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Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "Happy Birthday John"
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37 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful.thing to write about John, he's a good man, and quite obviously a very good dad and husband, and a darn good writer too. This is a lovely poem about a lovely man, celebrating his birthday, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Hey Roy, I could use your assistance if you don't mind. After doing the grandma poem a few months ago, I have been asked to do a grandpa poem and I thought the best time to do one should be Father's Day. I am trying to get a feel for what it is that makes some of my favorite men here a good grandpa. What do your grandkids call you and what do you think makes you a good grandpa? I really appreciate it if you could help me with that. Thanks so much for this kind review for John too my dear friend.
reply by royowen on 16-Jun-2023
    Well, it?s a simple formula really, go to all their performances in arts and sporting games, coach them in their chosen sport, small kind gestures, interest in their education, and in my case concern for their spiritual welfare, but graciously and surreptitiously do so. Always tell them God adores them, (as do we) But most of all approve of them always, and be their friend, and support parents, but don?t be their parent. They need us. Hope that helps dear girl, you don?t have to write those things, just hint at them. Bless you
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you Roy! None of these things surprise me. I wouldn't expect any less from you. Thank you so much. One more thing? What do they call you??
reply by royowen on 16-Jun-2023
    Bapa, I think Zack (the eldest grandson) confused it with ?papa? and it stuck, they all call me that. Bless you.
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Awe, I love it! See ya Sunday!
reply by royowen on 16-Jun-2023
    Yep, see you then
Comment from papa55mike
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Now that's a terrific profile of a great writer and father. He's got a good birthday, right before Father's Day. What a wonderfully written poem.

Best of luck with your writing!
Have a great day, and God bless.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Hey Mike, I could use your assistance if you don't mind. After doing the grandma poem a few months ago, I have been asked to do a grandpa poem and I thought the best time to do one should be Father's Day. I am trying to get a feel for what it is that makes some of my favorite men here a good grandpa. What do your grandkids call you and what do you think makes you a good grandpa? I really appreciate it if you could help me with that. Thanks so much for this kind review for John too my dear friend.
Comment from John Ciarmello
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Debi, thank you so much for these beautiful birthday wishes told in your extraordinary poetic way.

I'm honored to be among the folks here to receive one of your poems. I love them all, and thank you for making my day, Debi!

I hope your surgery went well. I'm thinking about you, my friend! Thanks again! Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    I sure appreciate your kind words for the poem for your birthday, enjoy your night out with your boys and girlfriends, Thanks for giving,it a six star

Comment from Lisasview
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great poem...who is this John???
Fun to read......
Not sure if you intended to do this but your spacing between stanzas is not even??
Especially between the 6th and 7t stanza..
I also love the image and happy yellow background you used,

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Oh LIsa you are so perceptive and right. I tried to fix that and for some reason I think it was due to me editing on two different iPads at different times. I may go in and try one more thing. I may change to formatting and see what happens. Lol, I just had eye surgery on Wed, so not catching everything anyway. So thank you my sweet friend. I love when someone isn't afraid to tell us and you are an Angel. Thanks again dear friend.
reply by Lisasview on 16-Jun-2023
    You forgot to tell me who John is???
    I am going to be on the computer a lot for a while because I just had a fall in our garden and broke 3 ribs...Talk about pain...yikes
    And, I read everything carefully. Perhaps because I am an artist I am aware of small things...
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Awe. Lisa you do give me things to ponder. First tho, I have to say I am so sorry for your accident and I just said a little prayer for you and will put you on my prayer list for healing.

    John is one of our fellow writers and a great friend and reviewer. I see that I take it for granted that people who are regulars on here will know, but here is a way to tell if I forget again, (which I am going to make the effort to put in author's notes who it is I am writing about) 90% of the people I do birthday poems or greetings for are members and friends here on FS. Part of the second family here. So have you learned yet how to find a member?
    If not, I would be happy to tell you how to get there. In fact I would be happy to help with any questions, since I went thru the same thing when I got here. And I hated bothering Tom all the time, but am thankful for others who are always willing to help. And that is another reason. I just love doing for others. I do this as a tribute to those who have been my best reviewers as a thank you. Because of my health (lupus, kidney and visual) I don't review as often as I want. So when God led me to FS, because I asked him to let me be a blessing beyond my home, I was amazed as I have been blessed ten fold. So that is why most people are my reviewers and friends. And I have been enjoying you so much too since you have been here, so let me ask when your birthday is? If you don't want to share yet, I understand, but would sure like to at least written it down and maybe someday write a poem for you.
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Awe. Lisa you do give me things to ponder. First tho, I have to say I am so sorry for your accident and I just said a little prayer for you and will put you on my prayer list for healing.

    John is one of our fellow writers and a great friend and reviewer. I see that I take it for granted that people who are regulars on here will know, but here is a way to tell if I forget again, (which I am going to make the effort to put in author's notes who it is I am writing about) 90% of the people I do birthday poems or greetings for are members and friends here on FS. Part of the second family here. So have you learned yet how to find a member?
    If not, I would be happy to tell you how to get there. In fact I would be happy to help with any questions, since I went thru the same thing when I got here. And I hated bothering Tom all the time, but am thankful for others who are always willing to help. And that is another reason. I just love doing for others. I do this as a tribute to those who have been my best reviewers as a thank you. Because of my health (lupus, kidney and visual) I don't review as often as I want. So when God led me to FS, because I asked him every morning in my prayers to let me be a blessing beyond my home, I was amazed as I have been blessed ten fold. So that is why most people are my reviewers and friends. And I have been enjoying you so much too since you have been here, so let me ask when your birthday is? If you don't want to share yet, I understand, but would sure like to at least written it down and maybe someday write a poem for you.
    Please take care of yourself and thanks for your awesome feedback.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! How did you do this right after eye surgery?? And am so happy you got out of JohnC when his birthday was! I had no idea. Thank you for sharing about him and his wonderful family!!

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Hey Helen, I could use your assistance if you don't mind. After doing the grandma poem a few months ago, I have been asked to do a grandpa poem and I thought the best time to do one should be Father's Day. I am trying to get a feel for what it is that makes some men a good grandpa. What do your grandkids call Jay and what do you think makes him a good grandpa? I really appreciate it if you could help me with that. Thanks so much for this kind review for John too my dear friend.
reply by lyenochka on 16-Jun-2023
    How is your eye doing? The other eye will be next week, right?
    Our grands call hubby Saba - that's Hebrew for grandpa.
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Awe, thank you so much Hon! Eye is doing good. Since yesterday's appointment the vision is slowly getting better all the time. Most of my poems that I Will use in the next couple weeks I had started already but I am finding it easier to see already so it is awesome.
    It never was painful. Scratchy and feels like there is something in it, but I had that already and I can see better. Hallelujah! Thank you for the prayers!! Also thanks for the help on my grandpa's poem. I love that you tell where it is originated from. Love ya my sweet Angel!
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a sweet birthday wish for John. Sorry to hear he has hurt his neck. I'll be praying for his recovery. Thanks for the gift you give in remembering all these birthdays. You used great rhymes in this one.
Praying for your surgery and a good recovery. Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    HiCarol, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    HiCarol, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    HiCarol, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    HiCarol, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    HiCarol, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Sorry abou.t it coming thru so many times but it worldn't save
reply by Carol Clark2 on 18-Jun-2023
    I hate it when that happens! LOL! Sorry the technology gave you such grief.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

John, I love to rub it in with my friends who still get up and trudge off to work each morning too!

John was an early friend here on FS - I enjoy his work (especially his raw poetry) and he's one of my favorite people here!

Happy birthday, John! And thanks to Debi for bringing us up to date on one of our favorites:-)


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hey Pam, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!.'
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

These are so fun to read. Each one is unique and very personal. I enjoy everyone's birthday poem. Once again you have shown your love with a poem. Thanks for sharing. Gretchen

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hi Gretchen,
    I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How ever are you managing to post with eye surgery just a day or two behind you? (Proof again that you are a super-woman)

I think John C. is the cat's meow. The bees knees. His writing is exceptional, his reviews are always helpful, and his FS friendship is a treasure.

I thank you for recognizing his birthday and for directing more and more of us to drop him a line and encourage him as he heals!

How are YOU doing, Debi?


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2023
    Hey sweet Pea, I appreciate all your kind words for John and his poem. Thanks so much my dear friend!
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, another great birthday poem for our FanStory friend and excellent writer, John C. I know he has been laid up a bit recently but he appears to be on the mend. Well done! Terry.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thanks so much Terry. I didn't realize but that stanza that told about John's neck must not have saved when my ipad ran out of battery power. (it only warned me twice) lol... So I did go in to tell people that he wouldn't be reviewing because of his neck.
    Thanks for the great review and kind comments my dear friend.