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Viewing comments for Chapter 72 "Happy Birthday Sarah "
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39 total reviews 
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such toe-tapping music. When we visited Tennessee, years ago, we listened to this kind of music. Your poem is so delightful. It sounds like you are writing about a friend.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    How are you doing, Hon? Can you believe I will be done with my thank you's tonight. I get a little behind when there are too many in a row without a break in between. However it can't be helped if there is birthdays stacked up together. I wouldn't think of missing one for anything.

    I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think I may have reviewed her, maybe? I certainly will look her up and wish her a happy birthday as I peruse her posts! Yet another winning, heartfelt, bio-packed rhyming fiesta for the birthday honoree!

Talk about small worlds. My MOM played Bridge with Omar Shariff back in the a big tournament in Hawaii! She said he was charming.

Wouldn't it be funny if Sarah and my mom were at the same tournament?

Great job lighting another candle for a FanStory family member!


 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    I didn't know Sarah very well, but I did read her story about Omar Sharif. I do have a passion for those older movies and stars. At least I did when I had time to watch tv. Anyway she lives in Terry's building and she was very pleased with the poem and the art. And I don't know how writing can be more rewarding than the love that follows after doing these. Anything els we write is forgotten after a week, but when finish with writing one, I am almost certain it will last in someone's heart for a while, if not a lifetime. And like you said last week, yes it is expensive, but I know my money has purpose this way.

    I love your story about your mom. Please let me know if you find out if they were at the same tournament. Why don't you look her up and read her story about it and maybe you will find out about the date and where she was. That is so cool.

    Thank you, my sweet K, for all your lovely statements, as usual. I have been missing you this week, but I have been so busy in a streak of them again. So my dear angelic friend, talk to you soon.
reply by karenina on 25-Nov-2023
    I've been reading Sarah's work. I started with her first post (which I guess I HAD reviewed) and have made it up through Australia, and New well as very well-written "mom" stories, like about her son being hurt while diving off rocks!

    I'll continue more another day. Meantime I fanned her and told her about my mom... Maybe she'll share where she played bridge with Omar Shariff!

    (If not, I see that story is ahead of me!)

    Yup. As we agreed. You put your heart into these special gifts of personal birthday poems and whatever that costs, it's priceless!

    Hope you're getting a tiny bit of rest in between Holiday prep and birthday poems!

Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As long as you keep posting these mini-epics, I'll keep reading them, and learning to appreciate more and more the wonderful individuals I find myself so fortunate to be sharing the same site as I. I never met Omar Sharif, but Gene Wilder once gave me $2000 for my agency and I saw Buffalo Bob Smith twice!

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Hi again, Jim. I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
reply by jim vecchio on 27-Nov-2023
    Thank you! Something seems to be going on in this site and there have been some duplications of things, so please forgive me if you get two of anything!
Comment from Navada
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this interesting exposition of Sarah's life. How fascinating that she has played bridge with Omar Sharif! Thereby hangs a tale, no doubt. The references to the ukulele and Tennessee evoke her Southern heritage effectively. Thanks for the share!

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Hi again, Navada. I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

For any Fanstorian who has not yet been feted by this poet extraordinaire. Hold on, I think that just maybe your day is yet to come. If and when it does, try not to blush too much. She will tickle your fancy and make you feel dancey. Debi, my dear younger sister, I love you and I proudly applaud your every effort.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    And let me tell you dear brother, that I look forward to hear what you are thinking each and every time I write. I think I would be lost if I didn't get that from you. Just so you know how much it means to me, because these are the most rewarding write I have ever done because they are so appreciated, but your words are meaningful because they are just from my big brother to his lil sister and I can never get enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that, Nomi. You are not only the best and sweetest brother, but the dearest soul in the world. I don't get time to review too often, but when I see your name in my pm box, I always try to find you. However, I don't check those often enough tho. I need to start doing that more.

    Thank you again and again and I love you too, more than you could ever know!!
Comment from Daylily
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is another cheerful biographical birthday-poem in your outstanding portfolio of special recognitions. I enjoy reading your work very much Debi. Maybe, years down the road, I will reveal my birthday, but I actually am kind of a private person in real life. Note: I actually do not know which state I was born in. There are three to choose from. Since my dad worked at the Pentagon and our family was living in Wilmington, Delaware, I was born in an ambulance that was driving through Delaware, Maryland, and Washing D.C. (to the hospital there.) I could have been born in any one of them. Delaware is on my birth certificate since that is where our apartment was located. Life can be so strange!

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Lily, you are always one of the sweetest reviewers here. I always look forward to seeing you. However, how strange that you aren't sure where you were born. Maybe if you won't reveal your birthday, I can do another kind of poem for you someday. You truly deserve it.

    I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sarah Robin is one of my newest fan/friends. She's a fascinating person, a talented writer, and a sweetheart. Your tribute to her is absolutely incredible, my friend. How appropriate for such an incredible person.

Happy Birthday, Sarah dear! I'm sure this has blessed you good and brought you deeper into our loving community. I pray you're blessed with many more years of happiness, health and the ability to travel.

Love & Blessing to you both across the miles!
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Hi again, Sally. I am almost caught up. Yay!

    I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from John Ciarmello
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Birthday, Sarah!


She apparently has had and has an interesting life. It goes to show you never know what paths folks take in their lifetimes; sometimes planned sometimes not, but it all becomes part of their shared world. Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Hi again John, i am getting there slow but sure. LOL.

    I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, your creative muse, was certainly awake and on high alert when you wrote this birthday wish. The picture you put together for Sarah is outstanding! The poem is great. I love how you did the "bid" for the grandkids...bridge players will know what you mean.

Sarah is a good writer, friend, and neighbor in my condo building. Happy Birthday, Sarah! Thank you, Debi. Terry.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    Terry I thank you so much for the sweet review and kind comments for Sarah's birthday poem. She was a delight to write for and I can only imagine how much fun she is to have as a neighbor. I think we would have an awesome time. Of course I would have to learn how to play bridge. Hmmm, do you think she'd settle for a good game of 500? Hahaha!

    Thanks also my dear friend for the six stars. I appreciate it so very much!
    Love, Debi
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hearing "Old Rocky Top" brings back fond memories of summers when I was young. She has certainly led a full and varied life. Another wonderfully written birthday tribute youvevwritten. Gretchen

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 27-Nov-2023
    Hi there Gretchen, I too love that song, Rocky Top. You don't have to be a bluegrass lover to love that.

    I thank you for such kind words for Sarah's poem. Each one is so different and so special to me, so it is such a great reward to do these poems. Thanks again, my very dear friend. Love, Debi