The Mirror of God's Word
...revelation of God's word lies ahead15 total reviews
Comment from valmay
The writer states his or her message in verse in a concise and readable poem. I thought embedded in my head didn't quite fit in with the reflection.
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reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
The writer states his or her message in verse in a concise and readable poem. I thought embedded in my head didn't quite fit in with the reflection.
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Comment Written 10-Nov-2016
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
Thanks so much for your very kind and honest review, since you don't think embedded fits, can you give me some suggestions to make it a better read any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Blessings................Portia
I see you have changed it and I much prefer made know. It goes more with the external revelation, which was what I thought the poem and reflection were expressing. Embedded sounded fixed. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks again for your honest and kind review. Blessings....................
Comment from Lu Saluna
A very strongly worded spiritual writing for the contest entry. Surely a message to help keep wandering souls on the straight and narrow path.
The contest doesn't call for specific structure but I noted most of the lines are eight syllables and if they were all eight, and a couple of carefully placed commas for pacing, the poem would have a lighter bounce to it.
Best of luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
A very strongly worded spiritual writing for the contest entry. Surely a message to help keep wandering souls on the straight and narrow path.
The contest doesn't call for specific structure but I noted most of the lines are eight syllables and if they were all eight, and a couple of carefully placed commas for pacing, the poem would have a lighter bounce to it.
Best of luck in the contest.
Comment Written 09-Nov-2016
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
Thanks so much for your honest and kind review. I was trying hard to keep it within the eight syllable count and to be honest, I usually always put the commas where they should not be. I will go over it again and see if I can get that syllable count to eight in every line. Thanks so much for your feedback. Blessings..............Portia
oh, I didn't realize it was yours Portia, being a contest entry it was blind. I am always happy to help out. best wishes.
oops. I forgot it was a blind entry.
It's okay, I had a feeling it was yours, I am beginning to recognize your style. ;-)
Comment from jusylee72
intereting take on the mirror contest. To see yourself in the ideas and reflections of a religion or belief. I enjoyed this picture and wish you the very best in this contest.
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
intereting take on the mirror contest. To see yourself in the ideas and reflections of a religion or belief. I enjoyed this picture and wish you the very best in this contest.
Comment Written 09-Nov-2016
reply by the author on 10-Nov-2016
Thank you for your review and comments, they are greatly appreciated. Blessings.....Portia
Comment from Mustang Patty
Such a meaningful poem for today! It doesn't matter what happened in this election. As long as you are saved, these earthly matters are nothing compared to His love.
Thank you for sharing. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2016
Such a meaningful poem for today! It doesn't matter what happened in this election. As long as you are saved, these earthly matters are nothing compared to His love.
Thank you for sharing. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 09-Nov-2016
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2016
Thank you for your review, very kind comments and best wishes, they are greatly appreciated. Blessings.......
Comment from Justin Yhoung
This poem is very passionate. The writer/author clearly has a sense of what's right, and has a book of Truth to prove it. Keep on preaching!
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reply by the author on 09-Nov-2016
This poem is very passionate. The writer/author clearly has a sense of what's right, and has a book of Truth to prove it. Keep on preaching!
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Comment Written 09-Nov-2016
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2016
Thanks so much for your review and very kind comments, they are greatly appreciated. Blessings..................