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Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "Linked Tanka (Mom's letter to us)"
A collection of Japanese poetry

28 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It seems this mother saved her children form abuse before she died by poisoning dinner and warning the children not to eat it. But now the children will be orphans.

Keep writing and collaborating.


 Comment Written 10-May-2017

reply by the author on 10-May-2017
    Yes, sometimes is better to be orphan than to live with an abusive father. Thank you very much for reading my poem. Your kindness is appreciated, my friend.

reply by dragonpoet on 10-May-2017
    No problem.

Comment from Rasmine
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Cool! I love horror. Good poem. I hope the mother didn't eat the stew, though. Well, we will all find out!
Gypsy, I will probably pop into the club sometime, but I don't know when. Last night I had an emergency with my cat again, then when she was all set I watched Ghost Whisperer until I was too tired to stay awake. I missed all of one episode.

 Comment Written 10-May-2017

reply by the author on 10-May-2017
    Okay, Rasmine. Douglas and I may be at the club early afternoon. Thank you very much for reading my poem. Your kindness is appreciated, my friend.

Comment from Sis Cat
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am so glad you posted so I can award you my last six star review for the week for your renga collaboration with Hitcher. I remember the joy and the challenge I had writing Atomic Renga with Dean. Your passion and craft show in your poem. It is filled with drama, murder, and mayhem. Of course, Mom warns the children not to eat supper because she poisoned it with arsenic to kill her husband. I enjoy your haiku portion because it is fresh and creates a picture and a mood.

Thank you very much for sharing your project. It thrilled me to give you my last six star review of a week. You are a talented poet and a compassionate person.

 Comment Written 10-May-2017

reply by the author on 10-May-2017
    Thank you, honey, it is always good to hear from you and read your insightful and kind words. Thank you for the six stars. :)

Comment from DR DIP
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And here's me thinking a renga is a person with red hair! or is that ranga.?
There's is a bit of reading between the lines here. Is pa out to poison them Or are they poising Pa who is obviously violent toward them or mentally abuses them many scenarios in just 3 lines


 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Thank you very much for the review.

Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Gypsy
How interesting between you Hitcher taking turns to write a continuous that looks like a drastic story in
Renga a genre of Japanese collaborative poetry.


 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Thank you very much for the review.

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I knew it, I just KNEW IT!
Momma slipped a mickey in on Poppa and poisoned his supper.
Well, you know what they often say?
One; if you can't stand the heat stay outta the kitchen, and, two:
"Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorned."
~ William Congreve.
Nicely done (so sorry I'm all out of sixes!)
~Dean  photo Crow on skull emo_zpssszo9uda.jpg

 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Thank you very much for the review and kind words, Dean.

reply by Dean Kuch on 09-May-2017
    You're very welcome. :)
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Gypsy,

I liked your short little poem. You are great at writing all kinds of things.
I have a terrible time writing. I don't remember what things I've written
and I may write them over again. I guess I'll have to leave here.


 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Thank you very much for the review.

reply by MizKat on 10-May-2017
    You're very welcome. Kat
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is clever and I have enjoyed watching you two come up with this distinctive and meaningful poem. *smile* Y'all are doing a great job.

The only renga, though, that I know, has rules to be followed. Have you read about that? I'm providing the following link for some info...


 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Yeah, traditional renga has very strict rules, what we are writing is more like linked tanka. Thank you for reading.

reply by robyn corum on 10-May-2017
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have read the others and this is an excellent addition to the pieces already done. With her dead on the floor and him poisoned with the stew, now they live if they don't eat supper

 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    Thank you very much for the kind review.

Comment from apky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mom's letter to us
was brief, "Don't eat supper!"
Pa won't touch us again

~ well, I need a little educating here, kids.
Who'll start: Gypsy or Hitcher?


 Comment Written 09-May-2017

reply by the author on 09-May-2017
    I started. I write three lines and Hitcher follows with two and I follow him with three... and on and on. Thank you very much for the kind review.
