Reviews from

Standing Together

Even when far apart

50 total reviews 
Comment from Mia Twysted
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very positive message to send out there to the world. I love the way it rolled right off the tongue fast and yet left the ear open to hear the message of love and respect.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi Mia, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Shanbreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Debi. I wish more people were like you. You are quite right: ...we should "learn" to agree to disagree. By the way, love the visual of a rose created from the American flag.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much, Shanbreen I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Shanbreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Debi. I wish more people were like you. You are quite right: ...we should "learn" to agree to disagree. By the way, love the visual of a rose created from the American flag.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    This must be a double
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, we must agree to disagree. We don't have to think alike. God made us each unique. Thank you for sharing this poem with us. You're very wise to write and share this. That's because you're a special angel.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much, Barb. I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Anytime politics get trotted out as a theme, in a post or contest here on FS or real life with friends, family, or neighbors ~~ there seems to be a lack of ability to be respectful. So often the name-calling and "anti-patriot accusations start flying and people begin to question other's religion, faith, and points of view.

Instead of name-calling, wouldn't it be nice to have a dialogue?

Something like: "I've never thought of it in quite that way- please tell me more."

It might not change minds...but it would sure lower the temperature!

I do not think these things are necessarily "party" related. I know plenty of Democrats who are against abortion.

Common courtesy would be an improvement. I hope someone heeds your advice.

I know entire families torn apart by different "politics" ~~ and THAT will never give us a united America!


 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    I guess it is how you look at it. It is a democratic president that swore he would do anything and everything in his power to overturn the roe vs wade decision. And it is our democratic governor that has made MN the top state to allow any month of pregnancy abortions done.

    But besides that I think I pretty much was calling for unity with the differences in the people. What I read the other day disturbed me terribly that someone could say how could real Christian's support someone like blah blah blah? So even tho I wrote an answer to that question three times and erased it, this post was meant to ask people to agree to disagree and realize that most of what we want is the same thing. So I think you and I are pretty much on the same page.
    My post was aiming towards people here to find peace and unity but I agree it goes much farther.

    It seems to be well received so far so I am happy for that.
    Thanks for the kind comments in return.
    Love, Debi
reply by karenina on 22-Jul-2024
    I think we're generally on the same page. Civility is the goal. My point was that SOME people (I didn't mean you) assume that belonging to one party means anti-abortion, anti-guns, etc. and THAT is as much a generalization as assuming ALL members of the other party have one singular belief system.

    I appreciate your effort. I wish more people would stop attacking and listen.

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    OMGosh, you nailed it completely. Thank you and I just wrote and told you that I changed it anyway and I was going to write, that assuming that everyone in the party believes the same thing is like saying everyone who is republican is a trump lover. Which I am not confirming or not. LOL
reply by karenina on 22-Jul-2024
    I understood you! Scary isn't it? Great minds think alike!
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Agreeing to disagree is a valuable life skill. We all need reminders to play nicely with others, even when things get frustrating. This is a nice poem.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Awe, thanks Mintybee, I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from LeeAnn Kay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I very much agree with the concept of this poem and the overall message as a whole. I think a lot of the country could benefit from a message like this.

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 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hi LeeAnn, Welcome to FanStory and I hope we can be great friends.

    I thank you for your very kind comments about this poem. So because you seemed to really like it I have to assume that maybe the three stars was a slip of the fingers??? And if so, it is an easy fix to put the right number in the review box and push save. And thank you again and I hope you are very happy here. Debi
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Debi,
What a perfect poem for what's going on in the United States right now. We are a nation divided and sometimes we forget just what unites us. Now, I'm sure this applies to other countries as well as they have to deal with divisions within their own politics.

Beautiful artwork!!! I love it, and I love you!
Have a great week turquoise lady,

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Awe, thanks so much, Rhonda, it really got bad here yesterday when it got out of hand during some reviews.

    Thanks so much for the honor of your six stars, sweetie.
    I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 23-Jul-2024
    Certainly people need to realize, in Lincoln's words, a house divided against itself cannot not stand. We all have favorite candidates and parties, but we have to pull together.
    Much love!
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I must say that I never get involved in politics, but this is one race where I'll have to resolve to be an equal opportunity hater. When it gets to where the qualities of a decent, respectable person no longer matter in opinion or an election, our country is in serious trouble. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much, Ric, I so appreciate your kind words. It makes no difference to me what your views are, I just hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

well done and timely note of hope, and plea for understanding amid the vitriol and hate on the rise. Love the last lines the best
And for each bit of mud we sling

Remember we want the same thing

Let's make our politics to be

That we agree to disagree

 Comment Written 22-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Hey, thanks so much, Jake. I so appreciate your kind words and sharing the same feelings about the politics here getting out of hand. I'd hate to see anyone lose a friendship with anyone over the election this year.

    So thanks again, my dear friend for your very kind comments.
    Love, Debi