Reviews from

We Are Proud Canadians

a poem in honour of our 150 years as a country

34 total reviews 
Comment from Unspoken94
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a winner. Beautifully written with
excellent pace for such long poem. Very
consistent and unforced. It's interesting
that your immigration and people crossing
into Canada is at a record pace. Thank you
for not considering a wall. -Bill

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Oh Bill, thank YOU for honoring a poem I am very proud of, about a country I love deeply. We would NEVER consider a wall - at least the majority of Canadians wouldn't - in fact, most are outright shocked at the few who have recently committed hate crimes (unlike violent ones, however, most are just spewing vile things or writing on temples, and so on). Nope, I think most Canadians are extremely proud that we are a multicultural country. I know MY ancestors were pioneers, but still 'from away'. *smile*

    Again, my deepest gratitude for your generous rating and wonderful comments - yes, I think the recent election results in your country have a lot to do with our population increase, don't you? (*silly grin*)

Comment from pharp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is yet another great poem you have penned, love of country... 150 years. I enjoyed the read throughout, excellent rhyming, meter and very smooth flow and thanks for the great lesson of your culture. Thanks for sharing. Blessings...Portia

 Comment Written 25-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much, Portia! God bless you too!
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was charmed by the splash of color on the stallion's muzzle and your video glimpses. Maybe, this it the year to ride the rails in Canada! Your proud poem and 150 years of history certainly make me want to return to "soak up your syrup"! I thoroughly enjoyed your rhymed couplets in these rhythmic quatrains. Thanks for the invitation and for being "peacekeepers". Big cheers- Joan

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    :)) Thank you so much, Joan! Big cheers to you, too, and I hope you DO decide to visit.
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fine poem of justifiable national pride. I used to enjoy the friendly welcome of the Newfies on many occasions whilst in the RAF, staging through the airbase at Gander and also remember fondly a fortnight's detachment with a Canadian squadron at Edmonton in Alberta. I have rarely experienced such generosity - or such hangovers! You have managed to squeeze pretty well all of Canada's icons into this poem of yours. A happy sesquicentennial to you all!

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    :)) What wonderful compliments, Tony. (Yes, Canadian beer is stronger than American beer I'm told - what about Australia's?)

    Nope - I haven't even come close to include all of the icons, but it's a start, and some of them are little-known facts (like the scorpion spiders. In southern Saskatchewan there really is an area of about a 200-mile radius that was left untouched by the ice age. The fauna is found nowhere else, and scorpions thrive - even most Canadians aren't aware of this, but I took several trips across Canada.) One was six weeks long, 'off the beaten track', exploring. (I was a rock hound back then, and had a collection to rival many museums! *smile*) I traded and mined along the way - even had a dinosaur hip bone full of beautiful crystals inside it at one was only about eight months later that a university student made a huge discovery right around the area I'd been in, too! Petrified wood and jade from British Columbia, agates from Manitoba - it was quite a list, and a wonderful trip. :)
Comment from frogbook
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very nice poem showing love of country as well as being kind enough to take us on the journey with you. Interesting journey covering everything from land to spiders to the kindness of the people. Well done.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 24-Mar-2017
    Thanks, frogbook. Glad you thought it was nice. :)
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I just love this - such a deep, meaningful poem, Dawn -
written by a proud Canadian - 150 yrs - might that's
quite young in a way - (but then parts of America that
we visited was only 50yrs old) - your words flow
beautifully - the whole most impressive.

Sorry I haven't a six it deserves, my friend.


 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much, my friend, and you know your virtual is as good as the real thing to me!
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's wonderful Dawn. Congratulations to our good neighbors to the north. We share a beautiful continent and lots of good will. Great poem praising your wonderful country. Well done Dawn. Nancy

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much, Nancy.
Comment from Mitchell Brontė
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful poem about Canada's upcoming birthday.
Such a wonderful Country and a place I would really love to visit and your fantastic words have done your Country proud.
Have a lovely day

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you very much - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I may have been born in Washington State, but all my relatives, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins...well you get the idea...are Canadian. I spent a third of my live living in Canada so I understand and feel your pride. 150 years, you are still a child and have so much growing to do. I love Canada and am proud to be a descendant. Beautiful poem with excellent rhythm and rhyme. Lovely videos too.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Oh Sasha, what a wonderful review! Thank you!
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderful tribute to Canada from a proud Canadian. I like all the examples of Canadian culture. It's very informative. The piece flows well and I like the rhyme scheme. I admit it, you make it sound inviting to visit Canada. I don't have travel plans in my future, but that may change, as life has a way of being unpredictable. Congratulations on 150 years! You have good cause to be proud to be Canadian. I like their social services better than the USA. And, I like how they stay peaceful when all around them are at war. Thank you for the lesson on Canada. Well written and enjoyable to read.
Take care, Jesse

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you for this wonderful review, my friend. I hope you do visit some day! I'm sure you'd love it. :))
reply by Jesse James Doty on 25-Mar-2017
    I'm sure I'd love it, too. You're sincerely welcome for the review. I enjoyed your piece immensely.
reply by the author on 25-Mar-2017
    Thank you!