Reviews from

Act Of Endurance

Viewing comments for Chapter 88 "Spokesperson"
Dawn Of Chaos

28 total reviews 
Comment from Wabigoon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Interesting question you ask. I think poets are all answering it in their different ways and the sum total of what they are saying is "God's word." I don't think there is any way to "factually" prove any word is "God's Word." Yes, there are various folks who have channeled God's voice or thoughts supposedly, St. John of Patmos comes to mind with Revelation -- but there is no proof of it, plus the word, reading, literacy and all involved with it is a left brain function and it HAS been factually proven that in cultures where literacy, the left brain comes to dominate, so does intolerance, war, the subjugation of women, the emphasis on absolute obedience to what is deemed The Word, Scripture, the kind of intolerance we see at the moment in Islamic countries.

With some balancing, the right brain can blunt these negative qualities of the left and bring tolerance, communalism, the arts to the fore. If I had the opportunity to speak on this...immense topic that's what I might aim at -- better balance.

Interesting question and you have expressed your self on it in your inimitable way.


 Comment Written 09-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2016
    Wow! What a response. Life is proof of God's word the current darkening of our sun its proof: I present. Thanking you for generous rate and captivating conveyances.
Comment from nancyrabbrose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have given your views as to how or what you would say if you were a spokesperson for the world. Because there are several errors, some I did not write down, I have to give you a "good" rating.
remove 'I' from the line "..spokesperson, I first
Keep writing. You have some very important things to say.

you might want to rework the last line for clarity

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2016
    Thanking you for this shout. I will review your statements about this write. Thanking you for generous rate and welcomed comments.
Comment from teols2016
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have something here, but the lines (pretty much all but the very last) are too long. Every line is a mouthful and someone reading this out loud would need to stop and catch their breath at the end of each. I don't know if you're sticking to a format, but my suggestion is to simply split each line in two and make grammatical corrections accordingly. It is interesting to read once said breath is caught.

 Comment Written 06-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2016
    Thank you for your insights, I will take into considerations your given thoughts. Also thanking you for generous rate and welcomed comments.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Once" should be "one".

"I in my mind" should be "I, in my mind,".

Why not read the book (Bible), and make this a reality, instead of a dream, as so many people do?

Lip service equals no service.

 Comment Written 06-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2016
    You think we read the book. I wonder under whose perception we view its content: apparently not God. Thanking you for shout: plus generous rate and touching statements.
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I admired your poem about your reflections and its long lines plus your "blade" metaphor. What an opportunity and intriguing title, worthy of its repeat! Cheers- Joan

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2015
    Thanking you for your kind words about this write. Glad something of interests was found in its intent and maybe belonging.Too generous rate but always welcomed comments.
Comment from TallySally
This work has reached the exceptional level

Bravo - my friend. Great progression of thought. Concept is worthy and your treatment is compelling. Begs the questions - why in the world can't folks see this for themselves? Why do they need to be TOLD? Maybe they've heard it in similar forms so many times they have filed it as repetitious and boring and mundane. But YOUR 'telling' is FRESH and completed before the listener even realizes he's been told! I'd like to review your talking points!:
What would I factually state? ...
Thoughts of life ...
Statement about God ...
Acclaims against hell ...
Hell proclaims intents ...
Blade at governments' throats ...
Reeper's swing destined ...
Brethren should know ...
Dream unless heard ...
You are a fine spokesman. Speak away whenever you can.

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2015
    Yeah madmen in hell die early, all those feelings got me stirred what an explosion of view. Glad you found this work touching. Thanking you for generous rate and captivating thoughts.
Comment from Pyrrho
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is the seventh or eighth time your poem popped up on my screen on my screen and I've read it every time and passed on reviewing because, though all the words are simple and known to me, your arrangement of them is incomprehensible. I believe I've earned the rewards you offer.

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2015
    Get to me too, working on them with given statements like your comment, then I revise. Even so I thank you for your generous rate and inspiring comments.
Comment from Sambangi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good dreaming.. But it's a nice thought, what I would speak if I'm a spokesperson. I liked your list of priorities. Out of all I liked blades being drawn line which is in fact a fact. Well done

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 Comment Written 01-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2015
    Dreams, what can one say: if not careful one might not discern one from the other. Yet someone do fulfill. Thanking you for generous rate and touching statements.