Reviews from

Self-Fulfilling Recollection

Retrospective tweak to the memory banks

33 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How fascinating, Chuck is a one incredible man, an anaphylactic attack wouldn't exactly be a stroll in the park, but I guess he isn't that insensitive after all, when Lauren came down with the Covid infection, well done my friend, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
reply by royowen on 12-Nov-2021
    Wow, that?s a long way off
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Ha! The mind is a mighty thing. One of the most important things I have ever learned- in dealing with my kids and even myself is understanding that perception is everything.

Perception = Reality. Even when it doesn*t. Our minds remember things in certain ways. It can get interesting. When the whole family*s here and reflecting on certain past moments...? Yeah. Cra-ZEE.

Thank you!

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
Comment from Senyai
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Liz,

Hahahaha...and Chuck hasn't caught Corona and has gone silent on bashing the vax :))

That will do the trick every time as he skirts past the incubation period CoVid free.

Great stuff, Liz!


 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
reply by Senyai on 12-Nov-2021
    Yes, I am getting a booster soon, too. I heard talk even more protection was achieved with the booster if there was cross vaccinating. If your first shot was Pfizer, say then getting the Moderna or J&J booster would provide better protection. Not sure if this even holds water but there has been ?talk?. But we know how that goes.
reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Intriguing! I just googled it.
Comment from Jumbo J
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Liz,
I was pretty much chuckling for a while there with Chuck and your take on him, until I read how your daughter, Lauren had the virus, Then I snapped out of the smiling and got all serious.. didn't see that one coming!(Hope Lauren is alright!)

With so many theories, conspiracies, information(too much) at times... it's not very hard for those with anxiety conditions to visualise and manifest the worst. (Mostly the things they would be most scared of happening to them.) Gotta admit, I get anxiety about the throat and any breathing difficulties, that and tight spaces... and in saying that, I'm sure there are a few others I could go into if I dared thought about it... nah!

I enjoyed this story, the way it is written and the personal way you include your readers into the room, and conversation with you.

Well written Liz... stinkin' Covid!

With our thoughts we create...
demons from the deep.

Kind regards,

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks James--nice to see you again!

    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
reply by Jumbo J on 12-Nov-2021
    Wow... 11/22. I've got my second shot coming up last this month. Can't even think past this year as yet... but I'll see how things go. Too much fear, division and emotional blackmail being spread through every medium possible... Guess that's how you divide and conquer?
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Poor Chuck. Retroactive anaphylaxis by proxy? Interesting side effect!

I remember when I got the first shot they had me on 30 minutes of "close observation" because I'm allergic to shellfish.

(No, no shellfish in the vaccine....who knows the logic?).

Anyway...because I'm a shrew I conducted my own mass hysteria experiment.

I turned to my fellow prisoners of observation...furrowed my brow...frowned...and said "Right as I got the shot I got the taste of copper in MY mouth!"
(Lies....all lies....)

I then sat holding my hand on my throat and watched the clock. It took ten seconds before one in the group said he, too, felt like he waa "sucking on a penny"

--- twenty seconds I had four who " develop-ed" this side effect...

Within one minute all but two in my madcap adventure of arudting mass hysteria --were signed on to my "imaginary" symptom.

The two who were not "affected" happily sat there signing to one another. They were deaf...

A not so good time was had by all!

I could not resitst... As I got up to leave I said "I was only joking about that copper taste thing."


Odd! They did not find me amusing!



 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2021
reply by karenina on 10-Nov-2021
    I would...wair! I did! Right here in this review!


reply by the author on 10-Nov-2021
    Seriously! Post it now, whilst you can sort of use your hands. Think of the fun you'll have reading the reviews when you wake up.
reply by karenina on 10-Nov-2021
    True...or else I'd be drawn and quartered...and given that I'm not sure how I'll be feeling I'm not sure I would be up to that! (Groan)

Comment from Melodie Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent story my friend! Well written and well thought out as well as the characters interacting nicely together;-) The storyline was interesting!

Thanxxx for sharing and may God bless you and your family;-)

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You did a great job with this interesting story. Liz. was chuck just trying to get more attention? I understand he has that fiberphobia, but what about the other of the story he concocted? How's everyone doing00lauran, you, and ???
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22. You've probably read my updates by now.
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, there's a lot going on here, with Chuck. I'm glad that Chuck didn't actually suffer from the anaphylaxis that he later thought he had experienced! My husband's brother also lives in a facility -- I don't know if it's considered "assisted living," but it is a group home. Chuck is considerate, to back off on his diatribes, while Lauren's going through symptoms of Covid-19.
What was going on with his rash? If it was "maddening," it sounds significant, but it doesn't sound like it was definitively linked to the vaccination. I'm happy for him that, whatever its cause, it finally disappeared.
I hope Lauren's feeling better.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 14-Nov-2021
    You're very welcome, Liz. Yes, I know there are "breakthrough cases." I understand your caution, especially having a daughter who's immunocompromised. Still pulling for Lauren! Love, Mary Kay xoxo
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Poor Chuck. Yes, a strange set of phobias, and it sounds like he can convince himself fairly well of non-existent reactions or exaggerated problems. Just as well he had the vaccine if he took Lauren to her appointment. Hopefully if he does get it then it will be fairly mild. What about you? Any signs or symptoms?

Typos: Notwithstanding that (he) has no history .... "he" is missing.
A (An) hour's drive ...

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Some people presume something is likely to happen to them, and it seems like they make sure it does. Maybe it's imagination working overtime. I didn't have any problem when I got the shots. I didn't even have a fever afterwards. They have those who'd just received them wait around for about 12 minutes to see if any problems arose. If you expect the worst to happen, it surely will. This is excellent, as it serves as an example of why some people are avoiding the vaccine. judi

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2021
    Thanks for your good wishes! Vaccinated people also get corona--the delta variant is nasty. Regardless, I'll be getting my booster ASAP--earliest appointment I could get is 11/22.
reply by judiverse on 12-Nov-2021
    I think it's best to be on the safe side. My husband's getting his booster today. judi