Reviews from

The Ugly Dog Toy

Daisy get a toy she hates

19 total reviews 
Comment from Sugarray77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, Rox, Happy New Year!! I really like your story about the doggie toy. The dialogue was cute and carried this tale along beautifully. Well done on creating good excuses as part of the plot.

All the best,


 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
    Happy New Year!
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, Ro, I enjoyed your doggie tail. Good job with the prompt. Your story flows well with great dialogue. I know. Dogs can and do talk. I like the message about Christmas, too. One doesn't have to receive a gift from the one s/he gives a gift. That is a great attitude. And in this case it worked for all. Thanks for sharing. Jan

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written story about the ugly toy that even the friendliest dog doesn' t want to keep and play with it forever and finds the first doggie friend to give it to.


 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
    Happy New Year!
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very cute story Roxy. We have a dog named Fred who is that dynamic and I can see him doing all that just as clear as day! Thanks for starting my day with a smile. Dogs have feelings too don't they Rox. Well done, Nancy:)

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}.Glad you enjoyed it. Dogs can be so much like kids. =} Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


hahahaha! Favorite lines in the whole piece - 'It goes way back to when we were wolves. The head wolf would give the cow leg he got from his wife to his best friend.'

That is awesome! Love your sense of humor!

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this hilarious tale, I thought at the climax of the story that Daisy was being the perfect Saint, but alas and alack this is not the case, an excellent post and a well laid plot, characters and creative, well done, blessings, Roy
Typo :"Okay. Daisy girl, this one(')s for you."

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
reply by royowen on 03-Jan-2019
    Well done Rox
Comment from Shirley E Kennedy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Roxanna,
What a creative mind you have.
I understand how Daisy felt- being gifted something you have no use for and don't really need is hard. Gratitude can sometimes seem ill placed.
I'm sure she was just being friendly and sharing-after all she did make Sam's life brighter.

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
reply by Shirley E Kennedy on 03-Jan-2019
    Be sure to take time for yourself as well.
    I understand as I'm a long way behind in replies as well.
Comment from C. Gale Burnett
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such a cute story!
You write super well, using dialog; it was easy to follow.
I love the characters Daisy Terrier and Sam Bulldog :) Enjoyed Daisy's reasoning for losing the 'ugly toy'. Very creative!
Great job!

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 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
reply by C. Gale Burnett on 03-Jan-2019
    No worries at all. My job, too, has worn me out. I think we both need rest and muse time :)
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could actually see that happening, lol, dogs and cats are very picky, and if they don't want something, they know just how to get rid of it. This dog is way too clever for his human mum! lol! Well done, my friend, this is real fun story, :)) Sandra xx

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 Comment Written 01-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thanks so much. It was very fun to write. =}. Sorry I'm so late in responding. I have been so tired, my job is killing me. =( Rox
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 03-Jan-2019
    What on earth do you do? You take care!! xxxx
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2019
    I work for a non-profit missionary org. These last 2 months are very busy as so many Christmas gifts come in for the members. People who give once a year. That woudn't be so bad, but we have a new computer program that has so many bugs I want to scream. It is taking forever to get anything done. I think I'm wore out from being so frustrated all the time. It has been better the past few days, but it's kinda late now. I'm very happy so much comes in for our members, but if the computer would just work right! I stayed home today, I'm so dead and don't feel too wonderful. So I am being lazy for a while. We are getting new floors next week so have to clean out the rooms, so much like packing. So will start that tomorrow. They come Thursday. Have a good weekend dear.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 04-Jan-2019
    Aw, Rox, you must take care, you'll be no good to anyone if you make yourself ill. You've done such a lot already, a bit of a break will do you good and be better for the people you are helping. Sending you
    bit hugs, my friend. xxxx
reply by the author on 04-Jan-2019
    Thank you friend. =}