. A well-done piece.
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
Many thanks. ..John
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Very interesting. Many good points, and also some things I don't agree with, but that's fine. Facing facts is where too many people, even those in power, fail miserably these days. People see opinions and feelings as facts, and they'll argue till you scream that their "truths" are as good as those proven by hard evidence. We all known the seven deadly sins as "bad" for humans, but this is the first time I've seen a list of "good" traits that help us all. Too bad most won't give them a try--if they could only see what they're missing! :)
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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Very interesting. Many good points, and also some things I don't agree with, but that's fine. Facing facts is where too many people, even those in power, fail miserably these days. People see opinions and feelings as facts, and they'll argue till you scream that their "truths" are as good as those proven by hard evidence. We all known the seven deadly sins as "bad" for humans, but this is the first time I've seen a list of "good" traits that help us all. Too bad most won't give them a try--if they could only see what they're missing! :)
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
Many thanks. ..John
Comment from Sandra Montanino
I think you did a really terrific job explaining intelligence and our wrong perception of it. Your piece was very informative and should be submitted to a literary journal or a university. It's the kind of essay that has true value. Very well done!!
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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I think you did a really terrific job explaining intelligence and our wrong perception of it. Your piece was very informative and should be submitted to a literary journal or a university. It's the kind of essay that has true value. Very well done!!
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
Many thanks. John
Comment from juliaSjames
Hello John
It's been a while since I've been on FS so I must have missed this piece first time around.
It's a wonderful essay. Strong, intelligent, opinionated, polemical, fascinating and thought provoking!
There are elements about a new society that would please my son who is an avowed anarchist. The section on energy pleases me. And there are issues on which I certainly don't see eye to eye with you, like your views on religion.
I will bookcase this for reading at leisure.
Looking forward to your next offering.
Blessings, Julia
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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Hello John
It's been a while since I've been on FS so I must have missed this piece first time around.
It's a wonderful essay. Strong, intelligent, opinionated, polemical, fascinating and thought provoking!
There are elements about a new society that would please my son who is an avowed anarchist. The section on energy pleases me. And there are issues on which I certainly don't see eye to eye with you, like your views on religion.
I will bookcase this for reading at leisure.
Looking forward to your next offering.
Blessings, Julia
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
The ego's hardest action is letting go. Leggo the ego. Thanks Julia
The perfect Tshirt legend!!!
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This was a very deep piece, and to tell the truth, I didn't understand a lot of it. But the rest, that I understood, I tend to agree with. It's funny that you posted this now, only yesterday I was having a conversation about trigger words that are in your brain though you don't know it. These can be 'turned' on at any time to make you do something you don't realise you are doing. I've been told that commercials use them and just seeing that word can activate the need to go and buy their product. I think the brain stores many such words and like our computers, they need a regular 'clean' or debugging. Very well done and I look forward to reading the next part. :) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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This was a very deep piece, and to tell the truth, I didn't understand a lot of it. But the rest, that I understood, I tend to agree with. It's funny that you posted this now, only yesterday I was having a conversation about trigger words that are in your brain though you don't know it. These can be 'turned' on at any time to make you do something you don't realise you are doing. I've been told that commercials use them and just seeing that word can activate the need to go and buy their product. I think the brain stores many such words and like our computers, they need a regular 'clean' or debugging. Very well done and I look forward to reading the next part. :) Sandra xx
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
Been gone awhile - nice to be back. Thanks, Sandra.
I noticed that. Nice to have you back. :))
Comment from Alex Rosel
On the whole, I enjoyed this commentary and philosophy non-fiction piece. However, I think you should clearly indicate this is opinion and not fact based. For example, statements like We are supposed to learn and adapt to create a better world for our progeny are obviously subjective. Who or what has dictated what any person, species, or living entity is "supposed" to do?
A couple of other points:
There is no question we can use technology to create a Utopian society. -- Where's the proof for this all-encompassing statement?
Without money, how would crime survive?
-- Personally, I think this is naive. Crimes of passion do not always fit the strictures you are arbitrarily imposing here.
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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On the whole, I enjoyed this commentary and philosophy non-fiction piece. However, I think you should clearly indicate this is opinion and not fact based. For example, statements like We are supposed to learn and adapt to create a better world for our progeny are obviously subjective. Who or what has dictated what any person, species, or living entity is "supposed" to do?
A couple of other points:
There is no question we can use technology to create a Utopian society. -- Where's the proof for this all-encompassing statement?
Without money, how would crime survive?
-- Personally, I think this is naive. Crimes of passion do not always fit the strictures you are arbitrarily imposing here.
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
Mother Earth gave us what we were "supposed to do." Stress comes from avoiding our purpose.
After 55 years in systems development and design there is no question that human thought can be converted to zeros and ones. We have the ability to change those thoughts whenever we choose.
Crime is symptom of a sick society...Period
SERVICE is #1. Being servile is a denial of our equality. All for one and One for All is the message..Love ya, John
Comment from robyn corum
Captain Edgar R. Mitchell (NASA astronaut) said: "The simple secret of the universe is that we create our own reality."
As I read through your very well presented and articulate essay, I was struck by how much thought and time you put into this piece. Fab job. Really nicely done.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Captain Mitchell when it comes to certain parts of this - you may be basing this on a universe you have created to fit your suppositions. What if there IS a God? What if you get to the end of your life and discover you are 100% wrong on that?
Of course, this is an argument in futility, because you've made your mind up. But I just throw that out there. You've given us your thoughts to consider. Those are mine. Thanks! Have an awesome day!
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
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Captain Edgar R. Mitchell (NASA astronaut) said: "The simple secret of the universe is that we create our own reality."
As I read through your very well presented and articulate essay, I was struck by how much thought and time you put into this piece. Fab job. Really nicely done.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Captain Mitchell when it comes to certain parts of this - you may be basing this on a universe you have created to fit your suppositions. What if there IS a God? What if you get to the end of your life and discover you are 100% wrong on that?
Of course, this is an argument in futility, because you've made your mind up. But I just throw that out there. You've given us your thoughts to consider. Those are mine. Thanks! Have an awesome day!
Comment Written 29-May-2019
reply by the author on 29-May-2019
If there were a god, I would kick his imaginary ass
Good. Racking up great points for the afterlife. Good luck.
There is only Here and Now ....forever. Afterlife is a misconception.
Comment from candyfink
Thank you for being so insightful on the subject. This is very informative for those who believe the myths about AI. Very good.
reply by the author on 15-Apr-2016
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Thank you for being so insightful on the subject. This is very informative for those who believe the myths about AI. Very good.
Comment Written 15-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 15-Apr-2016
I appreciate your review...John
Comment from Helen Bach
You start with an interesting clarification about 'artificial intelligence' which caused me to stop and think for a while. Can intelligence be man made? I pondered... when it far exceeds the intelligence of the man who created it. Mmmm?
I understand about the 'container' as a separate system taking care of the needs of the intelligence. Following your theory of 'common sense' does that mean that container and intelligence would be capable of evolving?
I love the idea of a Utopian society without the need for money.
"We are the spawn of Mother Earth..." is the start of a genius paragraph.
Your words have much wisdom and I am in full agreement on your paradigms.
The planet needs a really good 'purge' and then it could evolve. Most people don't think which is why they follow religion. I think you may have just described a vision of the future that neither of us will see but the generations that follow will and experience a better life. A fascinating essay. Thank you for sharing. Helen xx
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
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You start with an interesting clarification about 'artificial intelligence' which caused me to stop and think for a while. Can intelligence be man made? I pondered... when it far exceeds the intelligence of the man who created it. Mmmm?
I understand about the 'container' as a separate system taking care of the needs of the intelligence. Following your theory of 'common sense' does that mean that container and intelligence would be capable of evolving?
I love the idea of a Utopian society without the need for money.
"We are the spawn of Mother Earth..." is the start of a genius paragraph.
Your words have much wisdom and I am in full agreement on your paradigms.
The planet needs a really good 'purge' and then it could evolve. Most people don't think which is why they follow religion. I think you may have just described a vision of the future that neither of us will see but the generations that follow will and experience a better life. A fascinating essay. Thank you for sharing. Helen xx
Comment Written 11-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
Intelligence is a constant, Helen. There is no higher or lower than in intelligence; we all use it, including plants and other animals. The difference is in knowledge and understanding. A piece of knowledge is trivia until we can connect it to something we can understand - like putting a picture puzzle together. Each piece is a valid piece of knowledge of the eventual picture, but it doesn't make sense until the picture is finally done. Intelligence is what allows us to see the relationship of the individual piece to what we already know. Thanks for the warm review and stellar rating...John
An interesting reply John, When younger I was blessed with an unusually high IQ, but this only meant I was good at doing puzzles quickly. At 12 I was the fastest girl in England for doing the Rubik cube. I say this not to show off but to give an example that intelligence without knowledge or understanding can be wasted. Many brains cells have popped since then and I doubt my IQ is so impressive now. I favour Emotional Intelligence now and my hope would be that any 'artificial intelligence ' of the future would have kindness at its heart x
Emotional/Intellectual bonding is the Yin and Yang of loving each other. Why? Why not? Doesn't hurt me at all to help others - service is good, being servile is not..Love...John
Comment from Jay Squires
This is a brilliant tract, John. It starts out very objective and scientific, but it ends with an emotional rant against capitalism and for an innocent form of communism--innocent because it eliminates the human factors of "power" and "greed" that took over after a revolution occurred that is similar to the one you're promulgating. In my opinion, communism can never exist as a replacement "government." It has to include the human factor to be viable, and all humans come from extant forms of government that exalt some form of human attainment. And that represents power.
Another word for intelligence is Common Sense. [This sentence represents the beginning of where you lost me. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that intelligence, or common sense, exists to throw the body out of homeostasis, even though this goes counter to the primary goal of all things, {which} is to be in balance with their environment. I know this is not what you mean, else intelligence (or common sense) would exist for the sole purpose of destroying itself. So, where has my understanding gone awry?]
We are the spawn of Mother Earth. [This sentence begins an amazing paragraph, from the creative writing standpoint. You make your point in it very well, albeit from the emotional standpoint. This is good writing.]
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
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This is a brilliant tract, John. It starts out very objective and scientific, but it ends with an emotional rant against capitalism and for an innocent form of communism--innocent because it eliminates the human factors of "power" and "greed" that took over after a revolution occurred that is similar to the one you're promulgating. In my opinion, communism can never exist as a replacement "government." It has to include the human factor to be viable, and all humans come from extant forms of government that exalt some form of human attainment. And that represents power.
Another word for intelligence is Common Sense. [This sentence represents the beginning of where you lost me. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that intelligence, or common sense, exists to throw the body out of homeostasis, even though this goes counter to the primary goal of all things, {which} is to be in balance with their environment. I know this is not what you mean, else intelligence (or common sense) would exist for the sole purpose of destroying itself. So, where has my understanding gone awry?]
We are the spawn of Mother Earth. [This sentence begins an amazing paragraph, from the creative writing standpoint. You make your point in it very well, albeit from the emotional standpoint. This is good writing.]
Comment Written 11-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
Common Sense "senses" imbalance and attempts to activate a correcting sequence to regain homeostasis. That is evolution. Sorry I didn't make myself clearer...John
Service is good and being servile is not..Hi!! Jay.