Reviews from

Do You Believe In Monsters?

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "The Storms That Haunt Me "
Living with a madman.

27 total reviews 
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
This work has reached the exceptional level

I was an advocate for victims of rape and domestic violence. It's a horrible crime done by evil cowards. I'm sorry you and your mother lived through that hell.

You were just a child and it was not your fault you were not adult able to defend your mom. You did your best.

I deal with my own demands and writing helps.

I get your disappointment with the church. There are true spiritual leaders and others are nothing but charlatans. I'm sorry you and your mom had to go through that... pobrecitos. I send you healing thoughts and love.

Beautiful piece. Perfect in every way. The only thing I suggest is a crisis number. You never know who is going to read it.

National domestic violence hot line. 800-799-7233

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Great idea to add the number! I have learned that the church is run by people who are as flawed as all people are. One of life's lessons. Thank you for the awesome rating. Writing is therapeutic!
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You tell this story is such detail that it leaves me shaking. I know what is must have been like for you. My dad had a horrible temper an he would yell and curse and threaten. As a kid you aren't sure he wouldn't carry out his threats. The worse thing he did other than verbal abuse was to toss Mow's biscuits into the yard or whatever triggered his anger. He had guns and the treatened to use them, but he never did. That didn't stop my fear. There was always next time. Yours is a storm of the worse kind but be glad your didn't go to prison for killing him. Many kids under those circumstance have. That isn't something you want to live with. Well told. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Ha! You are so correct, Beth. He was never worth going to prison over. Still would like to pop him in the nose one time. The contest was just a gateway to my venting. Thank you for your kind, wise, and much appreciated words.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That sort of abuse is too awful for the scales. Mothers should buy guns and teach their sons how to shoot.
What is LEO (career)?
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Law Enforcement Officer. LEO. Some things you never forget. I learned at a young age that people are shitty. Fortunately, there are those who aren't
reply by Wayne Fowler on 10-Sep-2023
    We (wife and I) hate people.
reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    I'd drink to that!
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sad. Our home had like problems but only on paydays as dad, a railroader, like the juice and bawdy friends. Our dog told us when the storm arrived even before he exited the car. He wagged his tail when things were ok but his under the bed if and when the darkness arrived.

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Oh my! My stepfather was a railroader. Retired from Conrail.
reply by Tom Horonzy on 10-Sep-2023
    Mine was on the Pennsy
reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    I am sorry to say that we had shared experiences.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Leaves the reader reeling Douglas. A frightening piece of writing that deserves to win. But you also deserve to leave the nightmares behind. Best wishes, thoughts and prayers to you.

John x

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 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Unfortunately this is an all too common story. This write-up had little to do with the contest. Just used the prompt to unload.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us. I completely understand. I was married to an abuser for almost five years before I was emotionally strong enough to get away. I had to go into hiding for a while because he threatened to kill me if he found me. I was very young and didn't realize this type of men existed. My father was extremely controlling over his daughter, and I never learned how to make choices. Dad did it out of love. He believed he was doing right, by me. He needed to protect his little princess. Anyway, I did get out and a divorce and have been happily married for 46 years next month. You told your story well and good luck with the contest.

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 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Writing this was never about the contest. I am glad you escaped. Back in those days the cops were complicit. After one beating my mom took I heard a cop say "This one?s never going to learn to keep her mouth shut."

    Thank you for the review.

reply by barbara.wilkey on 10-Sep-2023
    That is so true. My first published book, 'Two Tattered Heart' has a lot of my experiences living with that man. I posted it here on FanStory too, under Lonely Hearts Meet.
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

My friend, we share much. I remember calling the police from my neighbor's phone. "It's the -------- girl, again," I head the policeman say rather muffled. Most of the time it was to call a cab so we could leave. (My mother didn't drive back then.)

We finally left Georgia and started over. My mother never fully recovered. Those scars were too deep. I led her to the Lord after years of pleadings. She just couldn't get past him until the end.

A six for your wounds, for they are mine too.

Sending you my best today as always and best wishes for the upcoming contest.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2023
    Thank you! Some things you just never forget. Sorry to hear you came up the hard way as well. Perhaps that is why I like you so much! God does heal all wounds . . .if you let him.
reply by Sally Law on 10-Sep-2023
    You are most welcome!
    God does heal and has healed many. Sinpme are deeper than others and He puts his finger on 'em.