Reviews from

Give the Kids Their Rainbow Back

Will kids someday relate to a different rainbow first

44 total reviews 
Comment from harmony13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The author's words are filled with the true message
in a Rainbow. The author's words are engaging,
descriptive and creative. I pondered on these words. When I see a rainbow which is not often -
it is a gift from God. Thank you for the author's notes - they speak volumes! The artwork is beautiful and compliments these words.
Great Poem, Debi!

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem, Maria. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amen!! God has told us to love everybody. I grew up in a Christian home. Every time I saw or see a rainbow, I thank God for the promise He gave us. God is good to His promises. Children of today won't understand that. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Barb, thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear sis. Debi
Comment from Neonewman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hopefully, the rainbow will always mean no more flooding. Social media and all the platforms used to push everyone's agendas should be banished. Let us raise our kids without the pressure of those insecure.
God bless,

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Steve, thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear friend.. Debi
reply by Neonewman on 11-Jun-2024
    My pleasure, as always.
Comment from Teri7
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, This is a very beautiful, well written and so very true poem you have penned. I agree with every word you said. We have a son that is gay and it breaks my heart. Our children we brought up to believe in God. We thought they did until two of them went to college and what they taught got their minds off track. I call it the devil. Thank you for sharing and the good scriptures too. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Teri, hi sweetie. I didn't realize that about your son, and yet you gave me a six star review? You are such a special woman. I am so sorry as I have gay friends and I am not angry with them. In fact I love them. I just believe in what the Bible says and everyone says it is not interpreted right. That is such a cop out but I am so proud of you for doing your best.

    it is schools that now are making it so easy for kids to say they are gay or transgender and so many are jumping on the bandwagon because they are getting attention. It has become the cool thing to be.

    Especially when they can steal our rainbow. I needed tp get that out because for June month that all you see if pride flags and have rainbows on them. Ooooh that boils my blood so I finally had to write about it.
    Anyway, bless your sweet heart, Hon, and I will pray for your son and you.
    God Bless, my beautiful friend. Love, Debi

Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

For me, the guiding light, the prevailing rule is to hate the action, but never the actor. I can hate prejudice without hating the one practicing it. I can and have hated the opposing sports team without hating any of the players on that team. Useful as the guy that is on the other team may very well be on my team at some point in the future. This is one of the great things about God's love and his forgiveness. While he may hate the sin, he does not hate the sinner, which we all have been at some time or other. His forgiveness is ever present upon our regret of the sinful act, and our request for his forgiveness.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Nomi, i feel the same way. I hate the sin and not the people. So thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear BBBB. Debi
reply by nomi338 on 11-Jun-2024
    We see eye to eye on so many issues, we might need to check with to determine if there is not a connection somewhere down the genetic line. LOL.
reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Seriously, wouldn't that be awesome? I have heard of worse.
reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Worse odds on things I meant to say. LOL
reply by nomi338 on 11-Jun-2024
    Hey, no harm no foul, I always say.
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

When I see a rainbow in the sky after a threatening storm or a dimple rain, to me it represents a new beginning.

The sun and bright colors of the rainbow can only make one smile!

Thank you Debi for being the rainbow for us here on FS!

Enjoy your Sunday, sis!

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Hi John, if you looked in your email you will see there is a lot going on. So sorry this is so late. Thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear bro. Love, Debi
reply by jmdg1954 on 10-Jun-2024
    Check your email.
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, I finally get to disagree with you about something you have written. Oh, it's not a knockdown go to the mat and let's see who wins kind of a thing.

It's more like you have a margarita and I'll have some bourbon, and kick this idea around some. I imagine after some lively discussion, no minds would be changed, but I think mutual respect could still be found.

I always felt mankind was made in God's image, and in my mind that image included lots of folks, including gay people. I have known a lot of gay folks in my lifetime. I can not think of a single one I would not call a respected friend.

Yes, the rainbow represents God's commitment to not destroy the world again by flood. But it also has been adopted by many to include ideas of peace, inclusion, tolerance, love, respect, among others.

In 1988, I voted for Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coatlation. Rainbow Girls are taught to respect their parents, church, and be involved in their community.

South Afrcia calls itself a Rainbow Nation. The Rainbow was used a symbol of hope for the Covid epidemic. The Rainbow bridge references beloved pets who have died.

Human history shows various cultures have adopted the rainbow as a symbol with various meanings attached to it.

Let's not forget Dorthy, singing, Over the Rainbow. Where bluebirds fly, why can't I? Why indeed?

I would not expect very many of FS to agree with me. Mankind is made in God's image. I don't think God made a mistake with gay people. I think mankind has made a mistake trying to interput God. I think it's okay with God that gay men and women be included under his rainbow umbrella.

I'll pay for these drinks, but the next time, you get to pick up the tab.

Good work, you got folks talking. Terry.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    But my stomach is in knots. My strict religion has brought me to the point of believing the laws of the Bible shouldn't be changed for any reason and to not speak out is to accept. I do have to admit that you have me thinking.

    That hurts too and I didn't have any margarita last night. But I feel I sure need one now. And it is ok that we disagree, and it isn't the first time. However, what is important is that we don't lose sight as it should never mess up friendships.

    As far as gay friends, I have had many gay friends. Don't you remember that the first guy I ever French kissed turned out to be gay. And Glen says that is my fault . LOL.. but Lee and I are still best of friends. I worked with some and as people I love them dearly. But they all knew how I felt about the lifestyle.
    Thanks for being so real about your feelings. I am not sure what to do about this one. I will see in a few moments what happens. It is back and forth.
    Thanks again, my dear friend.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sadly, Bible believing Christians are expected to accept or at least tolerate what we believe/know to be wrong, unable to shield young children from questionable beliefs pushed upon them before they are ready to make their own decisions. I don't judge those who believe differently than me, and accept their decisions and who they are. There are good and bad people in every walk of life. We can only pray we all live life with the best of intentions. Sorry for the novella. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    But Ric, LOL, you know what they say about good intentions. Dang I should have written that theme instead, and my stomach wouldn't be in knots right now. Haha! I had hoped to make it clear that I judge nobody, especially friends for what their beliefs are. But I was taught that to not speak up is a sin which is so hard when you see one after another of God's laws thrown out. Anyway, I hope you think no less of me for writing this but it's hard to see. Especially since so many kids are so confused and jumping on the bandwagon for transgender because it is getting so much attention. My niece was about to make the plunge and at the last minute admitted she was not serious about it. Oh shoot, look who over spoke. Sorry and thanks so much Ric for your views. Debi
reply by Ric Myworld on 09-Jun-2024
    You made it perfectly clear you judge no one, but you do have to stand up for what you believe, when allowed to. I'm sure that transgenders don't choose to be born with duel parts and conflicting emotions, and for them, I'm so sorry. How could any of us know which way they should go, when it's a continuous struggle for them to fit in anywhere. So, I give them a pass. But those born one way or another, not so much. Right and wrong in most things are obvious to those willing to listen and accept reason, and not to the others. :-)
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Absolutely. There is no doubt that people who have signs of being both sexes is horrific for them. I agree 100%. That even has more weight than a raped woman's abortion because I feel every child of God is a gift in some way and there is alway adoption. Thanks for letting me get that one more in there. 😉
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem speaks to the standpoint that I am right, and they are wrong. We are in a season of disruption from every corner, and it will percolate up through the suppression of the mainstream. I wish I could say "gay" and not have to mean homosexual, but that ship has sailed. The rainbow will be what it has always been, a promise not to destroy again.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Hi Bill, I appreciate you being so respectful. I maybe should make it a little more clear in my notes that I am only going by what I was taught and that God said was wrong. Not me. I judge nobody and I had hoped I made that clear. Thanks so much tho for being so candid with me. I feel no different about my friends for their opinions. Thanks again. Debi
Comment from patcelaw
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is beautifully written, and it is so powerful. Your message is well taken by those of us who have a deep faith in God. The difference between the rainbow that God created and the one that is been created for the so-called pride community is very striking and God's rainbow there are seven colors, in the pride rainbow, there are only 6. Seven is God's
perfect number. While six is the number of Satan.
Very well written, and I am in agreement with you. Let's give the rainbow back to the children and tell them the true meaning of the rainbow. Patricia .

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Patricia, thanks so very much for your lovely review for my rainbow poem. It is nice to know there are a few that have also felt that God's gracious gift should not be their emblem. Love you lots, dear sister in Christ. Love, Debi