Comment from
A lot of good things happening in this post. First of all, you got the house you wanted. (Imagine buying a house for thirty thousand today!) Poor Don. He sounds very sensitive to me. Humor about Blackie going to someone else's house for dinner. I don't blame Evan for finding him a new home. As for being pregnant, didn't they have birth control pills out by them?
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Comment Written 29-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2023
Thank for a great review. You touched all the highlights. Yes I had been on the birthcontrol pill but the doctor took me off because I was having breakthrough bleeding. We went back to the another way which wasn't fool proof.
Comment from
I truly loved your story, especially like the fact that you got pregnant unexpectedly, and that you were going to have a baby. I was not wanting to have an extra another child after my second child was born, but lo and behold on New Year's morning I got pregnant with my youngest daughter and I am just so thankful to have her. She is such a blessing and I really really love her. Patricia.
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Comment Written 29-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 01-Jul-2023
Thank you Pat. None of my children were exactly planned but I love all of them. The last one is the one who is most fun to be around. She keeps us all laughing.